we say we create our experience so now take a chance raise the big dream out of hiding nourish well with expectant desire let it grow transforming beyond known imagining what we did not see was ours all along
We only recognize that which we conceive and believe
cycling and recycling devotion to remotion a spiral past a comfort blast well known save our rewriting yet here we tumble on to spiral all unknown fresh emotions rising potent and enlivening
Thanks to Maria, for permission to use this word "remotion", from her poem Intervening Space.
You stand before the cutting board, excited appetite juices flowing in your mouth and in the tender meat. Hungry man, do turn your gaze Devour me too !
Edited repost,from Sept,12. Just to add some balance or diversion to the vegan/carnivore theme.
No slur, hear the pride I was Mother Warrior fighting for my charge, my child. If I had not so much to learn, the path would have been other than playground of victory and loss. Adult now, evolving still aging scars and complex psyche stories of bright riches savored but do those boots still have a use ?
must conjure as I dance gently on clear flexing line that step by step appears from current root of choice believing it supports my mass imbalanced it may be with doubt that's cast away yet grasped again forever seeking moving balance this ~ now ~ attend or abandon to free fall