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 Sep 2017 finn
when did the calls past midnight become a part of who we used to be rather than who we were going to be
at what point did you stop loving me and when did you realize she would make you happier when will you realize she will never make you any ******* happier and your self-serving misery won't be fixed by having a different girl between your sheets than the one that promised to love you even when you didn't love her
do you know if she will beg you to stay when you think you found the one who will fill your void you put there by yourself?
i've never been your answer but that doesn't mean i can't ask the questions that put this silence between us
 Sep 2017 finn
i hope your band never gets famous
i hope your next girlfriend will hate me
i hope you hate christmas because of that song i wrote
i hope that someone hurts you like you hurt me
i hope she finds those polaroids from when you still loved me
i really hope you fail out of school and have to move back home so you can be stuck in the place you hate the most
i hope that i never finish adding to this list
 Sep 2017 finn
 Sep 2017 finn
oh god i would do anything to see leaves or fireworks or forget-me-nots or snow or tadpoles or anything extending beyond the current day

i'm sorry that our plans never made it to blueprints 

is there something about me that screams impermanence?

am i the human embodiment of a rest stop?
 Sep 2017 finn
is it still considered a funeral if you never died and i was the only one in attendance?
you must be dead if forever was cut short
you would have been 19 tomorrow, if birthdays were celebrated for corpses
apparently phones don't ring anymore in heaven/hell/philadelphia
"happy birthday" and "did your mom tell you i drove down your street a few weeks ago " falls on deaf ears
 Sep 2017 finn
here's to 2 yrs
 Sep 2017 finn
Dear ****** ***,

hey so yeah i'm writing this on our 1 yr anniversary because it'll be cool to see what i felt about you a year ago and stuff. so, i guess here's a letter to future us!! maybe we will close the gap of 212 miles and we'll have rats and they'll be named bean and peach. we can finish our doughnut tour of philly and wake up every morning to blanket forts and special k and i will be your sun every day. all i know is that now i can't imagine a future without you in it. thanks for 2 great years and i can't wait to write you a card for infinity.

love always or whatever
*names changed for anonymity and to reflect current and permanent feelings
found this in my sketchbook last week and i didn't even feel anything
 Sep 2017 finn
the dent in my pillow is filled in and our future was never in your plans and the chip in the door frame has been painted over and nothing has been the same since you left but maybe that's a good thing
 Sep 2017 finn
i've been thinking more and more about the definition of true love and i'm realizing every day that it's not the boy who ****** me over twice for the same girl
and it's not the ex who told me he was going to **** himself if we didn't get back together
true love isn't tragic endings
i'm learning that true love is the feeling you get when you're in the passenger side of a car and your best friends are yelling along to a song you didn't know they knew
 Sep 2017 finn
sorry that i stained your pillowcase with tears over someone who left me farther behind than his old bedroom and his mom and his cats and his backyard and his kitchen floor where our conversations could have meant something
 Sep 2017 finn
he called me less and less and less and less until i couldn't remember the sound of static over the phone
2. my bed stretched bigger and bigger until i swear my whole house was just space that he wasn't in anymore and meanwhile he was looking for someone else to take up the lonely space between his sheets
3. "abandonment issues" had become more of a personality trait than i anticipated
4. people began tip-toeing around me, like i was glass on the edge of a coffee table teasing the world with the possibility of my shards cutting everyone and everything around me
5. i stopped singing while washing the dishes
6. i stopped running while crossing the street
7. my future was no longer a glowing exit sign on a highway off ramp and instead became the vastness that is inside my own head
8. i started remembering who i was before him and now that i'm in the aftermath of the natural disaster that was "us", i have the realization every day that i deserved more

i deserved so much ******* better
 Sep 2017 finn
hey, tell me again about your dead brother
and how falling in love with you should never have been an option on this multiple choice test that was our "relationship"
i killed the chia pet you got me for christmas
and now i can't stop watering the dead plants that are starting to fill my house because i have never once been capable of keeping anything good in my life
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