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mossy          semblances
of childhood softening

growth    a reverie

nervure crisps of windfall brown
scent          autumnal         stillness
in the gather-warmth, beading
      sweater gems of sweat--

thorns recur in green
as spiraled lusts evanesce;
bright        helix         rising
I told myself I could walk to the moon once
As if breathing was never an obstacle
? I wonder if they serve coffee & donuts
And giving a piece the title of Untitled is still a title
Liquid courage comes best on the rocks
But she stares at me with a subtle smirk and a twinkle in her eyes
I did shower today-I deserve this attention
The air conditionar always breaks when it's in most need
And Tecate tastes great during a hangover
People believe what you tell them,
I've got to stop talking to the mirror
 Feb 2014 Trent Haller
I'd like to know how the world goes round
Through your beautiful eyes
To share your loves
And your cares,
Your passion,
Your joy,
What makes you smile, dear?
I'd like to watch you as you chase your dreams
I'll catch your nightmares
Put 'em in a jar
Never to allow 'em to  haunt you down.
I'd like to share my strength
For you to have your hearts desires
If you'd trek the highest mountain
Or the deepest cave
I want to go with you
So if you faint and seems hopeless
I'll be that someone to cheer you up
I'll be your best mate --
Your soul mate --
I'll help you trek this life
You can soar like eagle
I'll mend your broken wings
You can swim
In the depths of the ocean
I'll be the mermaid waiting for you
Down there.
Just one thing I ask of you,
Let me see the world the way you see it
Cause I'd love to see you catch your dreams
I'd like to hear your stories unheard
I'd like to fall in love
With the most beautiful creature,
The truest you.
blow my metaphorical spit back down to the abyss and sip this smiff,
while looking down with faculty on the minds of all you un-magical rip twisting ***** without the audacity to think outside this bourgeois economy b

so here's you inauguration to mee see
my mind flows quicker than the water in your fall with my lucidity and my space breaking- renaissance invigorating- hip hop aristocratic mind bubbling piece of that cake that aint never leaving crumbs on your face
Hark! Now everything is still,
The screech-owl and the whistler shrill,
Call upon our dame aloud,
And bid her quickly don her shroud!

Much you had of land and rent;
Your length in clay ’s now competent:
A long war disturb’d your mind;
Here your perfect peace is sign’d.

Of what is ‘t fools make such vain keeping?
Sin their conception, their birth weeping,
Their life a general mist of error,
Their death a hideous storm of terror.
Strew your hair with powders sweet,
Don clean linen, bathe your feet,

And—the foul fiend more to check—
A crucifix let bless your neck:
’Tis now full tide ‘tween night and day;
End your groan and come away.
 Feb 2014 Trent Haller
sometimes i can feel you growing,
just to be clear i'm speaking figuratively, not literally.
i can see your tanned skin, and light doe-eyes that reflect the sun with a whim of adventure.
your cute round face has me guessing you have yet to start learning to count,
my beautiful baby girl.
when you join me years from now i'll build you up like a mountain.
i'm going to make you everything i wasn't,
i'm going to read and achieve and help bring you up to be you,
you'll be the best you can be.
smiling at your failures rather than weeping,
you'll be strong willed with the confidence to let people know it.
the most important thing i'l teach you is love.
you'll grow and grow and grow filling your head and heart with amore.
love for yourself because you are YOU and you are BEAUTIFUL.
love for people of all sorts because we all matter and deserve it.
love for your heart and your mind,
although they'll often conflict you will have the confidence in your choices and decisions to achieve greatness.
you'll probably end up with some of my weaknesses, as i did, as we all do.
for this, i am sorry.
yet i'm not sorry enough to really mean it because weaknesses don't make you weak,
they make you human.
you my baby girl will grow into a beautiful one in more ways than you can count.
you'll be intelligent because you will be filled with passion and love.
you will be beautiful physically because YOU know you are,
and i know you will be.
you will be respectful and helpful because you'll have understanding,
that my dear is because you were born to be loved,
and love with empower you to be all of those things.
The wave reached its peak. Curling,
it crashed upon The Black Stone.

We sat—legs dangling off walls edge—watching.

The whispering waves spoke their prophetic secrets,
and we saw ourselves reflected in the pool.
Clearer during high tide but ever-present nonetheless
when the sea was low, wet sand slightly exposed.
I'm snoozing my best in the morning
Along about sun up,
When I hear someone a-callin'
Wake up, it's time to get up,
I lay there stretching and yawning
So nice to stay in bed,
I see the Sun is shining
Over the back woodshed,
Crawling from under the covers
Cheeks so nice and cool,
When the Sun gets over the chickenhouse
It's time to go to school,
Then sometimes
After I am up out of bed,
The moon comes over
The same woodshed,
If I'm still
And quiet as a mouse,
I'm asleep before it reaches
The old tinhouse.

August 2, 1963
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