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392 · Jan 13
The Wishing Well
Tethered between heaven and hell

Sitting staring silently sobbing

I place all my hopes ‘n dreams on to the wishing well

Wishing that one day just like the stars above

I will shine long after my days have come to an end
246 · Apr 2019
Her Smile
Thomas Freeman Apr 2019
Her smile so bright
Her love unending
Her voice so soft
Her skin scarred
Her trust broken
Her self esteem gone
Her mind empty
Her smile to hide it all
234 · Jan 15
When words fail actions speak
When actions speak words fail
Supposed to be a play on actions speak louder than words but sometimes our actions undermine our words
229 · Dec 2018
Thomas Freeman Dec 2018
Lying awake in my bed
I often wish I was dead
Only wondering if it would be worth
Not only do I wish to perish but along
       with me the memories you may
Knowing I only ruin good things
I openly accept I may die today
Never again will you have to worry
        about me
Goodbye my friends
216 · Apr 2019
I would rather be
Thomas Freeman Apr 2019
Nothing is perfect so i don't try to be
But id rather be no one other than me
I'm finally able to see
All the great things i could be
There's no one id rather be
I am me and thats all i should be
188 · Jul 2018
Thomas Freeman Jul 2018
The sky begins to darken as the clouds gather overhead
Rain slowly starts to fall as you watch from inside wishing this storm would pass you look onwards and you see lightning in the distance as your hope begins to dwindle thunder crashes making your ears ring with pain but then you realize this is no storm it's your life the clouds depression the rain your sorrowful tears the lightning
The quick glimpse of light before you are swallowed by the darkness the thunder the voices of those with the audacity to tell you get over it
164 · May 2018
Hiden Beauty
Thomas Freeman May 2018
A meadow lies beyond a small house
Within this meadow is a small patch of flowers
A single flower stands out among the rest
It’s stem greener than the grass around it
It’s pedals a bright golden yellow like the sun
However it’s beauty would be hidden forever
Within a small patch of flowers
Within a meadow
Behind a small house
164 · Jul 2018
You never do
Thomas Freeman Jul 2018
You say you're there but never show
You say you care but never act
You say you tell the truth but only lie
You say you love but only spite
You never do its as simple as that
157 · Apr 2019
Thomas Freeman Apr 2019
Faded echos carried by the wind
A cry for help heard by none
A heart that others will try to mend.
All belonging to a boy wanting to be heard by one.
A boy who wants to help those in need.
A boy who cant save himself from hell. Many nights seeing how much he will bleed.
Hoping one day to be able to tell. Stories of his triumphs
155 · Apr 2019
The Note
Thomas Freeman Apr 2019
A piece of paper tucked away
Covered in blood and tears
Written on her final day
A goodbye that would stay
Inside it read
Im sorry I've caused so much dismay
But im going to go away
To a place where I belong
So before long
I'll be gone
But I promise i love you mom
But this is it
155 · Dec 2018
The Hero
Thomas Freeman Dec 2018
Oh how I wish I could be like him
The one who makes everything ok
The one that always saves the day
The one who chases people's fears
The one that can say do not fear I am
The one called a hero
154 · May 2018
The battle
Thomas Freeman May 2018
I'm stuck in a never ending battle
One that shakes me like a rattle
Armed with the sword of hope
And a shield of antidepressants
It is rather unpleasant
More often than not quite deadly
Like a broken record
Playing the same depressing melody
146 · May 2018
Thomas Freeman May 2018
I think I know what I most fear
In fact by now it should be quite clear
Anymore I have to fight with everything that I have to try and hide the tear
But no matter how hard I try
Eventually the facade fades and I start to cry
I’m so tired of it I’m tempted to roll over and die
I’m tired of the lie you're getting better
If that was true I wouldn’t be on the verge of a relapse
I thought I had ahold of myself but I guess I’m losing my grasp
141 · Apr 2018
Thomas Freeman Apr 2018
I opt for a different destiny
One that doesn’t lead me to insanity
Maybe gives me better morality
I want to write expert poems finaticaly
One were my poems reach excellency  
That's what I want for my destiny
137 · Apr 2018
Thomas Freeman Apr 2018
Pouring my heart and soul into every line
Often about how useless this world makes me feel
Everything that pains me I turn into lines
Memories of my broken past and realities of my doomed future
Seizing every moment to help others understand who I am
133 · May 2018
Thomas Freeman May 2018
We all have dreams
We want to obtain them by any means
They metastasize to others
Becoming a inspiration for many
They birth us a new family
They push us to our limits and then a little further
They make us feel anew
This is what dreams do
132 · Jul 2019
Thomas Freeman Jul 2019
To most i am no-one
To few i am a friend
To two i am a son
To most i am no-one
Thomas Freeman May 2020
No one person
Most of the things that make you
125 · Sep 2021
Dear Hope
Thomas Freeman Sep 2021
Dear hope
Why  do you always feel just out of reach
Further than the stars above
Yet closer
Closer than I am to me  
The distant light you give
Is Warmer than than any flame
It’s Bitter and cold all at the same
Dear hope
Where were you in the past
When i thought any day may be my last
When i was busy trying to shatter myself just like glass
Never building myself up
like a blind man i could never see
All the things i could eventually be  
Dear hope
Why must we do this
You press my buttons like i'm nothing short of a broken machine
As if im to be thrown away and scrapped
As if i can’t even be recycled into something new
Something better
Dear hope
Today i was reading the paper When i got the news
You had passed on
For hours i couldn’t believe you were gone
Hours passed and i couldn’t speak
For hours I layed there feeling too weak
Too weak to move or hell even to think
But yet my mind was racing
Straight down the track it went
headed straight for a crash
Dear hope
It’s been three weeks since the crash
And when i awoke i was surrounded
But despite everything around me
Despite everything that had happened
I found myself drawn to a familiar glow
I couldn’t believe my eyes
And  couldn’t help but cry
Because in that glow you were there
Radiating your brilliant heat
Shining brighter than the stars that you were once so far from
That’s when you spoke
You told me you had only left so that you could find me
The me who was had lost all senses
The me that could neither see, hear ,nor feel you
It was at this time you grabbed my arm
And promised to shield me from my own self harm
But before I could utter a word
You were gone
Yet somehow i knew you were still there
I only wish i could of said one small thing
Dear hope
Thank you
119 · May 2020
Writers block
Thomas Freeman May 2020
I...I have no idea
Where. Where do I start
Or rather how do I start
The words used to just flow
Now they just wont go
I used to have so many ideas
But now it feels like my thoughts are being suppressed like the Korea's
I used to be able to write on the fly
Now I can hardly write even if I try
The one thing I felt I was good at
But now I feel like a baseball player with a broken bat
I guess maybe this just isn't my thing
116 · May 2020
Thomas Freeman May 2020
Feeling like we don't belong and never will
Always wishing we could feel love
Many times pain is caused by us
I...I honestly feel worthless
Living day by day hurting myself so not to
   hurt them
Y....y does it always feel like this
78 · Jun 2024
What dreams are
Thomas Freeman Jun 2024
We all have dreams and aspire
Many lack the fire of passion
I am one of many
Many starryeyed children and adults alike
Some want to race dirt bikes
Others want to touch the stars
But so many of us are told we will never get far
And bit by bit beaten bruised broken our dream
Becomes just that..a dream and that's how many many stay like a time capsule never to be opened as we sell our selves to make ends meet However
It doesn't have to be like that
Dreams are so much more than just dreams they are the building blocks the foundation of the future they help give life meaning and keep our hearts and souls warm at night they are life's biggest and best accomplishments they are the only thing that keeps me going
That's what dreams are
68 · Jan 4
I Learned
When i was young I learned to tie my shoe
I learned to read and to write
I learned about what was wrong and right
I learned about the colors like black and white
Then like the shadows trying to hide from the sun
I learned about things not so clear
I learned about things not so innocent
I learned about life about things my parents wanted me not to see
I learned about pain unlike that from the scraping of a knee
I learned about life and how no matter how it will always be companied by death
I learned about pleasure and that every star will one day fade
I learned about people and the good they can do
I learned that just as life is always companied by death and just as every star fades not everything is as clear as we choose to believe
I learned that the people that we think we may be are always different than what others see
I learned that now matter how much we learn in our lives we will always have more to go  
Now I just need to learn how to be the best version of me
64 · Jun 2024
Finding Family
Thomas Freeman Jun 2024
Life is what we make of it just like family
Family isn't always the one we're born with
It can be those we hold dear to our heart
Yet not an ounce of blood is shared between us
They may not feed nurture or shelter us
But the laughs memories and bond we create both sustains and shelters us from many things
But not everyone is lucky or confident enough to find that family and to those that haven't I say keep trying because nothing in life is more important than family wether it be by birth or by choice
58 · Sep 2024
Mood swings
Thomas Freeman Sep 2024
Crying sobbing sad
Then like a switch moods brighten
Thriving gleeful glad
41 · Jan 22
I never really did quite belong

I felt like I was just always being dragged along

Every word I spoke was white noise like a fan while you sleep

I never really did make a peep

My head hung low

Lost in thought

Looking beaten and bruised as if I'd just fought

Well in some way I did and still do

I'm sure lots of you do too

The voice gets louder and the devil's get stronger fueled by my own thoughts

I only go outside when rain falls from the sky

it makes my tears not so clear

I guess Im still in fear of being a

Another long one sorry about that

— The End —