Is anyone ever truly happy or content?
Just as one thing goes right another is apt to go wrong
Setting one back further on the road from which he came
Taking the proper steps back can seem, oh, so very long.
Yet, we travel that road where we started
Over and over again to make all things right
Our determination is bound to get the best of us
We will not fail if we choose to use all of our might
Once we get over that bump in the road
We can continue on in any direction we choose
We’ll never know what is in store for us next
Stepping carefully forward-we have nothing to lose
Yes, we may trip, fall, or even get lost
But, we must continue walking on this particular road of ours
As the good Lord wanted us to use it to move forward
Knowing we’d be carrying our heaviest burdens hour after hour
When we fall, He will be there to pick us up
He built the road so He knows where we will falter
He will get us safely to the end of our road
As long as we worship Him at the foot of His altar!