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May 2012 · 748
Two Poets In A Room
Third Eye Candy May 2012
by heart we mind our verse... dredging funk, for carbuncles and silk wryms.
apart. entwined. our words....tumble from our chin straps. [ bits bit ]
we are writing poems like paradigms
equal twenty. our backs are bent.
we two: scratching magic with blunt tools, we are sonnet ‘s fool as much
as any crime’s pet. we shank the warden in the prism. we free the rainbow.
we change a blank page into a blank stare.
by heart we mind our heart’s thought.
on a bed.

from a chair.
Mar 2012 · 10.2k
Elementary my Dear, Hostage
Third Eye Candy Mar 2012
any wrong   you want    done right

the long way...

unforgettable things
you write down  

just in case ?

then you know everything about me.
not a thing. not a clue. what i'd do
for a glimpse

of a page.

that's what you like
that's your kick

won't you be mine
all mine
by page

It's Elementary My Dear, Hostage.

It is What It Is.

any wrong   you want    done right

all day

won't you bring me 'The List'  
like a bad
girl ?

and won't you insist ?

my good
angel ?

won't you fall ? Again ?
but This time
only inches ?
And your answer
same as before

"Elementary my Dear, Hostage"
Mar 2012 · 1.6k
Third Eye Candy Mar 2012
The Record Store died and the windows, some broken; held the light of day in transparent
tangles, sharp cracks in spiky slabs of glass. Red splints... fissures of bluish tint, silver yellows
glint in shifts, misfit prisms.
An old poster roasting an English Invasion,
facing the setting sun's horizontal furnace. Here and there,
the odd box, coats of dust, strips of beige tape; these
huddle in long shadows of analog. Looking in -
hands on either side
of your father's face,
you can almost see hipsters thumbing empty bins, like
bowling pins in an empty lane.
Bowling pins wearing scarves.

I shuffle my pod and rock on.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2012
i would like nothing more
if it wasn't so empty
i would be lying to say
i never loved
how feeling Nothing
made me feel
only the pieces
of whatever
i loved you with

i can't say my friends
have never seen me
taking it hard

when you vanished

i had that that Look
you get when
you finally
finally dare
a very, very
intimate embrace
only Abandon
was perfect
for Hopeless

i must admit i thought
the pain made
your beautiful Cruelty
almost mean
girls like you
Always tell the Devil
to say

how 'the pain was all she had to give, and my love wanted everthing she had '

my first real laugh... ached...but...
thought you should do Vegas.

or visa-versa.

and so
with that
everything hurt more
just knowing
i could
let it go

i could be removed
and still live with
all the shrapnel
you so lovingly made sure
was in the Bomb

my friends have told me
they saw me surrender

when they knew exactly what it was

when i dared to feel Nothing at all
they saw a broken heart's
first love.

And that look told all my friends
it heard someone say
you died.

and the Devil bought a ring.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2012
the evening sky
returned the last star
to it's assigned cartesian
and the night calm of barn owls
sank talons of silence
into modern

in the pit
is having
the last

of mesquite  

reading today's newspaper
from last week.
relaxed reeds catching spiders
and baseballs
all this

all this is dreaming

bruise hemp
over sand

backdrop for my wine glass.


i could see god getting the job done. wearing house shoes.

he's bumping into things
but catching anything that falls
  always always
been good at that
however weary
absolute Love

bottle of wine, breathing
won't tell a soul
by telegraph
when a light buzz
encrypts a moment of clarity
and every little thing
about right now
is true

wild sage landing helicopters with glass blades

black smearing blue, jackson *******
with van gogh's soul,

in the palm
of my
Feb 2012 · 1.4k
My Life As A Dead Man
Third Eye Candy Feb 2012
odorless bathing salts
in calm
with ashy skin

two cheeks
with silver milk
with odorless
to at least
nausea ,

the beads on a chain
attached to a rubber plug
wearing concrete shoes
in placid
Passes the Time,

even at a fraction of the speed limit
ulcerous enamel
leeching rust
into a pointless bog
of manganese
and zinc

bees wax
on the

she left her

she left hair
on how to recover
from losing your

a box
of wooden matches
can't seem to
get  on
with a crumpled ***
of spent tissue...

a waste basket
that needs therapy
with yellow lungs,
eating a can
of pork & beans
thinking wrinkled hands
are like
house cats

over the lip
of a submarine
with clawed feet
brass proud

with empty
beers cans on the floor
sleeping off
the misadventures
of a reckless

my wallet
splayed prone, under
a slow leak.
admiring the linoleum

better days
in a magazine

of a well appointed

it was furnished
with opulent

they were

on page twelve.

i thought

i knew
i would cancel
my subscription
even if it
Feb 2012 · 2.2k
invention in lower case
Third Eye Candy Feb 2012
it was the moon that fell through. a lump of gray astronaut
pale acne-blasted, an orphan of the dome, floating in a pond
face down; gasping... green brass minnows surge through diatoms
that have no word for moon; a legion of blind unicorn gall stones -
invisible to naked eyes; uncountable geometries horde the dark waters
they cannot disprove or disobey. large mouth bass inhale calcium polygons
they have never met; that have no word for large mouth bass -
that hasn't always been unknown as september is meaningless
now, even more so, the meaning is less,
without the moon... so
the last tide is false. a satellite has lost it's grip and displaced a placid
jewel of ice cold pause. in the backwoods of these. words. a. moon.
is. breathing. in. a. void. teeming. with. ancient. life.
it is a void, unfamiliar to a native of heaven. this void used to rise and fall
in obedience to the wax and wane. in accord with her orbit.
but now it burns the ocean of serenity with irony's forge.
pounding the stainless steel of unfathomable loss;
even the dross sustains a shape of things to come undone -
when the hammer falls and the blacksmith is a poet
born to ****** fables from mayflies. a natural.
the hammer was in the hand before the moon gained
a face or an ocean to adore it. it was there,
ticking like a season, burgeoning with locusts -
holding off the mob; the moon was long ago, slipping off the roof -
long before firemen met lightning.
the tide was a pious fool.
the measure was not the span of the impending verse, but the hour of it's
callous beauty, assembled. a lunacy, stripped of all moons.
and only the sun remaining -
to behold the uncanny descent of a faithful, vestigial goddess.
a yellow throne. a yellow eye. and the sun's first chill...
as wave after wave of syllables sum succulent sorrows -
savoring sacred symmetries, asymmetrically... summoning -
super luminary strawberry switchblades,
saving sanity for questions with question marks.

this poem fell through. a lung collapsed or not.

and the moon is at the bottom of my heart.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2012
All Day
The Dams burst into song.
The golden throats of Honey Ants exhale the sweet air from crystalline lungs...
I am thinking of You.
And the roar of the moss that glitters in the moonlight that fell across your stone,
your soul, your next move...
amid the giants of your camouflage,
your masterful dodge of tedium,
that bores you completely...

The roar of your pancakes.
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Demon In The Hagen Das
Third Eye Candy Feb 2012
up late with cream. flecks of chocolate are burning at the heart of the sun
the one in my chest. a new moon in the zodiac of wet kisses.

you live in a house.

i live in an old thing, young enough to love you.
a shard of glint. a true tick, head buried in your angels

we're working it out.
Nov 2011 · 911
I Just Know You
Third Eye Candy Nov 2011
you are not poolside. you've wandered off; and left behind your passport.
i have someplace to be and nowhere to go -
we could hook up at the pier
and tell ghost stories
to ghosts we know.
i suspect you might be lurking in dark groves with dumb luck.
but i don't know how you mean
from this long view.
i just know

or some-such.
Nov 2011 · 756
Are You Strange ?
Third Eye Candy Nov 2011
are you strange ? god i hope so.
we could do this all day and never sell a lollipop.
wouldn't that be larceny, and flop sweat
in spun sugar ? wouldn't we be doing things
differently ? choosing our lovely spines
from old books... that's our tick.
are you strange ?
[ It Is What It Is.]
i'll still be licking toads
with everybody's
shoving rainbows down sewer pipes
and crossword
I'll still have
a thorn in
the pudding.
Nov 2011 · 998
Your Mask, My Masquerade
Third Eye Candy Nov 2011
june is a fist of botched odds
plodding along... a rube of wise fools
the long frost of a brief dim
witness to a harm gone

you seem less full.
an entire galaxy of wane suns
it's your mask: my masquerade rules
under some malignant
lush fog

and asked for this.
Nov 2011 · 617
Top Words [ canto deux ]
Third Eye Candy Nov 2011
Top words -

love  like  thing  time  
just  long  eyes  heart  day  
lost ­ things  lips  know  
dark  god.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2011
we were making love. you were wet sun-storm calling moons.
i was every moon.
you had thighs. thighs so thighs i was Moses
wandering in the lava fields
of new islands.

my hands were everywhere.

you said things that lived too much and died a little.
so did i.

you held my breath to save me the trouble
of Aaaaah.
Oct 2011 · 578
I Get Carried Away
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
i get carried away,
it's delightful how
the air
you breathe
was mine

and that
trips me out.
i could give till it hurts
'cause that's not
a waste of my

so i'm inclined
to relieve you of your sundress
i'm inclined
to relieve you of your sunset

always shine.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
love  like  thing  time  

eyes  just  heart  lost

long  lips  day  things

know  night  


Oct 2011 · 2.4k
Internet Porn Vexed
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
by my distracted count
there are more pictures
of naked women on the
internet, than there are
atoms in all the oceans
of the Earth.
note to self: buy stock
in tube socks and
Kleenex. Flaunt wealth.
but don't you ever
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
pruning fingers from a cold dead hand to gain twenty index
to power point a disjoint nexus, amongst ill guests
to better frame the nameless tool,
thumb-less apes could truck with -
in bands of frantic lack-wits
hording alabaster thumb-tacks
to pin jokes, they don't get.
a lapse in queens, the hard Chess...
an hour glass
with a grain of sand left -
wearing a jet pack, to delay the turn next
that checks your king.
or telekinesis, ghost-grips the silicon
in free fall... on pause to stave off
a game lost.

pruning fingers from another world of empty reach,  i grasp -
at long last;
the short girl with the long red hair -
has two eyes, on task...scanning my true intent
with deep shy, heavy lids; a bright green
fixed on my nervous

smitten; then, a Pabst
Blue Ribbon

and sweet
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
you were love punked and had those bags under your irony.
you looked good for the guy seen eating his toes
on a closed beach.

she just left.
Oct 2011 · 652
Building a Fool
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
I'm building a fool where I'm standing. To build insanity would be inane.
I have permits for this foolishness. but no floor-plan for insane.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
Jupiter is a dead fist. But i am lately disembarked in your parlor. loving farce.
you are twinkling in the chamber ***. you pay rent.
but i am hately, loving instruments of accidental art.
This poison is the only one that loves you.
a superman, afraid of how brittle
your Memory Lane.
Oct 2011 · 1.9k
The Cyclones are Cellophane
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
cyclones are cellophane
saran raptures, and
gale forced smiles in the rain    
that comes after a dead-end starts
with a grave intuition.

Out of the blue,
a sky you knew would be safe
as sun-strokes-
of genius,
that love had
a heart...
you found

That's you
wishing where stars
don't fall
they just hang
in the black hole
Oct 2011 · 863
Love's Remains
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
The bones of love howl such parodies

That cannot speak more seldom of Paradise

Black sand irritates the Pearl...

Faith maligns the Believer

As God invents Pain,

Shrill phantoms

Over Love's

Oct 2011 · 745
Gardens of a Lover
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
it is sweet where my kisses fall

and that is not the only sweet.

the slender of your naked charms

is wide enough to keep my feet

in thin air

where love is one of those birds

where love is one of those things

more beautiful than the last thing

that broke your heart.

that broke your heart.

and broke your heart.

it is sweet where my hand came to rest

and that is not the only sweet.

there's a place where everything is wet

good enough to eat

and come up for air

when we fall asleep

more beautiful than the last thing

that broke your heart.

that broke you heart.

and broke your heart.

deep is so shallow

compared to you

the sun is a shadow

so much darker than you

the ocean is half the size

of small

and like a single drop

of dew

my love is so much more than all

when you have it all

it's more than

Oct 2011 · 787
A Man Of Woman
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
a valentine may relax
keeping a tall space for a long kiss
in a dark drawer with a light stain
for a rainy day or a dry spell
for any man of woman
something celtic could remember this
something Shelley-
suspended in finger paintings
radiant vipers
like one hand laughing
at a naked rose
as any man
of woman

And ( gathered at myself like an accident )
all of me wonders 'who died?'
arbitrarily breathing
my last
then to suddenly and hopefully
love all things
like any man
of woman

i read your horoscope...
i make our bed
to break
our fall.
to break the
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
so you have no name...i can yet name you; no bother
it is a simple thing to have a hole in your honor
and sideways now is always

and you remember how your scars are like twilight and cinnamon

if you keep the happiness of happiness
it was tonight... and yet
ours is to loom in troubled avatars
and i suspect
the winter in summer’s teeth
to sink at least as deep as goodbye
and hours will be hours
at a time
Oct 2011 · 769
Crash Test Prodigy
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
as i slipstream, unseen in red leaves golden in the dun
i writhe in no horror, collapsing figments of ennui with the tip of my prehensile tongue
i know not how the rivers run, but joy is not dead... it capers in the laser lilies of our fire

i know    from stone
the story of the mountain
but i drink stones and cut bread
with breaking waves, anyway.
Oct 2011 · 1.4k
Get It Over With Again
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
some of those thin moths are snowblind
enchanted by cheap tricks, trickling for magicians
past their prime.
four wings, naked lunch
long time.

the universe is unlatched
and just fine.

you come from nowhere
and go over there
all the time.

your eyes, some
remarkable placid
rancid with

plunked into an anagram
of our first kiss

the Cerberus
you doubt
Oct 2011 · 540
are you sure about that ?
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
tell you why your kite is dead. i'll tell you why you sing flat.
this is what i do gently even though the tide against me, is Sparta on crack.
you don't recall our fierce love, the oblivion mambo of our singular act !
are you sure you don't forget      too better remember how
you wish you felt about that ?
Oct 2011 · 986
How To Pollinate a Ghost
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
when the quiet is the whisper
gingerly wring the neck of ravens, to sleep deeper.

split the infinity.

give heartache a farthing of your coin, realm-less

spinning in the dithers of your lingering agenda


loom oodles of shear joy, dis-attached from farms of promise

a reckless keening in the dreary gloom

of a perfect day.

and caramel apple car-bombs for Halloween.
Oct 2011 · 1.3k
Both of Them, Yes...
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
he fishes in the pond along the broad abroad
reeling in the glistening skin of fight and splish !
a twitch of atheist, in a rainbow foxhole
pleading to invisible  wire
he prayed would
when Life imitates Art
the Irony

is Photoshop.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
give me the coral knife to pinch the glaze of atoms
throbbing in the bin of space, where Time is matter...
cringe in the dismal life of dense days,
and rays of no pattern -
emerging from the afterglow of absolute black
braiding heaven
from a hell,
with no

give me the business    that sees a mark
as redemption.
Oct 2011 · 1.5k
Oatmeal Paint And Lint
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
bathe your slow gin smile in gossamer moss
an epiphyte
of long miles above thought !
your germ sings !

this love
dilutes proof of plain facts.
the obvious; obscured by the harsh aye of No !
a black white
fiending  for gray
Oatmeal paint

peeling from the  seam of lost moments.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
not amused, you are the same blue lemon... slipping traps
that ask lastly, why you ask kindly? ; " where have all the lovelies lapsed ? "
ask a hatred how to love and suffer truth too bold... and step back

love nothing, but sear into the glacier of your last hope.

And Love That.
Oct 2011 · 2.0k
Shunning The Gimme
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
enthroned above the kingdom of desire
hardly born... a chestnut of wane fire
stealing metronomes from garden gnomes
shunning the gimme
of asking for nothing.

your breaks mend
iris slivers sleep in dungarees
of dross and stale glass

sick lemurs. dancing  in the Cherokee  of sublime Dementia

dueling rhapsodies of function

utterly bereft
of form ....
Oct 2011 · 1.3k
I'll Just Die, If I Live
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
this is not your typical cathedral
hurling damnation and touching you
this is the gristle of igneous rock
grinding your wings to an absolute stop

bad things have shadows that would rather fall
than never leap in the first place

this is hard to understand but i forgive you for keeping me alive....

this bright spot
that follows rabbits into new holes
churning the placid Samadhi
to favor the whirlwind
of a stillness

you are one of those things-    
all impossible

between dreams.

handing me volcanoes
and ice screams

i'll just die if i live through this, i'll be one of those blithering kisses
affixed to scarecrows of dead laws !
i'll  have the moon enslaved to vigils of contempt
to fibrillate  the zombies in my Disneyland

but you will have to  confiscate my happiness to spite your grace
Oct 2011 · 870
Hello Poetry
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
hello Poetry....remember anvils soaking in snow
bejeweled in Hello Kitty
cringing in the Marrakesh  of so much pantomime ?
Are you singing that song ?
the one you scrawled in a fit of distance
on the edge of ***
with    the

hello Poetry... swimming in ego butter... Lobbing off heads
in a red blue !
the stem of a lunacy
into corridors
of soot
and last
Oct 2011 · 721
Did You Kill It ?
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
this old key that fits your eyelid
came in handy. more than I did.

all thumbs;      i had you to my cell

a pupa on a pin

thrashing at crystals, a chrysalis would call God !

this fits the dead calm
of how you left

to get right.

did you **** it ?

the one thing you slept with ?
the dread spike
your lips wish
would say
" yes "
Oct 2011 · 816
Got Gone From Nowhere
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
got gone from nowhere  sewn shut in the hem of Her
only to languish in sweet lies... chosen from a dozen fools
to pillage a raging guess...
a solemn zealot, kissing the ring!
i've arrived at nowhere special
******* the tears from a black-hole;
killing Time with a rainbow noose
joining Wednesday with a Thursday
and sleeping through the whole
**** thing.
Oct 2011 · 730
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
rubies hiss in the new abyss
and nothing is much more than Nothingness
but you live
till you die
of some
that forgives your deep agony
by proving you
a fool

in Love with It !
Oct 2011 · 660
One Is Full
Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
I'm full of sunlight and a wreck of unspeakable low tides
I'm aware you could speak of me most times and forget any mention
It's a lot like an affair of the heart that had no mind
Full of thoughts
and it ought to be tongue tied
but it's not...

I'm all over the place
I'm a loon with a moon
That meets me half way

I'm full of starlight and a fleck of unfathomable dark
I'm full of rage, I'm consumed, At a feast I have it all
I'm alive where I died for the passionate blah, blah, blah
about love...

I'm full of you .....

I'm all over the place
I'm a new thing, old as the doubt that precedes it
Old as the Love that keeps it young
And as sweet as blue lemons

Two made One

Third Eye Candy Oct 2011
Fashionably Unexpected*

        the devil had arrived but as the sun was at it's peak
the invitation was for nine, but  in the evening
of next week...
he was naked save the toga, and his flaxen locks of gold
and a massive crop of wings, slightly mussed; -
adroitly posed.

i had just been in the garden, plucking apples from a limb
with my pruning shears and sherry
and no clue it might be him....
but there     i stood astounded,    having thought   -
" I  heard  the  bell ? "

and again
by ' Who'd ' Come knocking
on my mallet chain
from Hell.

the devil held a mirror and a silver box, ornate
with the likeness of a lotus and an acorn
on a plate...
the gilding was perfection, and the mirror was opaque
but the fallen one was flawless
as the smile upon
        his face...

and how i broke the silence in my simple garden threads
was to ramble at the Serpent
as I handed him a Jacket.

Amused by my conceit that any custom i condone
were applied with an epoxy
Only carpenters from Rome, that were spotless and
And from Nazareth
with a Father
and a Ghost -
A Mother without Blemish
and Disciples in a grove...
And blessed be
the Mercy of the Lending
of the glue
by the resurrected Handy Man
and  King of
all the Jews !

The Morningstar obliged!  
But held the blazer
in rebuke
He grimaced His Displeasure
And instantly  
for proof
He dismembered my regalia
and assembled it anew
Into such a splendid Toga
There was nothing
I could do -
but simply     step aside
as all  the sting
had let the ruse.

I received the Prince of Darkness
Wearing gloves and dirt and boots
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
The night had brought with it the hush of a thousand  homes, nestled in the raw

slumber of soft shadows -

moon cast,  in white mist and deep groves of impenetrable asymmetries...

a plume of thoughtful blobs in the shape of trees and dozy chimneys,

crowding the dark knolls

of some beautiful  assembly -

An unbearable Elysium, foam-joy and regal


the eye of our stillness ...

A luminous rush of glories and old plots of dead heavens

shimmering in the dialect

of mute jewels.

The Deep Night, plush and removed; swollen with the dizzy laws that govern such astonishing things -

An unmasked pavilion, stripped of horrors, laying naked in the ether

bejeweled in the common genius of the supreme will...

the extraordinary -

blasting the mundane from it's faint heart into ingots of exuberant ore ~

O'Sacred things that devour flame

to disgorge supernova           As tapestry.....

A garden of stars most hostile

to the ignorance of our darker thoughts -

The deep night gathered in the hollow of rainbows restrained by the clouds

Of a desperate mirror

One that reflects; to love better the Sun ~

but hasn't the Silver to shine.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
the art of nothing more has not been lost, i know it well
it has been mine to serve Othello to the guillotine and poppies

the myriad are gathered to the helium and Harpies
and a gallon of miraculous is accidentally wasted

the meaning of the soul is how you love someone, distracted
by the loving for the loving was the loving that you loved

bind me more than set me free
and that be    love exactly


the comet in your hand is my heart
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
it's all fair game, unfairly played

sustained by design, overwhelmed with mistakes

we blunder in, and guess the way

and can't go back the way we came !

it's all a bit fuzzy now, but lovely in the light somehow the loveliness is all about

how absolutely you pollute me ~


the game remains the game you face

a game of turns that leaves  you where you stand all day

in the shadow of a throbbing little bass

the drum of your heart goes boom always always

' all a bit a fuzzy now, the hours take their time and now an hour lasts an hour past

the time i knew it used too

things were simple

now it's you

things were impossible

now they're true

and it only hurts because

it hurts

and love hasn't loved her enough

till you die

and even then

you loved her more than ever Love knew how

now breathe, here comes the new words that try to say something

i think about all day and they fall upon your perfect lips

like a flock of swans upon a lake of fire

in the snow
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
the grass, leaning in the south wind , seeming
              as if emeralds,   had sent tendrils up
              to suckle at the yellow breast, now,   high above     inflamed....
              over soft new
              strands of green gemstone,
              as delicate as humming-bird tongues
              teasing nectar
              from a titan,
              in the sky
              triumphant in the void,

              a golden bead in the baffling blue !

              cattails, curling in sway...and two brown eyes bob upon the surface
                          of a myriad fertilities.
              as if
                        nature itself had known, one day
                       a poet would come ~
              to roam the rambling renascence of these remote ramparts
                     in awesome humility ~ and so prepared
              a path afflux
                that ambled near

              and yes !

                        anonymous nomad
              with nicotine skin and a scabbard of scandalous quills
              would indeed
              stumble in      as if returning home
              to a mansion restored to glory
              and seraphic randomness....
              a place
              that in youth, sustained a quiet, soulful troubadour
              by gospels of granite and grain,  grass finch
              and faun - ennobling an oracle ... but now
              enticed a scholar  from his cot
              to jot ephemera
              of outlasting spark
              before darkfall

              and so... there

              amid all allurement   and soft machines

              a word-smith gathered
              poesy and prose.
              this one served
              an invisible

              of unsurpassed virility
              who charms       kaleidoscopes
              with  offhand sketches    
              a landfill
              a basket weaver,  
              that unravels to
              achieve pure
              a wineskin was decanted in dianthus and hollies -
              as ampules of anagrams
              were sold unscrambled, to dyslexics
              without hope
              a falcon   frolicked above the lowborn lilies...  
              with eyes  
              too keen
              to see a
              as the hand
              of god
              or a vole
              as a lifeline
              on his
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Cid Ran Rancid
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
Leaving you in the desert exhausted my reserves
so it rained.

your joyous plague failed
singing casual exposure
in the key of

like a tongue     in the deaf ear
that hears you

Cid ran rancid in the cobweb lisp
of your ankle bracelet
broken light, weaving cracks in the mundane
your small feet

my everything unbound

and enslaved.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
it is the light of candles in the window
the vaporous dawn
and not yet the sun
it is
the skin of shadow
wavering in teacups in india
the 'Bushel-of-Rice' king
at two suns.
it is the secret
of doors that have no other side
and the mystery of
rooms that lead
to them.
it is
a small thing
more vast

why ?

and the
need of
Sep 2011 · 1.2k
A Terrible Will
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
My lingering fire has failed to consider the ruin.
It has raged an Hour past all Hope... As Providence evaporates -
Long before the Landscape is visible to Angels descending.
My annihilation is complete and yet -
I cannot be Undone !
I Persist in Flames, my Vacuum is Defied !
And what Sorrow comes to understand
Can only be described as The Soul. However vanquished -
I am not Consumed...
Merely swallowed whole.
Impervious to the Luxury of Death.
Though my Inferno has no Talisman.

A Terrible Will is at Work -
Renaming Constellations
To Suit my Astronomy

Is All.
Sep 2011 · 729
Everything Is...
Third Eye Candy Sep 2011
it would not be well to lose you
to the fog
that is the mind...
so i hold you in the penumbra
of my soul
as an everlasting spool
of miracles
that cannot be undone...
for what unravels eternity
but the hand of love ?
what else commands
the sun ?

it would not be well to lose you
to the lie
that is the mind
so you dwell with all dominion
over me and over me
my spirit has the answer
if you have to ask...

but you'll have to fall in love
just to begin to understand.

how blessed is one more day
beneath you
your hair in my face
with those laughing eyes
and that smile
and those words you say
that hang in the air
like the right thing to say
when you mean to say

everything is love
everything is love
everything is love.
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