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tread Jun 2013
perhaps we all want
what we don't have-
I, for example, despite
the frayed nerves of
anxiety defeated to
depression and beaten
to a cynic- am in love
with optimism. will still
kiss those shiny pictures
sun day dust rays with
taste. you- the stability,
the happy, the I-would-
live-forever--- revel in
the aesthetic of the dark.
the pain. the other side
of beauty and the synonym
of 'shattered.' all sadness
is another form of love.
tread Jun 2013
last week feels like last year
last year feels like last week
tread Jun 2013
because you sit
in the truth and
wonder if you've
been lying to your
-self all your red
-light life.
tread Jun 2013
there is a certain pain
in realizing- your lover
wouldn't risk a midnight
stroll to keep with seeing
you. wouldn't go above or
beyond to show her love.
it hurts to have the quaint typicalities of love become
unlikely, suffocated in
calculation- 'work tomorrow,
sleep soon. no walk.' suffocated
in fear- 'possibly a bear. maybe
a cougar. no walk.' everything
a second thought of,

'that's why not.'

*'that's why not.'
You've turned off your phone. I miss you.
I spontaneously suggest something- you don't feel like it.
I plan something- you don't show up.

you always make sure you're safe inside your comfort zone and it worries me.
tread Jun 2013

Keyword: instability.

Mid-May and the room has a blue cold, runny nose, condensation clasping the window like a quiet leech. Through the narrow chinks of my cavern, I can glimpse a computer surrounded by world in peripheral; fish eye vision like religious fervor, I realize life has made a lasting impression on whatever I am.

whatever I am.

Dream fades to life, life fades to dream, some alien language crash landed on Earth and now we all speak English (except, you know, the ten thousand other dialects all branched from the Indo-European earth worm). People like to say that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. Does the fact of change never change? Does that not make constants a possibility, even if only within the Many World Interpretation of Quantum Physics (capitalized! it's a name and 'Quantum Physics' likes playing the smiling subtitle ( :) ) ) now I wasn't in Copenhagen the day a jury of physicists decided on Reality; but I was in Reality (capital R) so I'm sure that counts for something.

They say they don't know who 'they' are; as if a brief allusion to a greater network somehow invalidates the point (but 'they' is the 'you' you decide to ignore; the 'you' composite of influences 'you' simply grew around; 'they' is the part of yourself 'you' keep tucked away comfortably like a newborn child that doesn't know any better).
tread Jun 2013
Font revel cast morph-
vibritty vibritty vibritty

tread Jun 2013
for some reason,
I was friends with
this character from
the movie Trainspotting..
everyone in the movie
just calls him Rude Boy.
He's super white with
bleached blonde hair.
Anyways, he was at my
house and placing this
weird substance that
came in little capsules
with a skull and cross
-bones on it, right on
top of my closed laptop.
It started bubbling and
burning like some weird
industrial acidy substance,
and when I asked Rude
Boy what it was, he told
me it was a substance
called 'Ghost' that was
a mix of *** and ******.
He snorted that bubbling
acid into his nose with a
straw and then said, "oh
Ghost, how cool you can
make me!" and my mom
walked in rather skeptically
to watch, it was a strange
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