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tread May 2013
I recalled
with a
feeling that
the surface
is above me.

I am buoyant,
and I am

I am slow
to avoid
the bends.
tread May 2013
core of intention:

              laughter. peace.

core of contentment:
             love. laughter. peace. creativity. freedom.

core of love:


core of life:

            laughter. peace. freedom. wellbeing. love. creativity. kindness.

core of modernity:

           gross domestic product.
the quiet love, the loud laughter.. this is what you work towards.
take it. just take it. it's right now. not after school. not after work. not when you've saved $3000. not when you've got your bachelors degree.

do everything for its own sake. treat goals in their own right (for their own sake).

stop struggling.
start living.
tread May 2013
share with me a life full of apple seeds
and plants. a life bounded only by


old used bookshops - - - bookships.
set sail with me, won't you? set sail
with me to the ends of this mighty
earth and dirt spurs my moments
to perfect oblivion- full, so full. empty,
with such fullness. you are --?-- and I
am in love with you. you are in love
with me. we are in love. like sour
diamonds and tents full of naked adventure,
riversides, mountainview ride into lopsided
beauty- I am yours to keep, darling, if you'll
have me.
and we wondered?


and we wandered?

tread May 2013
I am a loaf of bread. sweetness lies in more
infinity than information pamphlets and happiness
is a warm gun. my love told me that my sadness
for the world held a wide-born pretension. I am
pretentious. I am sad for what is not necessarily
sad; it reminded me of an old zen poem: One day
Chuang Tzu and a friend were walking by a river.
"Look at the fish swimming about," said Chuang Tzu,
"They are really enjoying themselves." "You are not
a fish," replied the friend, "So you can't truly know
that they are enjoying themselves." "You are not me,"
said Chuang Tzu. "So how do you know that I do not
know that the fish are enjoying themselves?"
tread May 2013
you are an







     ( I
                 You )
tread May 2013
so exercise is the logical conclusion.
illogically, my matted lack-of-a-
shower and my swollen lymph
node to the point of painful
swallows speak nothing in
the way of 'yes' or 'no.'
At this point,
I'm just lonely and jealous of the worlds
'okay,' and can't be bothered with little
touchies like- oh, perhaps she meant it?
we meant it, by any measure. concussive
doubts rain on my soul like laughter,
intention; lymph node aches as I chew.
time to call a doctor. time to call a dr.
tread May 2013
33% on your physics test
but somehow you understood
the laws of motion well enough
to climb aboard a bus, move
your legs in such a way to
create repeated momentum
until your arrival in a class-
room where you arranged
graphite particles in such
a way as to demonstrate
a clunky understanding
of what you get perfect
A's in when it comes to

Intuition, maybe?
you walk better in practice than the physicist does in theory, darling.
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