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Tristan Claude Oct 2011
The warmth of her voice touched me like the hand of Juliet, and burn't me like her poisoned breath,
So who am I to give her lies, to take this terror away,
She's got poison and I'll drink my life away, a sip, a bottle, or a lake of drowning truth,
I've got my feet tied to bricks and I've been walking for years, it's above my head,
And this ocean just keeps adding pressure, where is this plain sun that leaves the shadows,
I could say goodbye, and wonder if you'd respond, like a shark to blood, or a tree to a simple breeze,
These ropes are like the sharpest blades, digging in and scraping off these uneventful thoughts,
And maybe a goodbye is out of place, just like these bricks under water,
When maybe in a few days, you'll see a pair of eyes mixed up with fish, a catch that wasn't caught.
Tristan Claude Oct 2011
I will be kept a dreamer,
With the thoughts of you, like the midnight stars,
Sail along to the city sounds,
And as the light of your smile rises,
Like the sun upon the horizon,
My inhibitions will be blinded,

Lust and love meet with kind greeting,
A kiss to each cheek with coffee and mint breath,
Longing is the mist upon the lake that is my heart,
Full of early morning thoughts and dried up tears,
Salt as ocean waves, from dreams forgoten,
You poison me with a heart beat that is the city night,

I am what whithered trees talk about in passing,
Of what they have seen and adore to see,
A kiss of bitter sweetness, graceful as my lips bleed adoration,
In the fairest of my thoughts, you dance upon my words,
And if my hands were not so far away, my mind in a shallow pool,
They would be showing what I wish the doves I send could show,

My voice but faulty strings, that pray you listen kindly,
If you stayed so close, so I may hear your breath,
Your thorns would be nothing but gracious reminders,
Of beauty akin to scarllett roses,
I would tell upon those lips,
These million dreams in nightmares shaking hand.
Tristan Claude Oct 2011
As tears shed from the angels that live among us,
Take me as I am, with sorrows that drag along like rabid dogs wanting more,
She and her death goodbyes, I have been dragged down by lungs that can not breathe, my voice wilts, like roses that are beautiful dead or alive,
Without hellos those silent goodbyes could be your last,
These silent hearts slip like the windy gasps from under your breath,
As a blade or a word slipping across this barely covered mind,
My veins walk with passion and leak with seeping sadness,
I try for words but your beauty that wraps itself around my heart tears at the best,
It sinks into the folds of clean sheets, not dirtied by blood and horror,
And threatens the supports of my mind held together as a castle of cards,
Who am I, and who are these nightmares for, the death of love,
And why you left, as we flew you broke my wings and left the skies,
In the sinking words of darkness I found my self with worms and spiders,
Of webs and dirt, woven into broken stories that the gladdest people don’t hear,
Handcuffs of silence cut me apart like a noose of steal wire,
Who is to listen, of minds so silent with so much, and so little heard,
The crows crowd the trees near as if I have died,
And fill others evermore as if you and her have too,
With shadows all about me I feel the need to take them for myself,
Could you save my everything that is only a fist in size,
The beats, and the blood, if it needed words to sooth it’s raging rapids,
Breaths slip, upon ice that is the silence from everything,
I am a lost inspiration, thought forgotten,
Of a song set among the machines of cords and monotonous beeps.
Tristan Claude Oct 2011
I thought you were beautiful,
With eyes that melt me, forest greens and browns,
My thoughts like clouds, don't know where they go, but they go,
And dissapear into magestic sunsets, the colors of blush,
If a mirror saw it's reflection, would it be embarressed,
I've danced with the thought of being here or not,
And she doesn't have the fanciest footwork, this thought,
Or hear the music very well, but she leads,
She leads me so much more than I lead her,
I thought you were beautiful,
It was leaves like those green leaves,
From green to yellow, and down to scarlet red,
My heart forgets to think, as a pianist forgets their place,
And it's melody slows, as your breath breaks the edges,
A sonata, with written letters to oppose it,
I love to travel, from feet to eyes and ears,
Adore, the hills and valleys,
The lips of local songs,
A neck of paradise, wrapped up in anaconda whispers there to stay,
If your smile was a lie, I'd worship treason,
And live for lies,
If goodbyes were hellos, I'd always want you gone,
And if staying means cold and winter winds,
I'll fall, and I'll autumn and I'll never spring to summers heart.
Tristan Claude Mar 2011
You walked into my life for a moment,
Oh, but only a moment,
And what's the pain?
That comes after a simple moment,
Look you in the eyes,
Glistening a reflection,
Of an empty hearted reality,
Just a moment full of glances,
And I can keep thinking out loud,
Or screaming in my mind,
Oh why oh why, couldn't I,
Say a simple, hi hello or hey,
Just glances, and I'm kept,
Thinking about what comes,
For you in the next sunrise,
Crawling on the horizon,
Tears I wish I could kiss away?
Frowns I wish I could flip, any day,
And the way your parents treat you,
And why you wear your make-up the way you do,
Glances and moments,
And the things we wish we never missed,
A drive in movie,
A cup of tea,
An e mail,
A letter,
A wonderful night,
And but kisses never had,
These moments, these glances,
Are at least moments,
So I will let them be,
Shed a tear,
And hope you get to see,
Marvelous reality.
Tristan Claude Aug 2010
A smile,
So simple smile,
Keeps me happy,
For such a kind while,
Just a smile,
So much of a smile,
And barely simple words,
Sometimes so far away,
Keep me here to stay.
Tristan Claude Aug 2010
You make me smile with the rain,
As it glistens like your eyes,
You are a New York paradise,
With your hips, moving with the sounds of music and voice,
Delicate chocolate and bitter sweet,
Americano coffee with caramel, you keep me awake,
How wonderful, like a revolution,
Love, will make the warrior weep,
Bitter sweet dusk and dawn,
Dead lilacs by the road,
Variety is the spice of life,
And so many are dying,
You make my knees bleed,
And my hips die of greed,
There is no comfort,
When you walked away.
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