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Thomas Freeman Jul 2018
You say you're there but never show
You say you care but never act
You say you tell the truth but only lie
You say you love but only spite
You never do its as simple as that
Thomas Freeman Jul 2018
The sky begins to darken as the clouds gather overhead
Rain slowly starts to fall as you watch from inside wishing this storm would pass you look onwards and you see lightning in the distance as your hope begins to dwindle thunder crashes making your ears ring with pain but then you realize this is no storm it's your life the clouds depression the rain your sorrowful tears the lightning
The quick glimpse of light before you are swallowed by the darkness the thunder the voices of those with the audacity to tell you get over it
Thomas Freeman May 2018
I'm stuck in a never ending battle
One that shakes me like a rattle
Armed with the sword of hope
And a shield of antidepressants
It is rather unpleasant
More often than not quite deadly
Like a broken record
Playing the same depressing melody
Thomas Freeman May 2018
A meadow lies beyond a small house
Within this meadow is a small patch of flowers
A single flower stands out among the rest
It’s stem greener than the grass around it
It’s pedals a bright golden yellow like the sun
However it’s beauty would be hidden forever
Within a small patch of flowers
Within a meadow
Behind a small house
Thomas Freeman May 2018
I think I know what I most fear
In fact by now it should be quite clear
Anymore I have to fight with everything that I have to try and hide the tear
But no matter how hard I try
Eventually the facade fades and I start to cry
I’m so tired of it I’m tempted to roll over and die
I’m tired of the lie you're getting better
If that was true I wouldn’t be on the verge of a relapse
I thought I had ahold of myself but I guess I’m losing my grasp
Thomas Freeman May 2018
We all have dreams
We want to obtain them by any means
They metastasize to others
Becoming a inspiration for many
They birth us a new family
They push us to our limits and then a little further
They make us feel anew
This is what dreams do
Thomas Freeman Apr 2018
I opt for a different destiny
One that doesn’t lead me to insanity
Maybe gives me better morality
I want to write expert poems finaticaly
One were my poems reach excellency  
That's what I want for my destiny
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