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Eddie Matikiti Mar 2017
Maybe this could be the month
When the loathed seed will arise
All the lovely flowers will blossom
The scent of red roses up in the air

The hearts of maidens full of hope
Hope in the mysterious connection
One heart intertwined with another
Two souls conjoined in unity

If such exists, this could be the month
Oh what joy it would mean
Oh what peace it could bring
Oh what contentment it will give

Birds chirping in the spring morning
Two lovers laying in truthful bliss
No words spoken, only the hearts converse
Maybe this could be the month of love
Eddie Matikiti Mar 2017
May God grant you all the desires of your heart and enable you to live in constant  joy and peace. Amen
Eddie Matikiti Mar 2017
I have stopped going to LinkedIn to apply for jobs
My aspirations have transcended into looking beyond the security of a pay cheque
I am looking beyond the 8- 5 call of duty
I am aiming to make the lines blurry between pleasure and business

I don’t read on how to perform in interviews anymore
My library is all about how to lead, how to influence and how to make an impact in others’ lives
I am more interested in fueling my ambitions and driving towards creating a legacy
I am learning to think beyond myself and seeing into the future

But in the end I guess it’s all a gamble
Success is best defined by the beholder
And it will be tested by time...
Eddie Matikiti Mar 2017
My shoulders are heavy
I feel tired and heavily laden
My doorbell always ringing
Never a moment of rest

The weight of the world on my shoulders
All of the issues, problems and cares
Knocking my head against the wall
Violence and noise all around me

The troubles of the world burning me out
Fires all around me
Firefighting all day and night
My head up in smoke

When will I breathe clearly again?
When shall the problems cease?
When shall the smoke disappear?
When will the fires die out?

Who will carry my own weight?
Who will extinguish my own fires?
Who will dry out my own tears?
Who shall rescue me in my hour of need?
Eddie Matikiti Feb 2017
Life is a struggle
So cold and pointless at times
Hardships and struggles
Unnecessary difficulties and problems

Life is a great battle
A fight to rise to the top
Blood, sweat and tears
Victory only comes after fighting

Life is a mystery
What is the point of it all
At the end we all lose
We all die anyway
Eddie Matikiti Feb 2017
After all this time
I still think you're amazing
You still light up my fire
You don't cease to thrill

After all these months
You keep getting hotter
Your heart is still as pure as gold
You still touch my heart

After all these weeks
I still miss you
I wonder about you
Can't wait to see you again

After all these days
You're still a miracle to me
I thank God for you
I see my future aligned to yours
Eddie Matikiti Feb 2017
It was all lost that day
All those good many years of sanity
And clarity of mind gone in a second
One moment and a few words triggered it all

The beast resurrected like a Phoenix
Spitting  fire like a wounded dragon
Raging  with infuriating anger
Erupting harshness like an angry volcano

In that instance, the gentleman died
And that animal arose
A monsterous transformation occurred
Until it's ugly head surfaced

The sunshine dimmed off abruptly
All manner of darkness appeared
A feast of anger and madness  was served
Trapping the man in a weary temperament
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