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When the last ink spears
have dried
on the white blush of battlefield paper
sheath the pointed crossed teeth of letters
to whom was fashioned a vain likeness

I can take no more poison
and you have no more pigment to spare

It rained between the heavy blankness
in the fissures of a comma stained tear
a mark, a year.

The wasted hollows
in the vowels of your syllables, were almost a crime.
so I pulled myself into the void
with a graceless sigh
to hide in the drainpipe d's
wait for that  storm to pass.

With a weary eye you travel the pupil
shadow in a glazed nuance, I could never quite
find a place for
an eyelash moment.
Was it tender? or a bruised sunset
tattooed in a canvas of skin.

In the river running though the banks of bone in your neck
to the blockade of the doors of your mind.
I find the crossing point
at the maze created by your ear
You rolled the silence around on your tongue
a tornado breath amid the humid
necklace  of lightning.
Something I thought of during class while my mind wandered.. each paragraph is almost a new thought, with a thin tread connecting each.
i've been
reading poetry
ee cummings and--
sylvia plath
pretty pools of words filled with color

--and ducks

charles bukowski is a
***** old man
lots of ***** old
and images
but real dirt, not pretend
real's so hard to find
these days

they talk about love like it's
always wonderfully beautiful
(like the beautiful snake whose
poison's killing you)

that's not

because it's falling asleep with warm breath on the back of your neck and your bed a little too small
because it's laughing so hard that you almost snort macaroni and cheese out your nose
because it's doing laundry and pausing just to notice how your clothes smell like her
because it's waiting alone, imagining how big you'll smile when she comes back - it's always bigger than you think.
because it's knowing that the pain's not part of love, it's part of being human

they don't know
nearly as much as they
they do

i love--
baseball in the park when it's not too hot
(I play shortstop)
chocolate ice cream cones in the hot sun
(dripping down my hand)
flying kites in autumn winds
(the falling leaves make the difference)
sledding through the snow
(and crashing into snowbanks)

i love--
(in the glass bottles)
root beer
(with vanilla ice cream)
(it's better than sprite)
mountain dew

i love--
(and the soapy smell after you shower)
(making me laugh more)
(how much you care about people)
(and you let me, too)

that's my proof they
don't know
they're talking about
that is)
i think poetry
is overrated
hot breath
through plastic jaws
silicon veins throb
black ink  an invisible scribe
I swear it is more alive
than some I have met.

we all play in the dust
still just children
stripping  more
than could be created

gaze to heaven, lamplight
halogen painted nights
a haze we lid our eyes
to dim anything
with the scent of emotion
the thunder of progress
roared from the mouths
of deception
The fruit rolled by all day.
They prayed the cogs would creep;
They thought about Saturday pay,
And Sunday sleep.

Whatever he smelled was good:
The fruit and flesh smells mixed.
There beside him she stood,--
And he, perplexed;

He, in his shrunken britches,
Eyes rimmed with pickle dust,
Prickling with all the itches
Of sixteen-year-old lust.
My head falls
to the pillow

and I
breath in,
your soap
Even in the night's dew.

it's all imagined.

you're not here.
we decided that
long ago
(or rather, i did).

We hugged this morning.
Breathing, as innocent as
the first.

The bee hung about our heads.
The only one who saw such an embrace.

a stolen moment
where our hands locked,
not intended
(like before),
only meant to bring you forward.

We were going to explore.
 Jun 2011 Tianna Elise Lind
God some people **** my body

It  brings moments of satisfaction

but not much else

God some people **** my brain

its brings nothing that feels like satisfaction

but i learn so much from them
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