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Feb 2011 · 2.3k
Travis Garcelon Feb 2011
Out of red concrete stands an abstraction
held out in space and in isolation.
Posit a location, Pierre
I'll be there to where you be.
But from the ground of the cafe
the distance becomes separated by unity:
point A to point B
pinpointing the heart of reality
for what was once 'to be' now stands 'not to be'.
A pre-judicative attitude always leads
from 'being' to 'non-being'.

Where is the comfort in
trying to rest
between Nothingness?
While negating in
A sleep while asleep?
Am I not self-aware through self-consciousness of
'The Existence of a Nonexistence Existing in Existence'?
How can there be Nothingness if before Nothingness
there is a Consciousness?

There is a Consciousness! From Being!
From a non-being being Being!
Thus, don't premature judge and expect the "expected"
Expect the unexpected
and save nonexistence from non-existence;
from "being" to "non-being"
"Being and Nothingness"
Feb 2011 · 1.5k
New Day
Travis Garcelon Feb 2011
The dawn of a new light will shed a new day.
Feb 2011 · 971
Mechanical Ideas
Travis Garcelon Feb 2011
The idea is to illicit a thought
in hopes that that thought will transmute into a mechanical action.
Feb 2011 · 776
The Little Things
Travis Garcelon Feb 2011
It's the little things in life that make the world go round,
like the small vibrations that turn into sound.
Feb 2011 · 943
Who am I?
Travis Garcelon Feb 2011
If the self is also the other, then who am I?
Am I a college student sitting in the library
reading Phenomenology, contemplating the question of 'being'?
Or am I a nihilist who believes that nothing in life has an existence?
Who am I?
Feb 2011 · 739
Travis Garcelon Feb 2011
It’s the emphasis on the word that gives it its meaning
And it's the tone in your voice that makes it demeaning.
Jan 2011 · 686
Social Contract
Travis Garcelon Jan 2011
My moral philosophy is this: why can't we all just get along?
Jan 2011 · 2.1k
Travis Garcelon Jan 2011
If only the distance between us could shorten; our bond strength would be much greater.
Dec 2010 · 845
The Road
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
Where the road begins and where the road ends
entirely depends on where you are going.
Dec 2010 · 889
The Forever One
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
The person whom you will forever love
your soul mate
your everything
must possess
one thing
above all other things
above beauty
and soul
She must
and ‘must’ I emphasize
She must desire you
just as much as
You desire her
For what is a soulmate for
if admiration was not
equally shared?
Dec 2010 · 1.0k
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
Don't hold onto opinions as if they were solid concrete objects.
Hold onto an opinion as if it were transparent and malleable.
This will enable you to see through the fallacies and remold the opinion to its true form.
For an opinion is simply just that, an opinion.
And like all opinions, they are interchangeable
in accordance to the allegations of fact.
And a fact overshadows an opinion in all cases
and that is a matter of fact.
Dec 2010 · 560
Lennon’s Life
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
To say the least, you did not let this day pass,
but rather so you let this life pass,
for what is a life not lived in the present,
but a life not yet lived?
Dec 2010 · 512
Sunny Side Up
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
I can taste the black of night drying in my mouth.
It’s like sand on the beach beneath the blazing sun.
My mind begins to race like children escaping the water's grasp along the shoreline.
Perspiration kicks in and sweat begins to drain my forehead
and like the waves that send surfers crashing down-
she makes a joke. Laughter erupts from by bowels and that's when it hits me-
let’s run naked across the grainy sand like two ignorant children,
like back in the day when we would take warm innocent baths.
Intimacy is always nice, but isn't it time that we explore each other's realms?
Dec 2010 · 582
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
The world was changing all around me
I began seeing smells and smelling colors
and children's faces began blooming like flowers.
Then in an instance of pause I came about something;
The stars. They remind me of something in this place
The shooting stars remind me of the forgotten wishes left behind by the forgotten children.
The glowing moon reminds me of town square; The brothel for advertisements
A thought...
Could it be that this blotter is the catalyst for change?
Would it open up your eyes and let you envision
A perfect world?
A perfect match?
A perfect dream?
Dec 2010 · 840
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
Understand your physics and realize that me and you don't see the same thing. There's my perspective on something, and then there's your perspective on that something. Hence, each of our individual interactions with that something changed it in some way. That something reacted differently even though we observed it at the same time!
Dec 2010 · 500
Travis Garcelon Dec 2010
Take what life gives you because it’s all that you got.
Don’t dwell on the things that are not.
Follow your own plan, you’re an expert at life,
And be your own man, don’t live in strife.
Nov 2010 · 1.9k
Conspiracy Theory
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
“I’m not the conspiracy theorist, you’re the conspiracy theorist. You're the one who believes that 19 islamic terrorists with box-cutters conspired with a bearded man in a cave then bypassed a multi-billion dollar security system to knock down 3 buildings with 2 airplanes. You’re the one who believes that buildings can come down in perfect free-fall and pancake form at free fall speed. I'm not the nutty conspiracy theorist, you are!”
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
To be abnormal in a normal world, is that so uncool? How about to be unjust in an unjust world? Surely then yes, for I am a fool. Not a fool so cruel, but a fool too cool to abide by societies rules. You see, it is the nature of man to be just as unjust as the unjust world, just as must as it is to be a fool, but not a foolish fool. Now you, you are a tool, for living the just life in an unjust world. You are the tool and I am the Utilitarian, and will use you to my advantage and private interests. That’s just how things go here in this structured place, meant to deface and interface yourself. Desensitize you to yourself; reduce yourself to a cheap exploitative commodity; a means for my planned robbery laid near a veneer of parliament armory. Society rules by the Golden Rule, and that is: Those with the gold are those who rule! Now who is the fool you tool?!
Nov 2010 · 652
I Don't Understand
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
You see, I don’t understand the idea and theology between God and his intentions for creating people. On the first day He created the Earth and heavens, and then on the sixth day He created Adam and Eve. He told them that everything on Earth, from the fruits of the trees to the birds in the sky, from the fish in the sea, to as far out as man can see, everything on Earth is for Man’s pleasure and Man should be fruitful and multiply. But I don’t understand then why people should feel the need to spend their entire lives devoting everything to God, spreading the word to god, preaching god, killing in the name of God, committing mass genocide in the name of God, committing horrific acts in the name of God, justifying slavery in the name of God, and so on in the name of God! To me this all sounds like a cult; a cult only interested in succeeding in its evil, vicious, malicious ways. Well, you know what?! I hope you do not succeed in your evil, vicious, malicious ways. I hope that the dawn of a new Enlightenment will outshine your scripted lies and will be able to see life through the lens of Peace.
Nov 2010 · 2.5k
The Government
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
The government is like a feeding black hole; ******* everything inward into a swirling vortex until everything reaches one simple, conformed point; singularity. Instead, transmute yourself into something else, something much stronger than the tug of gravity and explore the outer reaches beyond the event horizon. Become unique and delve deeper than before.
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
What is 'is' Dialogue
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
What Is ‘Is’?

 -Travis-Philosopher Major

Arianna asks Travis about his Thanksgiving but soon after they begin to talk about the ideals of Philosophy. The following is an account of the conversation that took place...

But what ‘is to think....’ I feel like if I just question EVERYTHING then I’ll be set.
I feel like philosophy is a circle of never ending questions.
It is! It is an attempt to understand the truth! It is a love for wisdom!
Through questions?
While yes, how else would you meet your 'ends'?
Hahaha, so it can be thought of as a series of questions?
Perhaps. Descartes was able to narrow everything he thought and knew about the world into one phrase, 'I think therefore I am'.
Is that saying that everything you think ‘you are’?
You are because you think.
I am what?
You are ‘you’, however, you are not I.
Ahh...Hahaha...What if two people think exactly the same thought though? That I mean by, Person 1 is still Person 1, and Person 2 is still Person 2, and yet they are different but are able to think the same thought?
You got something going there Arianna, however, I would argue that no two people have exactly the same thought. They may think about the same exact thing, but each thought exists 'for itself' as well as 'for the subject'. Hence, two subjects, one must assume two separate 'thoughts'. As for your second dilemma, I agree. Each are the same, 'One', as well as an 'also', the 'other'. Each existing 'for itself' as well as 'for an other'.
hahaha hmm... hahaha... whaaat. How can a thought exist for a subject?
For whom then would the thought exist for?
For the person who thought up the thought.
You just answered your own question.
To execute into an action?
Say more.
Well then, why does a thought exist ‘for itself’, Travis?
Because the ‘thought’ must retain its own 'essence'; its own 'being'. Whatever this thought may be, be it a 'Cupcake', then this newly thought up 'Cupcake thought' must retain its own 'Cupcakeness'.
hahaha...but if a thought only exists so it can be turned into an action, why else would we think a thought, that is, if we didn’t want this thought to develop into an action?
Well, let me explain. We desire our 'objects of desire'. I desire cupcakes. I get this image of a cupcake in my head and its 'deliciousness'. I now take this desire and transcend it, take my thought and convert it into a mechanical form, the action. I would say the action is merely a consequence of our 'thoughts' and 'desires'.
hmm I think I agree.
It is funny too, if you think about Ari, if you think about the Catholic churches and their rituals
What do you mean by?
Well, they eat bread and they drink wine.
That is right. The body and blood of christ
They desire to be a part of Jesus' spirit, so to fulfill their desire they eat his ‘body’ and drink his ‘blood’; they destroy it and make it a part of themselves. Hegel says that this is the relationship between people. This 'Struggle to the Death' for the sole purpose to 'be for yourself'.
You still wanna take a philosophy class?
Wait...haha. No I don’t. I wouldn’t MIND it, but it would probably cause brain aneurisms. Explain this ‘struggle to the death’ more.
While yes, when two self-consciousness’ come into contact with one another, a duel erupts and both struggle to abolish the other for the purpose of realizing its own ‘truth’ and to exist ‘for itself’; both work to **** the other off just for their owns satisfaction and selfish desires to see themselves as independent.
hahaha what No! I don’t try to **** off you or Jaclyn!
But you do, self-consciously at least.
No way, no!
According to Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’ you do.
I respect your thoughts because they are so different, but I just continue my way of thinking, that is all.
I interpret it as an active process. It is not necessarily 'killing' per se. To '****' off a ‘self-consciousness', your not really killing the person off, per se.
What are we killing? The other persons thought process? Their ideas?
It gets confusing. The way that I interpret it is that we **** of their existence by being totally independent and for ourselves. So in a relationship between a master and slave, or a lord and bondsman, this is the struggle that takes place. This is the ‘Struggle to the Death!”
Nov 2010 · 727
Lonnng Rd.
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
It’s a long way down Long road
but surely you know that I want to go
this long way down Long road.

It’s a long way down Long road
but let us walk it slow, for I know
You         enjoy this time

And as we talk
And as we mock
And as we laugh at their misfortunes
we walk this long way down on Long road.
Nov 2010 · 893
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
They say that 'opposites' attract, right? So then, the counter-argument to that would be that 'likes' repel, right? But that's not necessarily true, on the contrary it proves itself to be quite false. If the affinity be so great, 'likes' overcome the repulsion and bind to form a completely new element. The energy required is tremendous, but the end result is always worth it.
Nov 2010 · 862
Senator Mariachi-Jay
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
"You say we can't? I say Yes we Cannabis!"
"Four-Twenty is the time of now
and now is the time to Smoke ‘em all!"
Nov 2010 · 447
The Very Top
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
I went to a high place to find myself, only to find that there was no pinnacle.
Nov 2010 · 637
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
You make me wonder
“How high am I?”
You make me squander
to find higher ground.
You make me stronger
but sometimes I weep
You make me suffer
and curl up in defeat

and you always were reckless at heart
you took our love and tore it apart

But you’re the poison that I crave
That runs through my veins,
That sends me to an early grave

Can’t we reconcile our fears
and bury the hatchet
Relight this kindle
and fall into the flames of love
And so...
I thought it through
and I never knew
How much I love you.
my song
Nov 2010 · 484
Wrongfully Right
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Two wrongs don't make a right, however,
four rights make it back, and puts things right back on track.
Nov 2010 · 1.4k
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
There you stand in a ring of fire
feeling gravity **** you down
tearing you away layer by layer.
And like a dying red giant
you collapse and bear defeat.

Here you lay on an ice sheet of apathy;
the chilling wind slapping you in the face.
A precipitation of tears drip from your swollen eyes
and a blue Aura shrouds your head;
you weep your way through this transition.

Now you float; mind from body.
And like an infrared mist of electromagnetic static
you shoot up! Towards the heavens!
Taking your place amongst the stars
and reuniting with your ancestors
Nov 2010 · 759
Coronal Mass Ejections
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
I normally don’t stare into the sun, but the reflection from your eyes has got me hypnotized.
Nov 2010 · 1.4k
The Owl’s eyes
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
An owl is not as old as he is wise,
for he has the eyes to see through the disguise of night.
And aside from that, he differs as well
for we are blinded by the essence of complete darkness as well as in complete light.
Nov 2010 · 486
Ride the Tide
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Things may seem unclear now,
perhaps even a bit hazy at first,
but in the end it'll all work out.
So don't panic.
You'll make this through alive in no time,
you just need to go with the flow of things.
Nov 2010 · 683
Finding our Center
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
You influence me and give me tides.
All while I give you energy and watch you spiral away.
Me and you are at a push-pull right now,
so let us find our barycenter and work things out.
Nov 2010 · 609
It’s Like Magic
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
I'm not a magician per se, but the next time you turn around I will have disappeared.
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Perception is Deception
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
My perception is deception,
so therefore I do not perceive the truth,
but perceive the truth in my own contextual sense.
Nov 2010 · 718
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
This Universe is governed by semantics
and within each of these meanings lie a purpose.
As to what that purpose is, well, that's for you to figure out.
"Life is just one long equation,
but it doesn't take no Einstein or Feynman to figure that out."
Nov 2010 · 1.4k
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
When people say something is complicated, what are they really saying? They're saying that it's really complex. Now, we have to ask ourselves, what is complexity? Well, complexity is merely the order of simple interactions working together as a system to perform a common function. You see, things really aren't all that complex, it's just the illusion created when we look at things holistically and not as individually unique.
Nov 2010 · 1.4k
Ben Bernanke's Hanky Panky
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Ben Bernanke's hanky panky and
Quantitative Easing is so displeasing
A collapsing economy where no one can afford a meal
Sparks a revolution, with the citizens at the wheel.
And when all is over and said and done,
A new Polis will arise, where all is for none.
But the question still remains:
Are you still in bed with your chains?
Or are you awake with a gun:
A strong militia of and for One?
Nov 2010 · 2.0k
Cold, Chilling Night
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
... and as the moon fell into its own shadow, a whimper from the window came.
And so it was said, "... and so it begins."
Nov 2010 · 3.6k
The Role of Government
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
To say that "government is a necessary evil", is it to say that "It is necessary that government be evil"? If that's the case, then that's a pretty despotic way of looking at the role of government. Why can't government be a necessary 'Good'? Why can't positive psychology see through the darkness that is pessimism and Luciferianism and exile those notions to the depths of human nature, instead of raising it to the pinnacle of human being's ego?
Nov 2010 · 659
Laundry Day
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Life is a whole laundry list of worries.
Don't worry, just take it one load at a time.
Nov 2010 · 918
God-Damn Hegel
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Reality is perception, and perception is subjective. Subjectiveness is sense-certainty, and sense-certainty is an attempt to comprehend the universal, however, sense-certainty is the poorest and most inaccurate account of the Truth. So then, how do we understand the Truth or is that even a possibility?
Nov 2010 · 457
No Needs or Desires
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
No need to think, I’ll do that for you.
No need to question, I’ve got the answers you need.
No need to breath, I’ll breath your last breath for you.
Nov 2010 · 733
Supernova Delight
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
And if that star goes supernova tonight,
I want to be there next to you holding you tight.
To keep you free from all cosmic debris,
and to marvel at the things that we cannot see.
Nov 2010 · 891
And to all a Good Night
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Christianity and Santa Clause are actually pretty similar. In both scenarios when you're good you get rewarded, and when your bad you get the shaft. Only difference is that logic told me that a fat man delivering presents to all the children in the world is nonsense.
Nov 2010 · 843
Universal Neural Network
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
The human brain is a vast network of neuronal synapses that send and receive millions of messages per second. Even in the 21st century, scientists are unable to build a computer capable of what our brain is. Our brain is the world's fastest Supercomputer, yet we still believe in flying monsters and angels. jeesh...
Nov 2010 · 663
No-Good Nighttime Walker
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Why has night time gained such a bad rep?
It seems that the later you stay up, the more no-good you're up to.
"Nahh man, not me. These stars and nebulae are astonishing.
I'm just trying to get a good glimpse at my ancestry.
Nov 2010 · 925
New-Age Environmentalism
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
The grass was green and the sky was blue.
Pollution is as bad for me as it is for you.
The sky is now green and the man is in black,
a fog horn blows to get things back on track.
Ships leave the yard and trucks roll in,
a repetitious cycle continues again.
Nov 2010 · 546
At Your Doorstep
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
Sure, we can talk to each other through this screen door, or you could invite me in and offer me a drink instead.
Nov 2010 · 859
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
If a picture is worth a thousand words,
then a thousand words must be worth a million pixels.
So then, millions of pixels must be worth trillions of atoms.
Just think: the amount of atoms in the word ‘fractal’.
I wonder if it supersedes the conceptualized notion of ‘itself’?
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
Equal Sharing
Travis Garcelon Nov 2010
If I gave you a piece of my mind, would you equally give me a piece of yours?
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