There’s never a dull moment
When I’m with you, and we’re
Going around town making
Fools of ourselves because
There’s nothing better to do.
And I can hold your hand
Without fear that you will
Let go if it so happens that
One of your friends crosses
Our path while we’re on
Some adventure. I can hold
Your hand because you’re
My best friend and we
Understand that sometimes
It’s just nice to have the
Comfort of another without
Having that comfort in bed.
We can go to the park and
Act like kids not caring
Who watches because
It’s fun and we’re bored
On a Saturday afternoon
But at night I can dress
How I want because you
Like that I don’t care what
I wear going out to some
Party where we’ll both
End up drunk walking
Home but not knowing
Where home really is.
And yeah, I blur the lines
Between us as I crawl into
Bed next to you at the end
Of the day because I’m tired
And you’re nothing but warm
And I’m still drunk from
A long night of drink after
Drink and smokes that never
End because you so kindly let
Me *** off your whole pack.
I can lie next to you so
Comfortably and cuddle
While you hold me tight
Because I so kindly ask you to.
And our whole friendship is
A line we both tiptoe on as
I push the boundaries and
My hand goes from your
Chest down to where I know
You’re feeling the blood
Rush and I can hear you
Breathing on my neck but
You won’t say stop and I won’t
Say please because I’m
Just wondering if this is
What friends are for.
Nothing happens though because
I’m too drunk and you’re too
Scared to find out if it’s actually
A feeling you have or just the
Lust you get when you see a
Pretty girl in a tight dress.
In the morning you’ll look at me
And say sorry, and I’ll pretend like
Nothing happened because
That’s the truth and I miss you
Already. In the morning you’ll
Realize that you do like me but
You won’t say anything because
Just like last night you’re too
Scared to ruin what we have and
I’m too shy to say otherwise.
I blur the lines because when I’m
With you there’s never a time
When I think it’s not right
Even though the next day
You’ll go back to her and
I’ll go back to trying to find
A replacement for what
We could have been but
Never quite were because
It’s too risky to ruin this
Friendship when I’m already
Too comfortable to give
You up and you’re too
***** to give her up.
And you’ll call me Bambi
Because it’s cute to
You and I just like hearing
Your voice on the phone
So we can talk and tease and
Be the couple we can never be.