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Thoughtful Mind Jun 2015
How do you talk about something that you wish
Never happened?
How do you tell people to stop the jokes
They aren't funny to you
They hurt
They terrify you
They make you see
Things in your dreams.
How do you stop feeling guilty
Even when the man who loves you tells you
It isn't your fault.
But you let it happen.
You are stronger than that
Better than that
Yeah, no scares are left behind
At least none that people can see
Because you hide them behind a smile
With a shrug and a laugh
Cause that will make it all go away right?
It never happened.
Because you can barely remember it.
Not until he flips you over to try something new
And then you can't breathe.
You want to be dead
Because the last boy would did this
Took a piece of you
Stole a piece of you
******* ***** you.

I can't.
Thoughtful Mind Jun 2015
Life is full of
**** we don't know
****** up nonsense we can't understand
People who fall away
Pieces of puzzles that don't fit
Why do we try?

We live for the moments
Hope for the best
Pray to a god that may not be there
Who the **** knows?
Maybe we will make it
If we try hard enough
Love enough
Are the best 'us' we can be

But ****.

I am scared.
Thoughtful Mind Jun 2015
I feel frozen
A statue stuck in the ground
But the ground is this floor
The one where we lay together
Watching movies
Gazing at each other in love
I can't seem to move without you around
Even though it is just a few days
I am stuck.
Glued down
Something I fear you will never be.
Thoughtful Mind Jan 2015
My bed smells like you.
I smell like you.
I want this all the time.
I need this.

I can't sleep.
I need you here.
Be here with me
All the time

I feel lost without you
Even though you aren't mine
Was never mine
May never be mine.

I want you.
I need you.
Thoughtful Mind Jan 2015
I close my eyes
And I just can't seem to


Because no one is there to

Catch me

To hold me
When the nightmares wake me

Shake me

So I don't close my eyes.
I would rather be awake
That way I can stop


Into the fear,
The nightmares,
The dream that don't come true...
Thoughtful Mind Dec 2014
So... I have a few complaints..
Let's start with the fact that you ****.
You get my hopes up
You make me promises
And then you fail me.
I am sad
So very sad
I cry
Well in my heart I cry
You don't deserve my tears.

I want you to deserve my tears...
Please just please want me
And the more wine I drink
The more I think
I want you
Please just be mine....
Sorry guys....the wine. It makes me gush.
Thoughtful Mind Dec 2014
you make me sad.
you make me sad.
you make me sad
all of you make me ******* sad.
I will drink another glass
finish off the bottle
I am still ******* sad.
I wish I could just cry
Cry it all away
but i will just wash down the feelings
and wash away the pain
the sadness
all the feelings
become a stone
and drink some more
drink away the sad
and maybe.
just maybe
one day maybe
just maybe
i will probably
most likely
never ever
be ok
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