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Filmore Townsend Oct 2014
dawn sun rising. done.
universal, chilled to bone;
breathing eternal.
Filmore Townsend Oct 2014
shivering autumn;
patient ever patient. waste.
down the road, fleeted.
Filmore Townsend Oct 2014
i need to see the sun rise this day;
for feet elucidated of patterns
followed upon an earth. wearied
or aching, knees to find
rest on Katahdin's summit;
fictionalized place of birthed sun.
now mythos, now dawn and
an arrow sure to have missed
the moon's lover. fired
by childhood mockery
while birds awakened song.
i need to see the sun rise this day;
for eyes be witness of intri-
cacies entwined upon an earth.
Filmore Townsend Sep 2014
mornings grow longer;
another sun setting out for
a coming long dark. presence
of alacrity necessary. fatigued
by heat, no more macadame;
no more July. seeking spring
and the click-clack before arrival;
the walls are well-pinned and ready.
presence of focus sloughs away.
Filmore Townsend Sep 2014
iconising by her walk
averting sight when shawled
female comes 'round corner.
on-ward, foot-looker, shaming
self due to abundance; shaming
self due to ennui of purpose.
Filmore Townsend Sep 2014
into space with stares
while they fleet along foot-path;
a week's time till it's been
twenty and six times round. and
distraction of perfumed air lingers,
ending season towards thought
that what will come will run on
leaving syllables pathed out
even though return is not expected.
return never expected; actually,
**** Expectations of memory.
reality, now is further truth of
memory than receding ages.
Filmore Townsend Sep 2014
antithesis - night.
darkened Eastern sky before
revelation day.
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