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The thing is, either I'm reallly wrong, or I'm REALLY right.
And I think I'm really right.
Yeah but you dont ever REALLY believe you're really wrong, so you really always think you're really right.
But I am always right. Every time!
I mean not... you are often right.
I mean... yeah...
You're right.
A snippet of a conversation about a boy with a friend
Everything happens the way that it should

[sometimes you just have to wait a bit to see,
but even bad can be good
if you give it room to breathe.
There's nowhere to look but directly at it,
and to face what's come be.]

It could not have happened any other way, because it happened the way that it did.

{You are who you are - and you did what you did - and you're the only place you can be; this the only life you live. There is no other you to compare yourself too. They are a figment. They do not exist.}

So you are where you are until you change something, kid. It is what it is. You get what you get, and you get what you give. 

(You want it different? Do it differently; otherwise, take it all for what it is: and either change what you need to change, or quit your ******* and settle in. There's Nothing to do about what you did. The choices made are set in stone, forgive yourself and start to dig.)
There's no amount of thought that can change the past. There's no amount of worry that can change what it is.

Take it easy man; just try to live. It is what it is, until it's not, but then it's different, but it still ...
it's just ...
It is what it is.

It's a mantra...
Everything happens the way that it should.
It couldn't have happened any other way,
because it happened the way that it did.
T R Wingfield Dec 2024
Often I've envisioned
The demise of man
And placed myself as patient 0
The vector of the plague

Pestilence on my finger tips and soars on my cheek, I stumble around and infect and decay and inoculate hundreds of people a day
I watch as the disease spreads and the ones you love die. And know it was my fault... at least in some Way.

And as we all slowly die, and join the wandering gangs, it's the ending we deserve for all our sins and disdain.
In my 20's I destroyed a lot of ****, porperties friendships whatever you name it. You need it broken? Send it my way!!

About 21 I started to notice, I was always wrecking ****. And one night ****** I imagined being patient zero of the zombie plague, and having no idea what is happening as you descend into the psychosis induced by the disease. In a state where everyone seems hostile and you fighting them off and not the other way.. Right around 25 I broke my brain, and neurotically internalized that thought in such a way that it won't dissipate.
  Dec 2024 T R Wingfield
I was barely 21
when I ran with this older crowd,
(they were between the ages of 30-35,)
and I thought it was something cool,
something special,
I thought I was someone
real grown up and mature,
I thought age had something to do
with sophistication
so, I tried to impress them with Bach & Beethoven & Mozart
while drinking rotgut whiskey out of cheap tumbler glasses
because that’s what I thought grownups
were suppose to do
but instead they’d say,
“this isn’t that kind of party,”
and then they’d exercise their drinking prowess by guzzling down a whole bottle
of Rumplemintz and chasing it with a case
of Icehouse while blasting Screeching Weasel so loud that my neighbors couldn’t exist.
my forethoughts of adulthood had been marred by the stench of reality
and despite the headaches and hangovers
that paired with the morning sun,
I continued on anyhow,
matching them drink for drink
like it didn’t phase me
because I had something to prove;
I wanted to show them
that I was cultivated,
that I could hang,
that I was tough,
that I could run with the big dogs,
that I was all that was man,
(whatever that means)
all I wanted was their approval
that I was something
after so many years of being told
that I was nothing
and I wanted it to be known that I had endurance and stamina
but those addlepated simpletons were too vapid and clueless to notice the ****-stains
in their pants let alone what I was doing.
we were an odd pair, different yet the same;
we shared the same desirous need for intoxication yet our levels of class
were on a parallel universe.
but as time went on,
the framework of realization took shape
and I began to see they were just a gang
of losers with no place to go.
they used up my living quarters
as their party sanctuary:
people getting tattooed in my kitchen
people snorting coke in my bathroom
people ******* in my laundry room
people throwing up in my closets
people ******* in my living room
and it grew tiresome after a while.
so, I had to kick them out of not only my house but out of my life for good.
decades went on, I reached my 40’s,
they reached their 50’s,
and most of them are dead
but the few still living are more dead
than those buried in the ground.
they’re out there now,
enduring a midlife crisis
with bed-wetting regression;
peering down from the hills of nostalgia,
sprinting towards their
social media platforms,
losing their minds over
things they can not control,
smearing opinions around
like **** as if you asked for it
and gnawing away at the bars
of their enclosures for one last taste
of the honey, the pleasure, the folly, the glory
because they’ve become
embittered with world;
a world they hadn’t envisioned
a world they weren’t ready for
a world that’s changed forever
and after all the wild and lawless nights
and after all the rebellion against authority
and after all the broken glass & cigarette holes
they’ve became like everybody else:
unable to face the inevitable.
T R Wingfield Dec 2024
Oh to be a blade of grass
Caressing her thigh
Gazing up longingly
Upon Persephone
And her spring of warmth
On a cold winters day

Would that I could;
That I should be so lucky

If only it were more than a dream
Cuffing season got me feeling things haha
T R Wingfield Dec 2024
First stage: pheromones

I can't sleep

with the smell of you
still in my nose

and your taste
still upon my lips.

Neither can I wash it away
Nor let go,

lest your essence I were to forget
Oxytocin is a hell of drug. My date went well though ;)
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