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Thomas Newlove Jul 2016
You're so beautiful my head gets dizzy talking to you. And those words escaping my mouth just stumble. Over your. Eternal eyes. Where was I?
Thomas Newlove Jul 2016
For months she made my heart beat faster, but the indifference I know she feels must be accepted, even at the cost of complete obliteration.
Thomas Newlove Jul 2016
She drinks fine wine and oozes class - with eyes and a smile that melt my heart. Here's me, just oozing, with cider and tears for company...
Thomas Newlove Jul 2016
On occasion, when one sees a man's front garden destroyed to make space for a new car, a nuclear holocaust seems quite an apt end for us all
Thomas Newlove Jun 2016
When I am out enjoying life's remit,
And wander into some department store,
I find that I am often cruelly hit
With nauseous scents of which I must endure.

Aromas of the various perfumes
That famous folk oft peddle to the masses
Affect my asthma clogging up the rooms
Until I'm far away and then it passes.

But when a lovely lady passes by -
Perfume mixed with a human factor,
And the scent wafts, floating, past my eye
I have to carry on and play the actor.

For that sweet odour smacks me in the face -
Envelopes my nose and then my heart,
For first it seems to stop and then to race
As brain is tricked by nature's work of art.

My senses dwell on that sweet love's decree
That smell that leaves me in pure ecstasy.
Thomas Newlove Jun 2016
It is the most wonderful gift to create worlds with your mind and hands - to create these surreal places where you can hide from your tears.
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