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New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
emily webb
i am sick of rhyming iambic meter. also, no one wants to hear about how much your life sucks in abab end rhyme verse. also …
31/M/Hell    Welcome to my diary.
She said: "You're the most expressive person I've ever met." And I think I can live with that.
Jon Tobias
San Diego    Jon Tobias is a sucker for love poems and romanticizes everything. He doesn't mean to, but it's what he does.
JJ Hutton
Colorado Springs, CO, USA    freelancing the night away follow me on the twitters: @joshuajhutton
KM Jones
I write because I am overwhelmed by beauty in the world. I write because I am jealous and want all the beauty to myself. I …
Gabrielle F
I am a writer and artist from Winnipeg Manitoba. I am the co-founder and editor of a quarterly art and literary journal entitled rip/torn magazine. …

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