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 Nov 2012 Tru Baker
 Nov 2012 Tru Baker
I think you

Wanted to forget so


That you

Needed to

Forget yourself

And you cut

All those white lines

And spoke

All of those white lies

And I was too weak

To be your escape

And I think you

Would have sliced open your skin

And crushed your bones

To white powder

If you could

And I think I loved you

So much that

I would have too
 Nov 2012 Tru Baker
Don't let go tonight.
I'm not.
This won't slip from me,
the thing I answer with when asked,
"What do you love most in the world?"
This is it, when the lights are shining and I am not me
I am not anyone
I am just something to make you smile.
I can't really narrow that question down,
but I blurted my answer
and the room didn't know if it was right.
It's dance.
But sometimes, I dance for you.

Today I was thinking
if you see things you hate in my eyes-
I couldn't help but think of your goodbye.
In a parallel universe, maybe that's all you ever do is say goodbye to me.
 Nov 2012 Tru Baker
Dustin Lanham
He grabbed a brush and painted the sky.
He painted it broad, He painted it wide.
From a stroke of white He created the clouds,
Then splashed in birds to fill it with sound.
With precision and class He painted the grass,
Covered in dew to make it last.
Happy with that, He moved on to the trees;
The trunks so tall with their branches of leaves.
He poured on oceans, rivers, and streams,
And took extra effort on the sun, it seems.
That fiery ball that makes the day so bright,
And the pearly moon to light the sky at night.
But then with an unfortunate turn of luck,
He spilled on a sickening poisonous muck.
It manifested across the land,
the error of God-
The creation of man.
 Oct 2012 Tru Baker
need sleep, will

— The End —