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Tracie Bulkley Nov 2013
Legs, arms, mind, soul.
Everything is sore.
I'm stretched to all my limits,
And still you ask for more.
I'm lacking the ideas,
The energy, the strength
To jump through all your hoops today,
Or go to such great length.

I can't hold up the sky today,
I'm already lifting the land,
And somebody went and put the seas
In my other hand.
Then someone taught me to juggle,
So I added another ball,
But then I tried to ride a unicycle,
And crashed into a wall.

Even if you say "pretty please"
Or put a grade on me,
Try as I might, I simply cannot
Count both the sand and sea.
There's barely time for work,
And just forget about play,
And I simply can't do this today.
Tracie Bulkley Nov 2013
Dear Dad,
Can I please come home?
I know I've only just arrived,
But already there's so much that I've survived.
This place is nothing like where I'm from

Hey, dad, people are not kind.
I've had doors slammed in my face,
Used, broken, and I've been replaced.
I've been dropped, I've been forgotten,
and I've been left behind.

Hey, dad, I know I can't remember.
Still I miss you and my mother,
All my friends, and my big brother.
When will I leave this time of endless December?

Hey, dad, I know that I'm not ready.
I haven't learned, I haven't sweat,
I haven't lived enough just yet.
It'll be a little while before I am quite steady.

Love you, dad.
You always make things better.
Tell brother I miss him,
Hug mother, and kiss them.
I always look forward to your next letter.

Love Always,
Your daughter, Tracie.
Tracie Bulkley Nov 2013
The door swings open on creaking hinges,
Reminds me of the flame that singes.
I see the inside
The way it was the first time I was here.
I want to leave, this place is still too near.
Upholstery shredded on the ground,
A missing piece that was never found.
Someone tried to bring the life back in,
But they didn't win.

I left this house for a reason.
I locked the door so I would not return.
I set it fire, because I couldn't bear to watch it burn.
I'm here again.
Broken glass is on the floor,
I've been here before.
Broken glass and one locked door,
I didn't like it here before.
You know I liked it here before,
In this house,
This house on Morris Street.
Tracie Bulkley Nov 2013
I'm still me,
I'm still me,
Added on to.
Just... Added on to.
An aspect of me that once was strong, then buried has been revived.
But I'm still me.

I've always been me.
The same twisted, sickly me.
Just... covered up now.
The arsenic filling, coated in chocolate, sprinkled with sugar.
But I've always been me.

I have regrets,
A few strong regrets.
Hidden well.
I just... Hide them so well.
Maybe if I try so hard, I'll find strength to reject the poison.
But I too, have regrets.

Your words made me doubt.
A twinge of fear.
Just... A hint of despair.
Wrestling, clawing, tearing, banish my disbelief, before it devours my faith.
But your words made me doubt.

You could just do it.
You COULD do it.
One fell swoop.
A word could end it, my heart and soul are weak.
You could do it.
But could you, should you,
But you wouldn't...
Would you?

— The End —