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He said you had the eyes of an insomniac
And hands that shake like they're looking for some unfathomable answer
                                                                                                            Searching, restless, uneasy.
You make no eye contact because no one looks back quite the same
Their eyes are like your hands
                                                                               Restless, searching

There is chaos in your sleep so you get no rest
                                                                                    Headaches and pills
And you have people you would die for
And you would die if they did
You have parents who would die for you
But you would die anyway
                                     For nothing
                                     For anyone
Any excuse to leave
He said you have the eyes of a haunted angel
                                                            Such emotion made you uncomfortable
You said it wasn't anything makeup couldn't fix
He said
"Take that mask off."
I was going to write a poem
about a boy
& a girl
but I got quite *******
this evening
& I'm feeling quite proud
of my curls

I dashed away a bit of
& thought
I'd rather have tequila
he touched my
& his tongue slipped
"well, I'd rather
be your

then deal me down
& send me
to the sharks
for I've lost my taste
in winning
I'll lick your sweet
whenever the rain
comes so you'll

*its only the beginning
here she is
running on hard-boiled
coupled with passive
bubbling underneath the

they're playing the
final round
& he hasn't got a
for the moment when she
very well should have
in a fit of fed up
pent up anguish
she kept quiet
as the dead
& began to plot
the great

she put herself on
the high wire
with nothing but the
clothes on her back
a fifth of tequila at her hip
& a knife in her teeth

"we're gonna make it
out of this hell
one way
she said as she was
more than 500 feet
from jagged
glass encrusted death
in a river of
& last minute decisions
that all seem to
around the full
acknowledgment of
the fact
that's he's a no good
holier-than-thou ****

dear jesus

I hope it isn't windy
You knew for some time that I
was the trouble child.
I always told you the best dogs
were brought up wild.
The pillows you don't use
don't support. They only serve
to suffocate you.

The shed in the yard was a lot
like high school. It stood all awkward
and it was filled with tools.

Flimsy, the tears you shed
and the hate that you bred
at your brother's funeral.
They could smell our smoke, I'm sure,
when we would pass by passively
                    - existing and wishing wanting.

Forgetting each word stumbling from our lips, tumbling
to their deaths on the hard, warm concrete.

The golden whispers we kept to ourselves,
which made them all the more profound
and we were proud to call ourselves
what we were then  
               - what we are still.

Can you be anything but reckless and cowardly in your own way?
We were children out every night that we were sleeping together,
sitting together around fires, making stars and
laughing drunkenly on a cloud above everything.

They could see our glazed eyes for what they were, too,
for what they were
            - dreams.
Smoking out of your roommates' hookah,
we blow smoke rings into the center of the room as our heads press into the backs of couches.

Drinking out of plastic cups and writing "**** LYFE" on our knuckles
we dabble in the witchcraft of half-truths.
I feel beautiful in this moment.

Wearing combat boots, torn tights and a cardigan
I stomp through your living room not giving two *****.
I flirt with the table,
the chairs
and even your brother.

Tonight is about me.

I had woken up this morning with a ****** piercing and curls stuck to my neck,
my fists balled up in soft blankets.

Doubting everything,
I tried running through my thoughts with my eyes shut,
only picking up fragments of sentences and bad music.

A full moon
and a monroe
the only tangible proof that last night even happened.

I have grown accustomed to holding my own hand in public,
taking up the place that I had reserved for you.

With our lunch date canceled, I'm free to go dancing with poets and *** heads.
Twist my fingers into the hem of the skirts that tickle my knee caps,
I laugh as loud as my lungs will allow.

If you looked at the back of my throat you might see the words I am saving for a much anticipated stranger.
A beautiful doe-eyed stranger who drinks me in like his favorite liquor.

*"You can never have too much of a good thing, babe."
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