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119 · Oct 2022
Ode to my family
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
In our dreams we sit under a beautiful Willow tree
for once I give you time on the speaker
with your head on my lap
and perhaps we travelled here by quad bike

And it’s beneath the gorgeous twinkling Luna sky
that we light a Sterling Dual
our lips meet whilst I pull you close
“always” we both whisper
119 · Nov 2022
My Grandfather’s Riches
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
When I was younger
they had me in Stiches
and I’d watch them conspire
like vulturous *******

The way they would fight
about lining their britches
I saw them circling the skies
for my late Grandfather’s riches  

I was given his name,

His kindness,

And it was me by his side in all of the pictures.

I was the one that was left my Grandfather’s Riches.
117 · Nov 2022
Yellows, Oranges & Red’s
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
You have so much beauty
I swore the flowers even turned their heads  

You put the sunshine back into my heart

The Yellows,


and Red’s.
116 · Nov 2022
Lesser man
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
I do not need to tell you
that you may want to reconsider  
how you auctioned off your heart
just to sell it to the lowest bidder

Why did you bring me back
to just replace me with a lesser man?
to then torture me one last time
and to do it just because you can?

You know it’s going to hit you
like a train in the night
and you won’t see me coming
because you’ve dimmed your own light

And if he’s what makes you happy
Why aren’t you letting me go?
Is it because he hasn’t got the glow
that can warm your hands in the snow?
115 · Nov 2022
Back Home To Me
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
I am relentless, obsessive
when I am screaming into the hardened face of this cliff
but is there anybody here to listen?
or talk me out of it
over a spliff?

Yet, I only have one purpose
one desire, one selfish wish
and that is to find what it is that we’ve lost —
the thing that what was missing when we shared our last kiss

I will continue to throw my light
into the shadows of your doubtful, ‘made up’ mind
and I will light up it’s beautiful skylines
until it’s the real you that I can find  

You don’t have to see this through
this path to which you have committed;
sometimes it’s braver to just admit the defeat
and let your soul be aquitted

Why should I just give up searching?  
when I know you want more  
I promised I would never give up fighting
for things I did not value before  

I will dig my weatherbeaten feet  
into the bed of this sea
until you turn around and you listen  
and sail right back home to me
115 · Nov 2022
The Ridges of November
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
You do not see the tremble
Wired beneath my skin and my hallowed hands
As I hover amongst the lost and stolen

I am every gypsy in the wind this night
And every thought crossed
              Blackened alley’s alone

On the night I am found
In the ridges of November;

On the stealth lightning
That hashes my insides
To the autumn fire of years cease
              and tango

‘til eternity's end.
114 · Nov 2022
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
I’m still clutching the clouds
and you watch from afar  
I don’t know why you still hate someone
who doesn’t exist anymore

Betty and the other stars in the sky
they carry your heart to me at night
and they keep bringing me back to you in your dreams  
because they believe we can put this right
112 · Nov 2022
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
It doesn't matter about the vows
that might one day be spoken
when you tell me we'll always have this bond
that will never be broken

And though he gave you a ring
it doesn't keep you out of our bed
and you swear it's really the last time
because he wants to be 'wed

You tell me that he is enough
and that one day "I'll see"
but as long as you are keeping my body
you are still keeping some of me

I was always going to be more
than some boring basic husband
because as much as you like vanilla
you really love custard
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
I could look through the greenest fields
and I could search all of the golden beaches
I could fight in the wars
Put out official statements—or speeches

I could turn each single stone
and go through every dusty attic
Until the end of time
when the world becomes static

But I will never find another
who I would want more than you
Because even without you under my sun
you still paint my skies blue
111 · Oct 2022
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
Was the day I spoke to your mother  
about the carcasses we saw of fluffy animals
I wish I’d have told her how much it meant
that she even wanted me there

You looked so beautiful by the Derwent that day
I should have pulled you behind that fir tree
the one the squirrel danced around
and I should’ve just kissed your lips

I think you lost your heart at the Derwent
because I haven’t seen it since
but I still leave the taps running in this house
so it can find it’s way back home
110 · Oct 2022
Things you could do
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
You could spill all your secrets
on to my bed

Or drown me
in all of the lies
that I keep being fed

Why don’t you laugh at the poetry
and all the words that I’ve said?

Or ask me to get on my knees

Or get the **** out of your head
110 · Nov 2022
it wasn’t me…
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
If you didn’t want me to speak
then why didn’t you perform a tracheotomy?
or saved yourself the trouble
and just given me a lobotomy?

I guess it doesn’t even matter
because he’ll pretend that he didn’t see

and as soon as he asks
you’ll just pretend that it wasn’t me
109 · Jun 2023
The mould
Thomas Alan Jun 2023
I was a star in your sky
that refused to get old
then I was the blue on your bread
when you scraped away the mould
108 · Nov 2022
Painting Cracks
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
You watched me build myself a brand new body
like I am made of warm plasticine
and while he tries to rinse me off your skin
the water doesn’t quite run clean

You caught him looking for the plug
so now you've wrapped me in a bubble
so I can float above you both
until I can dance in the all the rubble

Always quick enough to put it in me
but never to cut me some slack
but I guess that's just you
trying to keep his hands off the tap

And it's beneath the shallow, empty waters
that there's cracks that everyone can see
so while he paints over them with a ring
he cannot paint over me
108 · Oct 2022
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
Play me some lullabies
But they won’t be sending me to sleep
And pass me some Zoppies
For my dreams I cannot keep

Withered and restless
Whilst I turn in the night
because even when I shut my eyes
I am as high as a kite
108 · Nov 2022
my pillows
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
i cling to your memory
like your scent clings to my pillows

and no amount
     of tears
        seems to wash
              you away
106 · Nov 2022
Night Shift
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
I missed his previous call
because there’s no service in the lift
He says “I’ll have to call you at one
because he’s working the night shift”

So then he’s asks how I’m keeping
and tells me that I look well
I tell him I’m working harder than ever
And he says “I know, I can tell”
106 · Jul 2022
“Lovers Walk”
Thomas Alan Jul 2022
The temperature about 22’
whilst we walked The Lovers Walk  
You think if we close our eyes tight enough  
in our dreams we could maybe talk?

So I will meet you there in Alnmouth
Whilst he watches us like a hawk.
106 · Feb 2022
A Sad November’s Day
Thomas Alan Feb 2022
So we got unlaced and rethread
at the end of a sad November’s day
but don’t you worry yourself though sweetheart
I’ll make sure that you get to have your say

who knows why you hurt the truest love
you have ever truly known
when you changed the course of history
forever apart, we will now be sewn

for you I was here all of the time
day or night my love
always with your fingers half interlocked
and folded into mine

I just want someone to read this
and understand my words as they are written
for the one for me will appreciate my intuition
yet still, from a curse of the bible I was left bitten

106 · Nov 2022
Lost property
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
dishes fly across the kitchen
food climbs the walls that I want to escape
a beer scented storm screams into my baby face
as my mouth is closed from fear and not tape

my body is frozen in statue
just an inanimate object with a beating heart
lost property of my father
as I am torn gently apart

hands on my skin
my eyes glued to the hands of the clock

i wish they’d made me a body

a body

with a lock
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
After Lewis
Anger raged within me like the seas had just kissed the moon
You sailed on hypothyroid emotions
within the eye of my bipolar brain’s monsoon

After Lewis
We didn’t bother to change a thing
wound each other up like a yo-yo
and we watched each other spin

After Lewis
I was still tired from the mirror
because only now it gave me daily beatings
telling me I needed to be thinner

And it was only after Lewis
that I realised it was too late
I had done too much damage
and caused you too much heartache
105 · Oct 2022
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
We smoked a cigarette in Durham
As we watched the city glisten
I was undiagnosed then
but you didn’t want to listen

So though you keep on judging
while you are waiting for me to plead
my insanity was an honest defence
that you didn’t bother to read

I spoke to a man over coffee
who said his grandmother also had ‘thyroid
said it nearly ruined her marriage
because the doctor couldn’t fill the void

I went with such an ease
So they didn’t need to place me under section
If I knew how much he was hurting you
I would have murdered my own reflection

For years we spoke only of me
like **** all else mattered
We had all forgotten your mental health
and we all left you scattered

Do you remember at the hospital window
when it fogged from either side?
My words couldn’t reach you then
but with these poems I still try.
105 · Jul 2022
just us
Thomas Alan Jul 2022
we met in the half painted bedrooms
where they speak words from a holy book
you cut yourself on the glass from a candle
and the broken pieces of me that I left on your floor

you recreate the parts of us
like you don’t even want it
acting out a play in real time
because you’re heart doesn’t mean it

i can still smell the fragrance
the out of date flapjack on the bookshelf
the vapour from the green tea in the cups
the feeling of together
all alone
just us
103 · Nov 2022
Glass Slipper
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
You slipped him on like a glass slipper
and I don’t mean to be this blunt
You’re telling us that you fit so well together
but I can see toes poking out the front

The magic dies at midnight
that’s when the fantasy will end
So soon you’ll remember what was real
and what is actually pretend
102 · Nov 2022
everlasting quill
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
Oh, how special you must be
to be able to pull these words from my heart
as you are the only subject matter
that I have managed to turn into art

But as they spill like tears from my eyes
out of my control
is there any point in owning an everlasting quill
when you don't want to know?
101 · Oct 2022
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
you may persue the same religion
but that book is mine
that is my holy Bible
that you've got tucked neat between your thigh

my hand written annotations
will remain splashed across it's pretty pages
and my tear-stained droplets
will still be there when it beautifully ages

so you can read it, you can rip it
you can even tear out the middle
but my name will always be inside it
because we ****** so hard in riddle
99 · Jun 2021
a discounted guitar
Thomas Alan Jun 2021
You’d said need to find yourself
where at? the mattress on the floor?
at least you had your own bed
when you had your back against our rear door

You can fill your lungs with smoke and with tar
but hey,
at least nobody’s coming at you
with a discounted guitar

Does committing fraud bring you closer to tee?
if you had never met me I can almost guarantee
you’d be one of the desperate *******
wanting to buy my socks and then worship me

If you want to talk leagues
then you know where I’m placed
much, much higher
than a balding **** who continues to age

I wrap myself in gold
with everything that I do
I really look after myself
and you know that is true

You forget what it’s like
to taste the real me on your lips
not the last me that you had
but the one that liked your little man ****
Thomas Alan Jul 2022
You see these words right now
because for me you are still smitten
You had me filled with all the Bible
So just call me “super bottom *** kitten”
98 · Jan 2022
The Spell
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
Do I only belong to early hours
and having meaningless connections
under disco ball reflections?

Would I have kept my next of kin
if I had managed to keep myself thin?

I am being carried into morning
by the spirits that do not live in hell
and if i pricked my finger would it even break the spell?
96 · Jan 2022
to every single person
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
to every single person
who has stolen
a little piece of my heart

can you please mail them back to me
inside of an envelope
addressed to the person
who's words made you art

94 · Feb 2022
three piss yellow strands
Thomas Alan Feb 2022
three **** yellow strands
stand up on edge
at the sight of a basic boy
that could be pushed from a ledge

he ponders and he wonders
what lonely has yet to become
while through a fake easy smile
he's showing far too much gum

92 · Jan 2022
Forest of Dean
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
You left me in the Forest of Dean
talking to the trees
and there's now a nicer part of me
that nobody ever sees

I never once doubted
that I was going to survive
but I knew it would change me forever
even if I was to make it out alive

Sometimes it can take a broken heart
for a man to see the error of his ways
and now all of the lonely nights
are bleeding into the days

I lost my interest in meeting strangers
beneath the branches in the park
and ever since you left
I've been scared of going out after dark

Thomas Alan Jun 2021
I fell from the clouds
whilst you watched from the floor
and you know what’s funny?
I don't even recognise the person that you are anymore

I'm sure even Betty and the other stars in the sky
can see that you lost your heart in the night
so I will ask you this again -
can you really blame me for not putting up a fight?
88 · Jun 2021
is he hard to digest?
Thomas Alan Jun 2021
when the excitement is over
like at the end of a night
when the hard stuff really hits you
and you're faking it out of spite

are you sobering up
to what it means to belong to someone else?
does the feeling in your stomach
remind you that something isn't quite right?

when your right there and bed-less
and you have time to reflect
please just admit it to yourself
is he hard to digest?
88 · Jan 2022
Knock, Knock Doctor!
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
Knock, knock doctor!
it is just me again
the maniacally depressed nutcase

It is your help that I need
not ******* headspace

88 · Feb 2022
Thomas Alan Feb 2022
you sold me the dream
as badly as you sold me the lie
too long you spent performing for Hollywood
just to get your name into the sky

87 · Jul 2022
Holy Bible
Thomas Alan Jul 2022
you may persue the same religion
but that book is mine
that is my holy bible
that you've got tucked neat between your thigh

my hand written annotations
will remain splashed across it's pretty pages
and my tear-stained droplets
will still be there when it beautifully ages

so you can read it, you can rip it
you can even tear out the middle
but my name will always be inside it
because we ****** so hard in riddle
86 · Jan 2022
I don't have you
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
The biggest surprise in the end
is that you did not need me
and baby you got cold
in ways I never thought you could be

but I am no longer thinking
now what do we do?
when you don't have me
and I don't have you
84 · Jun 2022
no longer
Thomas Alan Jun 2022
maybe he will push me
or blush me
or sweep me
under the rug

yet, from the attic above
i was an echo, a thud
my body just now a weight
but no longer, i could
83 · Oct 2022
Jay (Walker)
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
I see that you were Jaywalking
down a dead end North East road
but Bible’s have never belonged  
amongst the books on the Highway Code

We can get the Walker man off our path  
and back in fifties Kansas where he should stay  
and I’ll be the one to cross you over to safety
in the me and you kinda way

So, who needs a car?
even in this inclement weather  
when the journey was always my favourite part
because our hands lock perfect together

You can still chose your crossing
and I will always give you the choice
still I regret the times
that I silenced your beautiful voice
83 · Jan 2022
i may have loved you
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
i may have loved you
with a damaged mind
and blackened veins

but the kind of love i gave to you
never ever wanes

82 · Oct 2022
A Lily
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
A companion is a gift;
A flower,
And a lily.

They bark and fight the gate
Because they know they are silly.

They thud the floor with their wagging tale
while they are giving you side eye
But there is comfort in their presence
and they never ask us why

Taking on horses
Because she had way more character
Her foolish bravery
She’s lucky it didn’t savage her

But even when they are gone
They will always be with you
So I’m sure they thank you for the years
That you were always true

So please don’t be sad
Here’s to our dearest Lily
Always part of your family
And always so silly.
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
How I stare at our ceiling
the dust that still clings to the light
because yes, we would argue
and yes, we would fight

but my hand will always reach out
for your neck and your thigh
how we knew it was true love
so we didn’t even try

and how you made it so easy
for me to write and to rhyme
when you came back to me in June
and said “I think about you all of the time”
81 · Nov 2022
Thomas Alan Nov 2022
You pull the wool over his dull eyes
every single time that we speak
and while you won’t give me back your heart
you won’t give it to him to keep

So you still refesh me by the hour
and call me up late at night
and though you’re doing me no wrong
You aren’t doing him no right
81 · Jun 2021
your heartbeats
Thomas Alan Jun 2021
why does it bother you
that i can hear your thoughts so loud
like you're still in the room
you hate that i can read you
like a book i've read over and over
because the truth is i have
over and over again
thousands of little times
i watched every thought
pass through your brain
i've counted your heartbeats
i thought about what it would mean
to ever hear it stop
it was enough to make my heart dance
and it danced with a fear of not having
your heart to dance with
many times, i closed my eyes
and i imagined our final moments
my three remaining hairs were grey
you had none
but we made it to old
and i made peace with the fear of dying
because we were enough to carry us over
and wherever we were going
it didn't matter
you held my hand
and you told me "forever"
and i would have been ready.
78 · Oct 2022
Thomas Alan Oct 2022
in passing they were
beside the corner next to the monument
two strangers that had already met
who would one day become strangers again

and he found him at the monument
when he saw what he wanted
the beauty of his lover shined back then
and now it's starting to shine again

he kept the image of him inside his head
for months and months he waited
because he could not let him go
and he had to make him his

and one day they will cross paths again

at monument
78 · Apr 2022
aintree horse
Thomas Alan Apr 2022
got a heart that's racing
at the speed of aintree horse
that has fallen at the first hurdle
are you placing a bet or placing a curse?
78 · Feb 2022
Thomas Alan Feb 2022
I cannot let myself
pick apart my heart anymore
and no longer can I let it wilt
while I stare into your skies
I got close enough to the touch the moon
but whilst you faced the sun
I saw in that moment
the truth about who you really were
then I burned my fingers trying to turn it around
still I tried to plant a hundred stars
right into your galaxy

I got lost out there somehow
in the dead of a never ending night

and you just left me


        and further


78 · Feb 2022
Thomas Alan Feb 2022
I found solace in my deepest thoughts
but nightmares beneath your streams
and I think you choked me with a dreamcatcher
just to take away all of those dreams

I wished only the freedom
to be completely myself
so you hid me out of sight
at the back of your dusty shelf

You dressed our house of horrors
with tasteless macabre interior
but it was not my fault
that I made you feel inferior

I was locked, tied and bolted
from within our doors
for you I sat and I wimped
and begged on all fours

but you forgot
to bolt shut the rear door
so tonight I dance around the garden with the fairies
because you cannot hide me anymore

76 · Jan 2022
Thomas Alan Jan 2022
no watercolour **** about me
if they bottled me they’d sell me in Selfridges
can’t see through me like stained glass
but you might cut yourself on my edges

personality so bright you’ll need your shades on
maybe you were colourblind to my magic
and you will never ever be this cool
how tragic
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