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 Oct 2012 Tim Knight
Another day gone by
And what have I to show?
Struggling through each moment
Hoping the pain wont flow

A cheerful mask my only alibi
When all have gone
With the doors locked
The mask comes off

The smile fades
The laughter dies
The weight comes crashing down
And no one can ever know

I sit alone
True feelings exposed
Trying to hold the flood
A battle made to be lost
 Oct 2012 Tim Knight
Sophia Rae
My brain is knotted to my head with ties I should unravel.
I guess it doesn’t do me any good to sit and think.
And in my dreams I’m in a boat and then the current makes it sink
and blood just pours into the ocean til I’m left with feeling weak
and these thoughts burn inside me deeper than the comfort that I seek.
It’s all a waste
and what’s the point if I would let my findings go

if it meant I’d see the outline of my sharp and brittle bones?
Clinging to every song I hear to search it for a kind of purpose
I could try to find a God to show me all this isn’t worthless.
Perhaps there was a word you said that made me keep on crawling
past the people who have told me I should focus on my calling.
Or perhaps it was a word you never stuck around to say
and I am left here on my own to try to seize these ******* days.
My mind is a machine creating thoughts that are contrived
and they can see the insincerity that’s dripping from my eyes.
 Oct 2012 Tim Knight
The fortress is soundproof no more,
And the voices I had once blocked out,
Are creeping in, seeping in, towering over me,
They accuse me, they shout.

Peaceful silence marred by vengeful shrieks,
Blissful ignorance quelled by demanding questions,
Pristine air darkened by black tears,
And surrounded by all, I stand in the centre.

A spotlight of love-turned-ugly encircles me,
And for the first time, I feel insecure, alone.
I take my hand and place it on my chest,
Trying to feel, in vain, my heart of stone.

Silent  heart.
Vacant chest.

Such a curse- this emotionless machine
that swells up on others’ despair!
The robotic pump that never breaks down,
That’s never needed any healing or repair.

I hear the frantic beats of all the hearts
I stomped upon, nonchalantly broke.
Then, smothered by the darkness of my own being,
I gasp and wheeze, I choke.

When will my veins distend with passion?
When will my heart spout unhindered blood,
And add into my lifeless existence-
Fire and pleasure, pain and love?

I’ll unlock now, these strong iron gates,
And stand outside into the hot, harsh light,
I’ve been huddled up in the dark all my life,
I’ll expose my soul now, to set my wrongs right.

And for the one-
Who’ll unfold, unfurl, enter, penetrate,
And my stony abrasiveness, slowly grate-
I’ll tear open my chest, and silently wait.
 Oct 2012 Tim Knight
The season is a lullaby
of frosted clocks and prickling ire
impatience with the steadfast solemnity
of the wintertide uniform

Locked in crystal formation, the sunshine sleeps
where the mountains beckon
the very peaks
and the hours of the passing days diminish
into austere darkness,
Yet my heart thrills with each crystal shimmer
and beats a pulse that cannot be met
by any life
contained in snow

There is a whisper to my very soul
from the whitening glow
as it shatters the bones of cold

Such Redemption in the icy sound
sets my mind heaven bound
 Oct 2012 Tim Knight
In the dark shadows of the night
I sleep with the crowd
Tuckered away in my nice cozy bed
Asleep i be not
For nothing frightens me more then these dreams of memories

I laugh I play
"This is fun" I hear them say
I cry I weep
"Lets go home" I hear them say

Where may that be I ponder
Walking around with shadows that dwell
The silent noise of a distant fan
Turns to a speed boat; so fast, so fun
Ends up to be a death trap so fast, lets run

What is this place
Where have I step
What must be done
Who are all that follow
How do I get out

The doors appear before me
As though my words have awoke them from their deep slumbers
Broken, splintered, nearly falling apart
All these door were ****
Except that one dressed in red wear

A red so bright
A red so dark
Never understood, until just a few moments ago
This is the door it has to be

And where it leads no one dares proceed

Its a dream my dear, I hear
Whose dream is it, they scream with fear
You must escape or be replaced, they whisper with haste
And we are nothing more then a vivid door, they claim

Follow the path marked green
This will show you the way
Marked with death you may not follow
Marked with pain you may not know
Marked with love you may not have
Marked with hate you will not feel
Marked with innocence you may not take

So go ahead take one
Be marked forever
Or just drift away
Either or you will not believe where you are

What is this hellish theme
A play, a sense  
Well its make believe, a simple dream.

— The End —