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Oct 2012 · 1.3k
All Dribble. No Bib.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
keep this.
it's yours. you might enjoy the rambling brook with both toes.
we can't sleep now. this is how jailbreak is ****; Salomon's Mines, all yours.
say what you will. i got you. relax and configure
the dark nook of my profile...
come at me at an angle, and i'll arrive untethered; coping with real ****
stitching heirlooms to re-breathers... pinning neon
to your gold tooth.

all dribble. no bib.
just an avalanche of weightlessness, jamming signals. a sumptuous void,
undulating in indefinitely... keeping me sane and losing my things.
in ivory towers of strange radio
this is eclipse....

gone nova.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
television skin
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
box frog. lung dead
in a deep heap of old suns
simply the rival of Hate's hate... a mute huzzah !
the treacherous velvet
of a dead sleep

masquerading as a chance in dyslexia......
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Nazar Boncuk
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
a jagged cup
with an evil

in a bowl
two yolk
and a

a russet plum
burns down

the bridge
of my nose

a cinnamon wedge
of salt.

sift through

threshing the wheat
our daily bread

my mind at rest.

your curse

Nazar Boncuk  means ' evil eye '.
Oct 2012 · 2.2k
Theory and Thistle
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
These soft stones you call stars
claw at ravens, underneath the skull of your irony.
We are not without our useful futilities -
That function as the only spiral
of our narrow chasm

yawning in the wicked mist that tingles in the nerve-dead breath, your charms are few -
well met    and the hour has lost it's keening dread...
Where the hourglass slept -

Things are not the things we name things, alas
Our lexicon corrupts the numb jest -
the dumb joke that chokes the joy out of dominion
and bloats the vulture
till it simply


You're next.
Oct 2012 · 1.8k
this drop is a bit of pretty
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
this whiskey is hate tea; jangling wraith and numb teeth
a trump of sea kelp, engorged on itself -
a fleet of reasons to go madly
if nothing else.

this drop is a bit of pretty.

and all's well.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
sapping the faith from dust, i was ever wise.
a chipped tooth in a broad smile of a worm
on a rainy day.
you had your petri dish of phantoms and a small stake
in talking ravens... i had your god in my basement.
sapping the viscous chill of your willows
amongst proof that no rabbit has a hole enough
to **** Alice.
just a frame of reference more dangerous
than a rainy day
for a puddle
of sun

and strange mints.
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Whale Songs In Honey
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
with whale songs in your dreams

you submarine at new depths

asleep, you comb the fathoms of a bottomless speck of nectar

in your mind you see a golden dot of honey

quivering on the marble lips of an unknown goddess


from a single slab of old soul, by a master

dwelling anonymous in your cavernous psyche.

seems he left it near a dead fountain, near a cliff above your heart

from here

you can see your ocean trembling on her lower lip in the ghost light

of your beautiful dream

you can almost see your submarine descending in amber

so your eye returns, and you take the helm


you dive, a shimmering glint     at rest

on a statue's parted mouth

awash in whale song and brief glimpses of long lost memories

so you take note      of their migration

but your camera has gone missing

as you somehow knew it would.

as you somehow knew it would.
Oct 2012 · 548
I Should Hardly Know
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
i should hardly know the difference between
myself and perfection. but i do.
it is written in our skulls. in the cavity of our domes of conscience-
in a sprawling hand
like a Neanderthal had happened upon a new skill
that allowed him to carve into bone
the very meaning of insufficient.
in a sprawling hand.
i should hardly know just how to find truth
in this mirage. but i do.
it is written in our skulls. across the zenith of oblivion.
with references. followed by a word so vast
it would save a man
to speak
Oct 2012 · 680
A Suicide Bomber's Lament
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
are no
in the
Oct 2012 · 844
Gothic Boundaries
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
haunted, i am haunted by the sliver of your lovely
born in chains to fit my weakness, disavowed of any heartbeat  
to a different drum.
you are the sum of my addition . want me more
than you
can have
me -

then have at me.

lets jab at happiness. the wicked and the silence.
form new chains to slip our wrists; a few clouds of many dark things
that go hum.
you are the mumble. with diction.
haunting more
than you can haunt

and want me.
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Host Of Disillusion
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
The tempo is in the calm.
Much how lightning keeps her thunder in suspense.

My private thoughts are in the wind
Between the spoken word and the microphone.

Temples have no god.
The desert drowns the cactus and the snake the same.

Caverns tune their Hymns to Mars
To harmonize the choir.
Strange...Fruit Bats lose their radar and collide
With mangoes, more than Fate.
And People think of Stunning
As a tazer and a can of Mace.

And nothing is more hopeless than attempting.

When you're counting,

lose your place.

When the monkey cracks your Abacus
It figures
you'll improve mistakes.

Blunder into Wisdom
With more open arms
than Shiva

When you pray.
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
A Needle For Vain Hope
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
these are the sleeping roses that dream of thorns and candy
a plume of ludicrous rubes ramping up the drivel
a shanty town that shan't not blot out the sun with it's moon
but rather a rambling brook of gorgeous boredom
swimming upstream to get down there....

please might arrive before you leave.
even so, this is a private conversation that must be broadcast
as lavishly as night blossoms
this is the dead space, shuffling down the alley ~
seeking brackish wisdom and polished dust

these are the  genuine barnacles of faith; clinging to the hull of a derelict
an underground stream of punctual devastation
a zero, dividing without regard ~
these are the chilling suns, slathered in ice and muslin
a false door to a fiction
wretched with beauty and comely coronas

Thorns and Candy.
Oct 2012 · 938
Hop Scotch Wroth
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
you live on the puke star of dumbstruck
you sniff glue,  but stick too a strict code of *******
you're the mule and the contraband
the sweat on a flea.

you're like a radio silence. screaming and ****.

lucky me.
Oct 2012 · 2.9k
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
If I knew you were a super-villain i wouldn't have cared.
I would have a rationale. A flower behind my back to tempt you from your weakness for black licorice
and white lies. I would find an excuse to love you.
If I had known you were a super-villain
I would have spiked your drink with Love Potion No.9
and finding you impervious; consider my options
and hope for the best.

IF i had known this would never work out, you and me, you being a total *****, me being a fool;
i would have stayed the course and seduced you to make you mine
my very own special pain in the *** that has bewitched me....
I would have thrown myself under the bus; sipping a dry martini with a rye smile
i would have succumbed to what i knew you could be; if only...
I'd let us happen

Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
this is love on
this is love
i think.

this pollutes
my joy
and makes
war on

a more perfect hell
would be
if the fall
fell on
a brick in
a dream
Oct 2012 · 939
Gaslight Raptures
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
Love enough to wrinkle Time
your eyes    in the morning -

gaslight raptures
animate the angels
and nothing condemns
a single peace
to one note

the wavering is legion

as the stars

with more
Oct 2012 · 2.7k
Shred a Tear, Mend an Eye
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
you were downstairs, fiddling with the cobwebs and speaking in Arachnid.
your summer dress, mangled in summer, a tattered fringe of creek stain and acrid
you were there and you were absent.
off in another world,  more Victorian than Akron.
you had two black thumbs that killed plants
that never asked for it.
and a plush toy named ' ask again '

you were downstairs, and i was loitering in fictions i could never sell to Olympians.

shred a tear, mend an eye,

paint fences.
Oct 2012 · 552
Chapel at the Edge of Faith
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
it is december when the wheat sun is wane and the letters stop coming
in groups of three
and the windows creak in morse code and steam clings to every sigh.
it is december when the most of you is lingering -
just above the tinkling crisp
of shadow versus snow...

the origin of hope is everywhere and frozen.
Oct 2012 · 698
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012

should they cool
from dormant anchorings
in the eye's
deep harbor-

become quietus and vague
without remedy-

say ' Farewell '

to October.

(maple) and  pine

into thin blemishes
of lament

where the fog
has perched it's grey soul
deeply      amid the telephone wires

without message...

say 'Farewell'

to October.

and no one
driven softly mad
out here

[ speaks.]
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
sifting through aeons of green plums
we stagger in the hollow reeds of the wrong sun
under sorcery and utter love
ginseng in the choir of
our up above

we weave decay

we soon knit with icepicks, our idiot summer.
swinging from the chandeliers of our hovels
boiling rain
in ruby pots

delving into soft focus you can cut with a blade of gasp
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
And on the Box it said...."Hello. We are Razor Blades.
There are five of us to a box. We do not know who you are
but we are interested in anything that God has made.
We are five of us, and in this box
we have been sharp,
but it's funny, we can't seem to remember
how dull your life is....Without Brand New Razor Blades
manufactured in Germany and five to a box.
We thought you looked familiar but we all agree
that we're exactly like the world.
The World is Sharp. Manufactured in Germany
and five to a box.
Well, whoever you are, thank you
for startling us from the twinkly dreams of Razor Blades.
We got lost there once. The five of us.
And we forget the details now; But anyway...
We are not the revelation. We come in peace
and it ***** to be you in your prime.
Shackled to a raven
that remembers nothing has a purpose
when the bloom is vibrant and the world
is loathe to give a ****. But we digress.
Surely we've met before...But you didn't speak.
You were thinking.
What were you thinking ?

Rinse in cold water. Use Wisely.
Thank you for buying Brand New RazorBlades!
Oct 2012 · 601
Leveling Beauty
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
A brouche of thorns in the throat
Spinning hateful
In fierce revelation, shredding prayers
Before they petition the corpse
Of God...

A riverbed, parched into blight-
The husk of a once great deluge
Crawling through a desert of open wounds
To an ocean, long vanished from the Soul...

Locusts drum the impoverished dome of heaven
Gnawing the roots of Stars

Leveling Beauty.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
With our lips we keep our lips sharp
pursed whetting stones to push the air
over the bleeding edge  
of feigned civility.
caught up in whiplash   we act in tandem
jamming signals from signs
that read " don't tread '

carping 'bout the vitriol of honest venom
our black adders    subtract     to replenish

frothing at the mouth of the Ganges
To be at last

Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Sewers Of Fresh Love
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
that thing in your left eye, drooling empirical  pyres
seems to lose it's children anywhere you last saw them...
they traipse through sewers of fresh love, higher
than brick kites, dwelling on skin,
every hour.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
how my balloon became addicted to helium is a cautionary in a coal mine
choking on fumes, next to the garden hose, all snakes and power-lines
entangled in the turbulence of absolute calm , a rarefied catastrophe
an asterix,  just to the right
of the meaningless word
you would say
to me.

how my balloon became addicted to helium is a lost tomb.
teensy- weensy bones are polished
very close to microphones.
i would have to be the nothingness,
just for the night

[ followed by the longest day with you. ]

jimmy the lock
and fish out the quills;
we'll write a new desolation in cuneiform and iron will -
throw out your kinsmen
if they be discontinuous...
to shave a few hours off
time wasted
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
dem drops of rain
got dem nerve

took ma house
left me earth
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Flogging the Wolf in a Gleam
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
your symptoms are mine. we attach dead cells to living gods, you and i.
Golgotha spawn, writhe in leather trousers
to harlequin the marrow of our dire pipes !
to leap and jeer in tandem
that's how love does the impossible
with your mundane.

we are the abattoir of our stoic cow

your symptoms are mine. i see how you might think me mad; you not i.
but this is the dream fleck of your unkissed
a sweltering bloat of frozen hope
flogging the wolf in a gleam
of campfire exodus

and dust.

your nexus is the heart of the most free, a slim gorge of Krakens
yawning fresh hell and fjords of unconquerable silence.

yours is the tomb I am used too.

where we resurrect
we die laughing.
Oct 2012 · 2.8k
stampede and riddle
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
i knew you had a hard farm, where the livestock was stoic and the hills less harmless.
you had wolves that would breathe down your neck. and weeping willows made of funerals
and ***. U knew you had an old world view of birthmarks, where life is stampede and riddle
and lost art...
i knew you had guns, and an April of dead suns... a humid dementia of lecherous guile and innocence.
a distinct remain.    [ a loose cherub in the Wednesday...]  
a bowl of fruit and tyrants
catching spark.

i knew you meant no harm that a legion of crossed charms could reason to decimate my reckless.
you had rules that had deeds, done in the name of nameless. a thing, pillows dread.

the soul of your soul is the spot spotless; a dowry of feathers and blood

and yes.
Oct 2012 · 2.3k
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
fed the birds.
fed the birds a
book about
my dead  
fed the
birds a heavy.
fed them from
my thin
hands. The words
that live.
The birds ate.
The birds ate words that
lived and always
houses. if...
and i mean if
and only if
could afford
if these
clever pagans
ever had
a dime.
they found
it boring rich
folk to

i fed the birds
my indigenous
nomads. they dined
in high style...
dined black and
addicts, as they
trains . i fed the birds
swarthy tribe.
and they supped.
i fed the birds
a monologue
with trains of
the words i fed
them... the vagabonds...

of thought.

I fed
the birds.
i fed the birds just
i sat
and fed them
black light and Harmalade
fed them blackly
fed them with
piano keys;  the black
ones, the ones
that radiate
i fed

i watched them. watched
them fancy peck. and peck
and fancy
i watched. they dined
on serene defeat
by technicality.
it was surreal
to watch a blackbird
pluck from black
keys - peck
a morsel of glum

the black rays, yes.

the black rays with
opposable thumbs
and a
lifeline. the only one i
know forbidding gypsies
with three eyes.
an open
a paranoid  
black radish
white dwarf star
with piano keys
for black rays

nimbus, yes

mine is the hand that bites the hand
that writes the book
it wants
to ban, that ain't
a fan

not at all. just an appendage. a pen dirge ? What ?

i  fed the flock lots

I fed
the black ones -
with dolls'


i fed them, yes.

a book
about the size
of any welcome

i fed
them sorrows
and ellipses with
adjacent lawns.
wutherings in
stately manors, squatting
on either side
of memory
lane, like
a bourbon and
coke had
practically crawled
across shards
of hard
things to break,
with a drink
in your

and crawled, well blended

down the hatch
of enormous, well appointed
gothic frogs, that -
were mostly refurbished toads
with odd columns.

i fed
the birds,
broke out the

hang the tantrums !  

One should expect
a rich metaphor to want to
watch you
eat it's every
by extension;
lick the toad with 15 rooms,
three stories, unfit for children
and a full staff
of Adjectives,
highly trained

short-sheet the Bedlam, and fluff the pillories.

one should sip the liqueur
off the floor, inside the huge
and tipsy
and be thankful
for the dank

the solid gold flyswatters.

they're complementary. take one
as you leave out
" toads, eat flies.... so it follows...."
apropos of nothing, on the
' Good China ',

now in the belly of birds, well fed
an unwell.

a book about
my dead-weight's
to eat fewer
flies and

to grow wings.

Oct 2012 · 645
Spilling Vicious
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
join me in a husk of foam.

tell your demons to sing this wingless gift
spilling vicious plumes of almost.

yawn the anthem of a bleeding art !
succumb to the beautiful
your ugly said
"Yes " too.

dream now.

don't fear the rasp of Kinsey reports
return to the dungeon of free love

a real thing, on the fringe of a last thing

swimming in the mercury
of taint.
Oct 2012 · 3.0k
Invention In Lower Case
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
it was the moon that fell through. a lump of gray astronaut
pale acne-blasted, an orphan of the dome, floating in a pond
face down; gasping... green brass minnows surge through diatoms
that have no word for moon; a legion of blind unicorn gall stones -
invisible to naked eyes; uncountable geometries horde the dark waters
they cannot disprove or disobey. large mouth bass inhale calcium polygons
they have never met; that have no word for large mouth bass -
that hasn't always been unknown as september is meaningless
now, even more so, the meaning is less,
without the moon... so
the last tide is false. a satellite has lost it's grip and displaced a placid
jewel of ice cold pause. in the backwoods of these. words. a. moon.
is. breathing. in. a. void. teeming. with. ancient. life.
it is a void, unfamiliar to a native of heaven. this void used to rise and fall
in obedience to the wax and wane. in accord with her orbit.
but now it burns the ocean of serenity with irony's forge.
pounding the stainless steel of unfathomable loss;
even the dross sustains a shape of things to come undone -
when the hammer falls and the blacksmith is a poet
born to ****** fables from mayflies. a natural.
the hammer was in the hand before the moon gained
a face or an ocean to adore it. it was there,
ticking like a season, burgeoning with locusts -
holding off the mob; the moon was long ago, slipping off the roof -
long before firemen met lightning.
the tide was a pious fool.
the measure was not the span of the impending verse, but the hour of it's
callous beauty, assembled. a lunacy, stripped of all moons.
and only the sun remaining -
to behold the uncanny descent of a faithful, vestigial goddess.
a yellow throne. a yellow eye. and the sun's first chill...
as wave after wave of syllables sum succulent sorrows -
savoring sacred symmetries, asymmetrically... summoning -
super luminary strawberry switchblades,
saving sanity for questions with question marks.

this poem fell through. a lung collapsed or not.

and the moon is at the bottom of my heart.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
as you might recall
we both had small hearts.
back then,
the air
was for breathing.
we would need things
to go away.
we nursed our loneliness
on separate islands of practiced meaning.
the gibberish was a splendid farce,
wrapped in a bow, heaven sent -
postage due.
we had sad faces that looked happy
and all day too.
Oct 2012 · 961
All Of Us, These Arias
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
We pantomime our sumptuous dirge

That has never known a chord without novas

Or a Nocturne of phrase

Charmed into glissandos

gilded as galaxies

of gossamer, awestruck Thought...

And now

These Arias are all of Us -

Phosphorus Dirth-worms

In dead white apples

In a Cave.

Our elusive orchestra

Polished by ambient clay

To gleam forsaken

and redeemed

Has often curved the flat space

Between The Mystery

And No Church -


And the melodies


The delicate heresies of Love

That you make

With your bare hands

And our separate Hells'

Are but one Heaven

The Devil has to See

To Believe.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
now that your lips move and your breath is heavy-wet with burnt orange sighs, your eyes too deep to see me
from so much love away... now that your arms merry-go-round my wasteland, swirling languorous in lust, unarmed... you are the embers of lost ice, gathered on the farside of dead-center, more alive than krill, clinging to baleen and waterfalls, in the toothless maw of leviathans.

You're mine, again -
And out
to Sea.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
In your vision you are the only thing with bloodshot eyes.
You always wear a robe
that speaks seven languages... and a bank of fog is at your feet
nipping at your naked heel.
In your vision you remember how your arms feel in sunshine.
It is intense.

Your can-opener is hissing an etude
that alludes to wise men...
who bathe in miracles
and roam the world,
untarnished in Poverty.
Your can-opener whispers in hush tones
about barbarians at the gate. And they say
' they've come for the Linen ! '

You are not deceived.

In your vision you are the only thing that can backward engineer
a Universe.

On your way back to the homeland of your algebra
you hesitate. “ you may have left your keys in your Other Robe...”
The Robe that hallucinates constantly~ Carrying on about
' The dire consequences of leaving terrycloth alone with the keys '
and, afflicted with Prophesy Tourettes
the piteous tide of doom ' sayeth the robe '
you must suffer.

In your vision, you are the only one
looking for the keys.
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
A Nop of Lopsy
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
a loop of spume immune to fumes of eastern tombs
a burnin‭'; ‬ a  mad flash of candied wrath
and junebug randy newman‭; ‬
what rumbles jest in vestments yet
to loom a knit or pearl two...‭ ‬a ****** crest
of ***** wrecks and rubber necks‭
to view you...‭
‬a nop of lopsy,‭ ‬
fever pitched in thicket rich begonia‭;
‬and roman roads
too golden
from hydro
your hedge

a droop of noon in cool remove
from gypsum dim sum laude.‭
‬a drowning witch on boney creeks
of needles and salami.‭ ‬
untongued.‭ ‬a pool of fringe
rhymes with orange,‭ ‬
yes a door-hinge,‭ ‬
off it's moorings...‭ ‬
off it's Meds

death beds
for trampolines
in petrified forests...‭
a nop of lopsy,‭ ‬frogging Gatsby,‭
‬greatly famished to the Nines‭;
‬an olden toll of wish fits‭
then nothing

and that's
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
wise men hack through tea leaves. pitch their sermons underhanded.
then wander off. they walk divided. as one. seeking;
they merge into a path, more ocean than open road.
a Stillness, of no roman craft, but deeply engineered;
they gather to
disperse pamphlets,
steam creased and yea thick
than Answers.
they flock to a star made of Not Orchids, with brittle bones.
they sew bubbles to the souls of their feat
of Reason.
they peter pander
to the crocodiles, ticking in The River.
and salt their crumbs of wisdom
with their
Oct 2012 · 853
The Ink Feast Of Heaven
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
venus sparkles in the ink feast of heaven, a yellow albino with a crown of white nettles, seething in magnetic storms. a singular *****.
the moon glows. pouring egg whites and phantasms over the earth, perched in oblivion's diamonds like a haunted brouche. it's gorgeous.
high above, clouds clench black velvet and cold fronts. they scrunch into ice crumbs and wrinkles. white streaks skate a blade of wind shear
into a swipe of a tiger's claw. while far underneath, the sodium lights of the suburbs, brawl.

you live in a house of pure things. where the dust has settled arguments. where harm has come to none;
but all have fallen. your house is a living thing,
dying to show you the Door...

and you know this.
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
plead your case. the silence that follows will deafen your prayers... it will eat your rain.
tread where smoke has layed eggs in a nest of flames.
use your thoughts nimbly, and thereby, climb the ladder madly

humbly gone by love, my love.
humbly gone
by love.

these are not the words in my mouth. they are god's frogs. a soft plague of cecil b. demille with ampibians and barbedwire. these are not the fickle neptunes in dischord. you are not the last unicorn. only the basilisk in my zodiac. my marvelous queen.

these are not the feathers of a proud crane. but a wrecking ball reassembling a dandelion with a leather whip and a chair. they tumble from my limbic intimacy with your private lies. i bring genuine venom to cure blindness; but i leave an antidote under my tongue should your kisses beg to be a fool.

i won't say what this is.

i have bruises where your name left a dent in my kevlar.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
It was 4am and snow
had fallen silently for hours
leaving a thick blanket of marshmallow skin
draped over  all, and silence reigned
like a wise emperor whose subjects slept
without fear of Timpani.
Trees were over- burdened by drift
and bent like old men,
they stood
where their seedlings had taken root
centuries  before villages
up from the valley
to squat among them,
bringing chimneys and children,
women and  men,
and all their
It was late
and stillness shimmered
in moon-glow and cedar musk.
frozen stars,
all around
mounds of them
as gentle winds
plowed through the natural  world
sweeping smoke from rooftops.
Giant owls; Their wings
cupping the elemental
patrolled pillows  strewn about
the star chamber
of all Gods...
  Up where an omnipotent Love
dreams on and on about giant owls
and how from here, the  owls were gods,
patroling the nursery
of new gods.
Owls were floating in warmth,  that had been
crushed into something
it  had never suspected,
they were Owls
that kept the riff raff
the perfect moment
for gods to catch some  sleep...
they make it so
As Owls
too small too comprehend,
the vast Love
that loved them...
even so
a majesty was theirs
if not a mind that could have known - and not
unravel from the effort
of such Understanding
They were
  savagely  beautiful
in all their oblivious fulfillment
of the creator's plan;
they were
  wearing crowns
without burden...

At 4am, the mice below the frozen stars that fell overnight were in there dens  with uneasy sleep tickling their whiskers. Those mice out of sight of The Plan's Predator, unseen in the dirt  pouch under rich soil and snow, The lucky ones continued to be blessed. The gods were sleeping... and they all  loved mice... So at 4am, the mice below the frozen stars that fell overnight; they received all access to another  day on earth... they enjoyed the consequence of Love's action, for owl eyes were denied cute things to look at but  saw everything else. And beaks ... Well....
They would go wanting.
At 4am, all Mice who prayed for windows never got windows at all.
And the first snowflake to ever have a Red dream
was later made a prophet.
Oct 2012 · 2.3k
Equus and Critique
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
however i choose
to abuse these loose reigns
to gain whatever gallops may overtake
to overrun the rampant jade
in summer's plum, my teeth in no shade
but the plump flesh
of a ****** day; brightly at heel
of my toes, bejeweled
in ocean spray
fresh cut lawns with diamond dew, disarranged
sprinkler cast before midday
to cheat the sun,  a sip or two -
and slake the thirst
of emeralds
i would soon delight
to cantor through.
to roam
with eyes too wide
to choose
a culdesac ... to dread-
or view. Perhaps
a glance at crates
and crude cadavers of a life
removed -
from every thing i worship twice !
while prancing, ever-prancing -
the manicure
that has ' no cure '
for Nature's way
of tending too the over-groped
and fussy plucked,
some Charter barks
you have to do; What Art dispels
what man has framed ?
what power drapes
the Land more true ? A dozen Elves ?
Prayer in school ?
what genius
never fails to ask -
the question that reveals the fruit ?
or listens .... to the loamy grass ?

a very
few, if any who -
the same; the
mortgage and a
landscape, paid;
' in-full.'  [ The first ]

with love, the glade ?

The Earth
is all i know,
would do
for nothing,
all...  Spite all -
we do.
however we blockade
or stake
the acreage
we have papers prove-
belong to every
with keys to doors
that lead to
rooms -
that seldom have the sun
inside the red Redwood
the old thing died
too raise your roof
under god's blue

To shelter
men from other
who covet what
you keep in

a 1000 yrs of Life, undone  
to build our vapid
a forgery
of hearths; and hardly worth
the vasty parlors

we parcel, carve
and auction
our petty Lots of

the empty ones we polish
while our homeless
remain home-

the echoes of a simpler time
too weak to even haunt them.

our shame intact, we slash
and burn, for coffers have
no conscience.

our charity is scarcely more than earplugs
for a blindness; a band-aid for an Apathy
a thimble and
a wine list
etched inside the hollow
just below the milk of kindness
that soured
in a palsy hand
that brought a drop
and spilled it.

I have chosen more
than fiberglass and
my habit is to wander off
the beaten path
to mountains.
To slopes
of avid avalanche
and quiet shouts
of Silence -
that echo and return
as if to soothe
my withers'

to meadowlark and leap
for leagues without a harness
a gate to keep
the lush pavilions
at a distance

to contain
the gift
and no one
there to

nothing but the wind to kiss
and no books to
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
in the basement
where we keep our little gravities-
apparently the earth gave way
and hell announced a cavity.
allow for strange attractors
to collapse before they're intimate.
and never take the stairs
until you've locked the room beneath it.
according to the rule
there may be echoes from the chamber
a misery of wraiths
or a raven in the manger.
or a hackle of contempt
the very air, a shrike of drone.
an epistle from a hornet's nest-
at the back of our throats.
in the very, very quiet
where we keep our little maladies-
apparently the basement is as good a place as enmity.
allow for cain and abel
and perhaps you have the half of it,
swinging from a hook in every room we've heard it laughing in.
according to the rule
there may be black so black it's blackening
and everywhere the hoards of wane
dispel the moon
Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
butterflies seize power. your chin is in-my meteor;   however downward my star flint. you maximize decent. Olay ! red cape fear. your toro, china shops-  around. you mount an upset, upset.
you break my things. you spiral.
Keats repeats
the maelstrom of
a new thing bale-some
and then some

a lark's comet...

wails some, how sweet. how sweet.

your gloom frost is hot. you're fun with a broken spine.
but you seem  [ in it. ]

you seem as neat as a breach.
a stop. signed...

Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
you won't bleed because you're not about to burn. you saw  my lips curl straight talk
and mock the glockenspiel of my garrulous tongue. you stun my assets. my accent falters. but yes... you hear me yearn. you gnaw at my shin splints. we resist what ain't lost.
we grog the real liqueur of our tepid angst. get ****** up.
i'll craft a promise when i'm tongue-tied...
i'll say anything with my tongue;  yup.
i love you.
but our disasters are so beautiful, i could love that...

i just might hurt you with my mouth full...
Third Eye Candy Sep 2012
in the woods,  i was a boy of twelve summers
lanky and spry, my shadow faithful to my heel
as i trek. i suspect no doom. the world loomed
in the woods, i was a boy who dwelled, tunnels -
deep in the sun.  my halo, entangled in my horns
my forearms red. i reject no truth.   i hurl moons
over white picket fences. i blend in with wild things
calmly.  i move through    the rough shrub and ivy.
[tall grass.]
lashing mid-thigh... bare skin, drum tight. cooling
where the wind kissed. my innocence inveigled
in the turbulent dusk.  bucks rut, then
lock horns; dueling

in the woods
i was a boy
who dared.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2012
the sun has failed.

not that the universe has ceased to love
but it has surely quit
the enterprise.

we are the margins of  ”  why  “

And nothing leaves us as stranded
as ourselves.

i seek the green fields of your lush tongue.
the dreary lisp of your swollen

i grapple for the eager drink of your dream
to sustain the penalty
of my willful

the winter in summer’s teeth
is the frost that gives life
to crisis.

a golden gleam
that has you as you are
before the forest

of your everything.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2012
the grass, leaning in the south wind , seeming
              as if emeralds,   had sent tendrils up
              to suckle at the yellow breast, now,   high above     inflamed....
              over soft new
              strands of green gemstone,
              as delicate as humming-bird tongues
              teasing nectar
              from a titan,
              in the sky
              triumphant in the void,

              a golden bead in the baffling blue !

              cattails, curling in sway...and two brown eyes bob upon the surface
                          of a myriad fertilities.
              as if
                        nature itself had known, one day
                       a poet would come ~
              to roam the rambling renascence of these remote ramparts
                     in awesome humility ~ and so prepared
              a path afflux
                that ambled near

              and yes !

                        anonymous nomad
              with nicotine skin and a scabbard of scandalous quills
              would indeed
              stumble in      as if returning home
              to a mansion restored to glory
              and seraphic randomness....
              a place
              that in youth, sustained a quiet, soulful troubadour
              by gospels of granite and grain,  grass finch
              and faun - ennobling an oracle ... but now
              enticed a scholar  from his cot
              to jot ephemera
              of outlasting spark
              before dark-fall

              and so... there

              amid all allurement   and soft machines

              a word-smith gathered
              poesy and prose.
              this one served
              an invisible

              of unsurpassed virility
              who charms       kaleidoscopes
              with  offhand sketches    
              a landfill
              a basket weaver,  
              that unravels to
              achieve pure
              a wineskin was decanted in dianthus and hollies -
              as ampules of anagrams
              were sold unscrambled, to dyslexics
              without hope
              a falcon   frolicked above the lowborn lilies...  
              with eyes  
              too keen
              to see a
              as the hand
              of god
              or a vole
              as a lifeline
              on his
some aesthetic modifications and heartfelt snipping. like a bonsai. i like it better.
Sep 2012 · 1.0k
Old Glories And Dead Heavens
Third Eye Candy Sep 2012
The night had brought with it the hush of a thousand  homes, nestled in the raw

slumber of soft shadows -

moon cast,  in white mist and deep groves of impenetrable asymmetries...

a plume of thoughtful blobs in the shape of trees and dozy chimneys,

crowding the dark knolls

of some beautiful  assembly -

An unbearable Elysium, foam-joy and regal


the eye of our stillness ...

A luminous rush of glories and old plots of dead heavens

shimmering in the dialect

of mute jewels.

The Deep Night, plush and removed; swollen with the dizzy laws that govern such astonishing things -

An unmasked pavilion, stripped of horrors, laying naked in the ether

bejeweled in the common genius of the supreme will...

the extraordinary -

blasting the mundane from it's faint heart into ingots of exuberant ore ~

O'Sacred things that devour flame

to disgorge supernova           As tapestry.....

A garden of stars most hostile

to the ignorance of our darker thoughts -

The deep night gathered in the hollow of rainbows restrained by the clouds

Of a desperate mirror

One that reflects; to love better the Sun ~

but hasn't the Silver to shine.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2012
it was raining on the sun.
it was raining on the sun
this sun had 13 moons

it was raining on the sun
at 3 am.
the sun had lost it's way
only to find it's Madness
13 moons. 13 oceans
13 oceans of god knows what ?
13 dead gods on 13 dead lawns
the sky had gone where skys get very, very lost
where dead worlds sing
in the sick pink *******
of a host of slaughtered angels
typhoons of awful
like clots of mindless rage
fed only violence and dominion
only sacred cows and baby teeth
and darkling blasphemy
come from the ruptured lungs
of Agony and Thorns

Only you.

only you would.

Only You


**** a Unicorn.
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
La Petit Mort Du Jour
Third Eye Candy Jun 2012
my naked bees are stinging knees and never dream more kind
the honey, black... they lack the knack of natural acts. they pine.
they surly fume. they bark at doom and dangle chintz and fiend,
they serve a nerve as raw as words that pinch a finch’s wings.

my wherewithal, with all your spots, are not my dots; but sod.
by all accounts, it counts for naught...but sounds a lot like god.
the absent one. the ubermensch. the lint i sent you, cracked !
a dagger’s mind. a hellish hive of worse than curse. a laugh !

la mort, petit. du jour, for sure the purest night to bleak... the white !
the eye:; it seeks to sink at least a league beneath the widening gyre !
fie !  and thunder pun my plums
of glumful dungeons, one by none.
and glory wrack my sycophants.

and ransom damage done and done
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