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Thomas Newlove Jun 2016
It started with a touch -
Nothing and everything special,
A gentle hand on the arm
As a sort of comforting reassurance
In a friendly-stranger-sort-of-way.
A way of saying everything is fine -
I'm talking to you because I want to
Not because I feel obliged to.
It was that simple gesture
That made me fall in love with you.
And there, senoras y senores,
Is your answer.
I fall in love too easily.
Poets fall in love too easily,
And each for different reasons -
All with a psychological deficiency,
Or maybe psychological necessity.
Mine, it becomes clear to me now,
Is the desperate desire to be held
In any meaningful way
For as long as possible.
And that acknowledgement
Brings forth logic and reason:
I know very few things about her
And always will.
She is a passing poet's love...
Just red hair and a sense of humour
Caught in a fortnight's daydream.
Thomas Newlove May 2016
In a world that is a sea of seductive men and women amidst a sea of seductive beds amidst a seductive darkness we are all just stubbed toes.
Tweet verse is a poem comprised of exactly 140 characters
Thomas Newlove Apr 2016
I want to scream but the government doesn't care. They ignore the screams of the people. I write it down but it already feels like it's f...
The Irish Government just took €12 million away from the already depleted mental health services in Ireland, a country that has the highest male suicide rate in Europe. The debate had a horrifically low turnout in government as the majority of elected officials didn't even bother to show up.
Thomas Newlove Apr 2016
She's the finest, perfectly sweet gelato that Italy has to offer, but even once you have tasted her you're still susceptible to brain freeze
Tweet verse is a poem comprised of exactly 140 characters.
Thomas Newlove Apr 2016
Smoking is terrible for you - we all know that,
But there's nothing quite as **** as a cigarette
With its wafts of smoke curving sensuously up
Like a winding staircase to heaven.

Maybe it's that, that Bacall and Bogie dance
Of noir fog above a lit cigarette,
Or it could be the intimate way
The word "young" is carved out on your slab,

Or the intimate way that the smell lingers
On the clothes of loved ones long after
You're dead and buried.
Nothing makes a guy harder than rigour mortis.
Thomas Newlove Apr 2016
The world is growing that little bit older, and everyone around you is blooming like flowers in spring and you are just stood there, rusting
Tweet verse is a poem comprised of exactly 140 characters.
Thomas Newlove Apr 2016
I'm madly in love with words, but they can be as meaningful or as meaningless as you want them to be - like rain or blood. Maybe that's why.
Tweet verse is a poem comprised of exactly 140 characters
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