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 Jul 2013 Tori E Bishop
Hurt* and disappointment
Are two *different
But they are similar
With *each other
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jul 2013 Tori E Bishop
Madison P
Swallow and wait
This is a drug that stimulates
My hearts racing and my brain is spacing
Fills my mind with crazy thoughts but I love the way it makes me talk
The day goes fine but the come down *****
Can't sleep at night but why do I give a ****?
Addiction took me you could see that when you looked at me
My clothes got bigger and my body got smaller
Another pill another 3 dollars
But that's all old news cause that was bad news
And adderal has bad reviews
 Jul 2013 Tori E Bishop
&on; the count of three, we laid out our flaws and
they mirrored each other perfectly-
when i tried to take mine back
i gathered some of yours (and it was
an accident, i swear, but i don't mind
carrying them for you)

i know how heavy you must feel
we have the same scar above our right knee.
I finally saw you again after 34 days
in between those 34 days
I strongly believed I was over you
but then I saw you
                 I remembered
how all your imperfect flaws made me fall for you                        
                 I remembered
how you made my stomach fill with
                  I remembered
how your words made my heart melt like wax
and then
                  I remembered
that I'm not actually over you

This one has to be my favorite that I have ever written, not really sure if I'm allowed to say that about my own writing but I did anyways oops :)

— The End —