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Filmore Townsend Sep 2015
i no longer need to be
here, if need there
ever even has been.
and now, most whole,
need precipitates con-
scious effort for to
better participate in
matters that shouldn't
hold my attention. but
they hold my attention.
maybe it's due to
constant lack of exis-
tence, maybe these
feet realize settled
vessel is dying from
need. 'don't fight it.'
their resonant voice
to this restless body
waning with waiting.
undated; prior to current year.
Filmore Townsend May 2015
get ****** first --
    alright, where to now?

something's wrong, more so
different. brash-lashed
lethargy. biding patience
as its *****; not keen to
waiting. especially if there's
understanding of procrastination
when patience is non-necessary.
rush to waste; ****, that's perfect.
******* perfect poetic self-illumination.
Filmore Townsend Feb 2015
sun rising; wail the
sirens of recognition.
tat-tatting away frost.
Filmore Townsend Feb 2015
i am a ****, yeah;
i am an *******, oh yeah;
to resume for all.
Filmore Townsend Nov 2014
******* cold. early
tea season snow; sun sets soon.
season to retreat.
Filmore Townsend Nov 2014
broad as a Judas,
not yet frozen in beast's mouth.
sandals; snow and ice.
Filmore Townsend Oct 2014
eatting bread to sustain
when days run head-long
and redaction of preservation
runs rampant. smiling,
season changing mentality;
that of slight insanity.
never stonewalled even
by sane and keening mind.
not leaving to spite the
long-dark's cyclical reaping;
to glide the ice this time 'round.
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