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Aug 2015 · 182
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
stop this spam please.
Aug 2015 · 263
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
we just hit it off .... click
you get me like no other
we talk for
you are more lovely than love
you and me we..... click
but now you are no longer , and I sit here with this gun .....
Aug 2015 · 259
Good advice
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
Take a walk with thyself
softly, secretly
an hour before the dawn

thy feet feel grasses caress
and time awaits you
by unseen  hand drawn  

down to the bosomed river
plunge thou naked body  
and be reborn
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
the ship lies waiting in the bay
won't you swim out there with me

no way ! - I've just done my hair

ha then , I'll find her already on board.
with tousled locks more beautiful than yours !
so see ya darlin,
she's a waitin' for me
she has a smile of knowin'
when she dances my soul a  flowin'
and I'll not be missin'
this pretty misses kissin'
she knows I'm swimmin' fast
and all
the other women
be left on that lonely shore
for this lass.
Aug 2015 · 314
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
Peace - like a river
rolling ,

murmuring sweet nothings,
mother to child,
on the scorched evening prairie,
and the hot and lazy wind playing upon a sea of golden grasses.  

A murmuration of starlings above  - behold the great symphony in the sky.

In the morning my Love,  
you in my arms ,
peace in my heart,
it beats with fire,
peace  and peace and rhythm,
time beats on

and you're murmuring sweet nothings.
and my heart on fire .
and yearning
the river burning In the evening sun.  

it whispers an ageless story if you'll rest and listen.

the river takes me home.
to you
my peace.
Aug 2015 · 428
and moving on ..
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
You planted a seed

I wonder whether
if then or never
we'd grown tighter
and more together
to tether each other
would be to smother
together to suffer alone,
but alone recover

to set us free
to be all that you would be
You set me free
but you made your move
to prove to me
that we
oh beautiful beautiful friend of mine
were never meant to be.

I wish you all
and only the best
and peace
and love
and quiet rest
and yet no regret
I'd still say yes

you made me who I am today
I'll never forget  
there ain't no way.

so fly and fly
transformed and sovereign swan
oh beautiful beautiful friend of mine
oh heavenly gentle one

our seed has died
and been reborn
young tender shoots
blazing new dawn
Aug 2015 · 260
Pride and power
Tim Bentley Aug 2015

     I must

      I will
Aug 2015 · 615
Love unrequited.
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
in the depths
go down to the edge
your mind moves with uneasy silence
a stunning stillness
light blasted , now blinded by blackness.
unwelcome stranger
solitary, sinister ,  serene.
turn the corner
a stench rips the senses
and sends you backwards
hells breath floods the air
the unseen terror
a sneering smile.

I am lost ,
is this love  unrequited?
Aug 2015 · 341
the death of love
Tim Bentley Aug 2015
wrap me up in coarse
blackness, old dank Labyrinth
take me away, take me there
I am weary
and I am tired of this longing
it boars me to tears and tears
one way
this way
pull and pulled apart
this folly the fools call Love
I am all empty and gutted void
a rank and weary traveller
a shrivelled man stands there
a shadow of himself
won't you take pity ?
or are we all to be ******?

Take your mind
and use your heart

Abuse your heart
and remove your heart

then choose a heart
and win that heart
and then bin that heart

and be careless enough not to destroy
that heart
to leave it beating its last

it feels nothing
because you feel nothing
it does not matter
because you know
you do not matter
all is acid
it stings the soul and burns the flesh
acrid and heavy stench
we build our defences
and fill out trenches
with slitted eyes we
scan the enemy benches

we see our Love
and Fire
volley after volley
confused we attack
and no holding back
we slaughter out Love
it shall not possess
we are proud and sovereign
no room for Love in our embattled
and shrivelled hearts

out and out and die alone
the Lark sings its final poem

— The End —