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tread Jan 2011
Love is both a vice and a curse,
A blessing in which you find yourself immersed;
A progressive, regressive, digressive pursuit,
In which you lose yourself many times in search of a route,
To lasting happiness, which still blinks from afar;
Like the distant light of a parked car,
As if someone forgot to switch off the high beams,
Or is there a reason that this pitch blackness now gleams?

Love causes you to return broken patterns,
In which insecurity orbits like the 62 moons of Saturn.
Escape it, escape it! Find solace in pain!
Find solace in the left or right side of your brain!
Like the frontal assault during Op Barbarossa,
You seem to confuse old Taiwan with Formosa.

In doubles, you see, when your love stares you down,
You want nothing more but to be her great crown,
So you let down your walls and pull-back your defenses;
Your protective soldiers fall back to the fences.

You talk with 'I,'
And realize that you're oft wrong,
Yet prior to this, you sung yourself an old swan song,
To convince yourself that your views were God-given;
Despite the true fact that you define Atheism.

Prior to this, no one countered your 'great' words;
Or, if they did, often you considered them of herds,
Which had no capacity to understand life;
They would much quicker fall towards the shaft of the knife.

You rework the office inside of your head,
And forget all the things about love you once said,
When ex-girlfriends had dumped you like a sack of potatoes;
And would verbally stain you with far-flung tomatoes.

Yet tossed in the mix are the words of the stars,
Telling you whose compatible, is it Venus or Mars?
Forget the external, this love is but yours and but hers.

Never let the rest determine,
As you're the connoisseur.
tread Dec 2010
The simplest of words could not put it in context;
The most complex of words simply cause all to fall vexed.
The words in between show me no satisfaction,
In conveying to you my heart-wrenching attraction.

The words which I seek are words far out of sight,
Whether simply of fear or what 'they' say is right;
Yet the show-up in symbol and acceleration of art,
Simply does not explain, and displays but a part.

Whether happy or sad,
Angry, or mad,
The bright-side, the dark-side, the good and the bad;
When I miss you, I miss you,
When I'm with you, I find,
You leave for a moment,
And enter the back-door of my mind.

The forefront I use to concentrate on my task;
To see behind what's in front,
And tear-away all mens masks,
Yet in limited doses,
You permeate my minds eye.

I enjoy your hypnosis,
So I never ask why.
tread Dec 2010
Like the back of a cart during the bubonic plague,
I’d have to say a dead mans story is long,
But very vague,
As we learn little from the lessons of history,
We treat is as an obsolete and unsaid sort of mystery.

The difference between black and white,
A bird in seat or flight,
A tense and dangerous human right,
As if as much as we can see,
Is the boundary of our site;

If we treat each other as we would like to be treated;
Why does a teacher tell us to remain seated?
They don’t say sit back and relax in any context,
Instead they emphasize not to use bad words or obscene text.

Am I not allowed to tell you to sit down?
Tell you I owe you nothing but a respectable frown?
I owe you nothing but decency,
Not a mind filled with verbs in which I hope others translate boundlessly.

To say I sleep with a pillow,
Is like saying I steep tea like I reap benefits from the luxuries,
Of today’s modern cars and inventions.

To assume I immorally influence a young child in growth,
Is like assuming I don’t walk the sidewalk to remain safe,
From the wind of wild traffic to my left and to my right,
Or to say we don’t disobey ancient conventions,
In which mankind is barred from flight.

Between SpaceX and NASDAQ,
And the jealous old man named NASA,
“Good Wall Street” ain’t looked at,
As the media keeps its mind where its eyes remain fixed;
On the flaws and the findings,
The wars and the signings,
The fear of dead children whose pics we find blinding.

The new Rules of Engagement,
Angers militaristics in danger,
Of bullets and shrapnel they volunteered to go face;
They are angry at the awareness created by J. Assange,
When ****** was collateral damage, to which they are fond;
It’s strange, as truth is now treason,
And a man needs a reason,
To liberate information we deserved in the first place,
Yet our apathy, indifference, and anger at ourselves,
Commits us to a stage of denial within book-shelves,
Inside which we fear ‘it,’
We fear ‘them,’
And ‘their’ ****,
Yet we hallow the ground in our mind in which we hide action;
For we fear that we’ll be charged for our thinking’s infractions.

Please reassure me that I’m free,
And that I am my own faction.
tread Nov 2010
May you be blessed with,
Much laughter; deep love.

May you bear witness,
To the bright stars above.

May you see brightness,
On the darkest of days.

May you not settle,
For that which just pays.

May you not find,
You're required to fight.

May you allow others,
To carry the light.

May you see what is,
As opposed to what's not.

Feel blessed as you cry,
For you're alive, as you feel your tears drop.

Feel real as you kneel,
In modest respect,
For those who have seen,
Who have sung,
And who find no need to neglect.

Feel the freedom endowed,
Upon your innocent shoulders;
As it will make you guilt-ridden,
Or crush you like a boulder.

Remember to remember,
Forget little, and let
The world play a game of picks, screws, and death.

You are as real to me, as real can get.
tread Nov 2010
Grad me footless,
World class; fruitless,
Jumping backwards,
Three steps; bootless.

Call me stupid,
Call me smart.
Call me funny,
Fire for the dead head-start.

Breaking windows,
Crashing cars;
Wasting nights,
In dead-end bars.

Losing grip,
Of jaded souls;
Ditching all our,
Larger goals.

Flying solo,
Through the void;
Running low,
On blood-steroid.

Washing freshmen,
Clean of youth;
It hurts, I know,
Like sugared- tooth.

Growing up,
Is tough, it seems;
But through the thick,
A bright light gleams.
tread Oct 2010
Sometimes these words seem to spin through mist;
All organized, in order, as self-trickery,
And you've bitten all these words which could have kissed,
And taken what I've found as comfort, as illusory.

Why use these words with such malice, such contempt?
Have I in some strange way, committed wrong?
Why use all these words, which are bent in meek attempt,
To sing me my self-hate within a song?

Take these words, and swallow them,
As my frightened mind cares less;
Take these words and follow them,
As I wish for words which bless.
tread Oct 2010
Eric wasn't dead quite yet,
Curling up, down on the ground,
The dirt and *****, of mornings wet,
The traffic was his dreamworlds sound.

Waking up, alone at 4,
His muscles ache from gravelled ground.
He tried to walk-off what was sore,
His bleeding back was swollen round.

Winter came without a sign,
The frost upon his beard, he feared,
Would cause the frost to bite whats fine;
Inside, he cried as young men leered.
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