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Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
Burnt pills, The southern germ fasting northern lights and serene akimbo.
some jagged ripples and the placid godiva
our horse, back, but our blind worms !
the stumble of surety, limping through the coffins
of our glib sleep.

we unmirth the Ferris Wheel

but have no one.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i know how you like your sundown
and that's me. a kind barrage of ardor
the moon's wit, witless in the glistening omega
and a splinter in the paw
of a comatose
lyin' to a dead sleep
preaching to a black

lurching from no obscene.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
Days are optional. Nights are mandatory
you can eat your fun and spin puns in the doldrums of your fondest plunge
into naked earth. your cackling wheel, spinning geek in the first sun
of a night kingdom. a purged baguette.
a sprig of blunder
where the fumes are nimble
and the heart a lost cause
just because.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
like no other thing is about you
that's what i'm about
i'm 9 miles of heaven
and a long spark.
i mean what i mean,
i see farther by closing my eyes
and i seem speechless
but the words are domain
and what i said
is i love you

just now
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i'm coming back from gone
and these people have the nerve to bequeath more phantoms
than the flesh of their soul
they skim the
feed jellyfish
worlds !

but no lights in the park after dark

no lights at all.
Apr 2013 · 856
no caboose, just more train
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
no caboose
just more train
and the miles between us
and yesterday. the diamond fetus.
the ecstatic clay
with the breath blown in
and a tangle of angels
looting the epiphanies
Apr 2013 · 744
From Scratch The Itch
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
that rain in your skull
is the wish.
a tingle of snow blind clarity
an inch of

you loom wet
in fretful foam, epibenthic
I'm swinging
from the ledge of your
up close
so  far,

someday you’ll love me and that will be some day

that will be always
twirling in pure joy
delirious our
phantoms !

wringing a gram of wheat
from the loaf of our blood...
charming every halo's master
to skin a thief
of  reason
with a song

telling secrets to a lover
sinking ships
that have

no name
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
don't speak. let me leak into your camphor with my wisp of dream.
allow me... to conjure the rubies we would die for, if only.
let me sit in your wane and wax the floor of a thousand Hells  
and be quite quaint. Let me love you always and surrender
to our victory, and twice Yes.
Apr 2013 · 579
Ate Times Sicks
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
it all adds up
but you can't love
what you can't
have mock

you most certainly can’t do that.

you will not consume.

Consumption will usurp you epically.
your talismans are annulled eventually.
your bulimic heart will divide shadows
with darker shadows.
a darker

cut them like cake. divide your passing into long spikes of utter void.

it all adds up
but you can’t love
what’s not there
to love

but quite the opposite.

and the opposite
of love
is watching Nothing
die -
but you thought
it was something
before it devoured
like a morsel
of speck.

like a light.
Apr 2013 · 783
Clump Of Just You
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
what I get. a clump of just you
and an adorable
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
cleave to the up lump of ecstasy. cling to your yesterdays
like a bright hag to a bone.
like a north to your south dakota.
be the one thing you live for
and the last thing to die.
watch the stars go out

with your mouth.
right now.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i might give you this. but you won't change.
we have new ways of getting the pain in.
are you even aware of the practical agony of our bliss-less gloom ?
our two rooms a-jumblerumpskin ?
we live in the crease of at least two invalids.
but you steal cake and i witness. ****, i've been this
nitwit who had a mind but squandered the perils of success in a losing myth.
i was a shut in
over the moon of my misadventures. tucked into jupiter sugar with my hair clean.
but my fear out.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
England eats Her shoes.
The Royal Be-dazzler was insane,
so these shoes were extraordinary birds.
The pair assembled their Royal Nest
in a vault. Inside a laser cocoon.
A Might peckish..
England eats
Her shoes.

In Japan, tsunami lack the dexterity to avoid densely populated areas;
but dolphins are delicious.
The cherry blossoms are giddy pink.
And Zen

Ripples in a pond decapitate the moon.

In Japan, the Future was Yesterday;
So their robots have emotions -

They cry themselves to sleep
at night.... in the middle
of the Sea.

They cry themselves to sleep at night.... in the middle of the Sea.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
you're not the most rain. but you deluge.
you are pure [ too much. ] a perfect helpless need.
you are the precise moment i became alive.
the rye bread sun in the potato cake of overall desolation.
you're not that good with your hands.
it's us....

kicking pine cones on the moon

in love.
Apr 2013 · 695
about snow
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
my lungs are not my lungs....
they belong to the wrong air of our winter's jest.
at best, we peruse the hush of our dormant lust
and gather twigs for our empty nest. you might suggest, but i demand
an answer to our star fall. to stall the heavens long
to briefly glimpse the shorthand of god's script
to a play that has no favorite in the scheme... only
the ravings of an infinite dream
about snow.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
how terrible it must be
to have only two feet to walk with., my sweet.
how abhorrent, the torrent of gimp.
you are not kind, but kinda die more than our lasting -
and have ever been fasting in the break of our ventures...
suturing the succulent bog of my wound till blown glass is ****** dry... humorlessly.
you are with me... but
not with I
that stalks the reason.
you are with the one
whom's cup runneth over, and traipses thru the flint gleam
of our founding urge. the dirge forge of our burning inert !
' We' are where it hurts... and you might be clever
but you slug at love's light speed
to put the brakes to a freight
of infinite need.
Apr 2013 · 714
Yeh, That Happened...
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
yeh, That Happened... 'member ? you had all the helium and the softshell crab !
i had the battlements of sham. i choked on the bone of our contention
and wrestled a bare conscience.
what have you done to remain constant
by hurting the ones you love
by way of " What's Love ? "
by osmosis. by no means that means well
but a means  to face hell.
yeh, i caught your eye at the burger joint, on Grant.
you had pie in a mode of dairy, chilled to a cream of white heretic.
switch to the new black finch, and be quick about it !
don't cloud the Garofalo.  laugh in the jungle of perpetual jungles.
don't feed the monkeys, but nobody knows you're here.

feed the monkeys. but don't tell
how we can't. '  tell god '
He mocks.

and has nothing to show for it.

or not.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
knitting with scissors you run with.
will get you there. but you can't buy a house. i'm sorry.
you might, miiiiight get the Edwardian Tudor for a mansion in false claim
but you keep your gaze, your weary gaze ....and slumber not so sweet, my sweet.
knitting with false gods will get you everything
but  Not the Other Thing
that gnaws at the substance of your gut
where the heart resides like a lion
addicted to Aesop Fables -
and dry humors that decimate with bounty
flooding the bleak with our windmills !
you and i are regardless.

knitting with shopping carts and dead batteries. washing ashore.
lick your lips at the foam
of our hysterical event. pitch a ******* tent.
and eat more stars than you came in with.

sew the hole
with a hole and
answer the phone sometimes,

i ain't got all day but you might take your time
like an aspirin.
Apr 2013 · 784
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
when a willow' the wisp eats your face
you can talk ****. end of story.
everybody knows how to die accidentally.
but nobody knows how to make this work
for peanuts and garden parties.
Apr 2013 · 605
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i need to shoehorn a minuet in g minor.
i need to blow glass.
i need to tap that asteroid on the inner thigh
if you know what i mean
you might read on.
if you don't.... welcome to the venting.
don't be shy. the devil's gonna eat you alive
as we know it.

but it'll be different.


my lips have failed to kiss you the way happiness would do.
but you kissed me back.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i was a little bit hazy on the details, but you can't find me anywhere.
i am the stranger.
we have Not been to hell and back and spent all our money.
we haven't the faintest idea " who you are "
but my identity is fluid
like a ******* on Betamax -
for no reason.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
hello ? are you there ? i can hear you breathing sooooo....

here goes.

Spring is when the flowers retch
and we bow our heads. we dread what any ostrich might  dread
and carry On.
but On like

you keep the furniture but i'll keeeeeeeep the memories.
and thank you for that.
they ****
but you might come by wisdom.
the serpent always lies with truth
and you would be wise
to know the difference
at the County Fair.

just saying
Apr 2013 · 878
God is Moving His Tale
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
Life is a brush fire... dreaming.
A penumbra of the void.
Life is where God left His hammer.
A black pearl on black sand.
The one with the blue heart
and the mad men.
Life is thin air made flesh; the pinnacle of divinity-
with a blunt tip.

Days are optional. Nights are mandatory.

That's Life -
Deep down, where we live
in the Future every moment.
Life is a sad

at the sun for a nickel,
and that's almost what it feels like
To believe in your soul
but not your eyes.
Life is all

A field of poppies
and prank calls.
A flood of Harmonies
to your

That you have no idea
How to play your
instrument -
Is the funny

That it All seems to work.... sheer genius

We are Alive,
and that
Is the pivotal intent
of the Prime
The Lucid Grace that All Creation, Made.
A Reflex of an Infinitely Loving
Conundrum -

We are the Children
of a Living Mystery...
from clay,
say some.

But know this.

[ Life is a gift that keeps on Dying ]

and will do it for nothing....  

if you let it.

Life is a Dreaming Cause, A Sleeping Crusade;
Tossed out of Heaven's bed
Into The Cavernous Crib With The Milky Way Mobile
Spiraling in Entropy... Life looks up.
And Life looks down,
With your

We are the null set, and the set of all possible sets.
We are the Premise that inspires Love to magnify.
That Lens between the Sun and the Ant
Is your Soul.

Life is not -
And Death's a
And Nothingness
is poetry
that bleeds a
moon to
ruin... as high
above -
stars are sliding
fortunes into
and everywhere
our banquet -

Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
let's hope this lasts forever like the empty and unmade.
let us beseech a farthing from an aftermath and grasp at wisp and steam; at play
in the garden of unearthly delights, to shame a lifetime
of hopelessness.

Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
My window is open with no screen and there's a starling in the tree that lurks
On my side of the house, and it rains pearls from a clear blue sky. an untidy plethora of jubilation !
I drew the blinds. The window is Open with No screen; and there's a starling
in the frame of a masterwork, chirping calamitous joy to the farside of god's creation !
I drew the blinds. And a blind-spot drew me.

I drew the blinds. And a blind-spot drew me.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
have you ever left your raincoat
and then
the only cloud in your Kansas
finds you leaning into a black wind
like icing on a fruitcake
hat-less ?
your hands in your [ ragged empty ]
you call pockets
clutching threads and mending holes
with numb
have you then ever found your raincoat
over shoulder just where you left it
only to stumble upon your hat
or one that looks
just like it ?
and then you put it on
and the ****
fit ?
if you have then you know this is me
lending gently, you my coat.
hoping you take it for the love what comes from within
too busy sparkling in prisms, to regard a grain of doubt -
just something crazy twinkling
on the surface of whatever
you must have only
just finished.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
more than nine would be ten bees
happy with my hornets. hurling their honey in elliptical arcs
let the sunbeam that gathers on my tongue
be your sweet lips !
let the moon betray our destination
and the stars humble to our calling
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
In the half wind, the full sail stoked the waves of our damage parlor
bouncing the ball of fire so high into the void
the faint of it's whisper belies the clarity of it's 'absolute amnesia...
you gloat over the swollen suns.... you eat pepperoni pizza  !
you have your way around the circle that you square with your habits.
you chasten sunrise.... " How Dare You bring the yellow to my tumult and swagger elastic or'e the tundra
of my everlasting lack of Faith ! "
how dare you is all the daring
i dare for you
and i'm there
for you,
Apr 2013 · 676
it drones orchestral
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i look back
and i can't seem to feel it
but i do
and you know-
and you see right thru
it's golden hurt
that lasts always...
and the way that it hurts
is the worst.  but it works my heaven bones
and it drones orchestral
a violent choir of jubilation and startled sparrows !
you leave me no choice and that is beautiful.
my slavery is so free
i could leave you
to come back
to me.

by now.
Apr 2013 · 6.3k
Love's Tongue Is Love's Word
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
Gemini in seasonable  evening,
serenely swirling in Septemberous
ferris wheels
reeling in the vast domain
of lonesome leviathans
and witch-fires;
nowhere bound in the boundless fecundity
[ the feral joys of creation... ]
meander in gravity's
well of souls,
swollen with unknowns and proteins;
golden rods in pointless foam
brewing the elixir vitae
in the Dippers cup. the Milky Way,
a wayward gush
from an ancient Mother Goddess,
plump and shameless, pumping teats
to nurse worlds
infused with divine rays of gamma and x...
why set dark apart
from firmament burning

must clutch eggs in the void
as much
as fork tongue white dwarfs.
of course, the Source
as  Love does. it's purpose,
in thrall of fearless veracity,
spinning yarns for glad garments
to clothe the naked dread
of such fearful symmetries
as roam the wild delights
of the infinite

the Pi
on the window sill,
tempting the circular frame of reference
to square with the sublime Will.
another Fibonacci in your
to better hobnob with
everything annihilates hatred.
from within,
we sojourn to sovereign super-continents
of opulent peace.
profound realities surge serpentine
with Meaning.
we are outdone on the inside by small minds
and farcical

so at night
look up.

Love's Tongue Is
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
we leave by passing through.

by outlasting      

by grooming   deep runes  
like arabian

mountainous   [ pontoons  ]
spine crack

of soft doom

and true Orchids...

the ******* aftermath of covenants
at half mast

a limp flag of jolly rogers


dull noggins.

we pass through,      phantom roosters

in the Bedlam....





our blood has new boots
and now our hearts
can Mussolini

{ you strangle The Headless Horseman; as i lust for your Ichabod   }

no cranes.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Cantilever For A Ghost
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
after the cigarettes and dry wit; the gin beams
a proton of ominous raptures.
the serene hells swelter. the pelt of a gnat for winter.
and you get
warning. You'd
think we think we have
the Isis in the
but she slips
the fresh net
like a ravishing

or the one
you forget.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
dashboard jesus was telling me how plastic togas make sociopaths feel something
and   he knew that i was saving the ****** for later
but only subconsciously. so...
my terrible driving was the mysterious way
his father reminds him
to take his

i'm staring at the sun
yelling at texas

going sixty to destination zero
and the air
is gasping for air
with the top down

and dashboard jesus
has to scream
to make
and that's funny
to me.

then i miss you.

but then there's some beautiful cloud
and an epileptic messiah
with a bad habit.

on backroads
that were actually
front seats.

this is how my exit was returning
so i never looked back
and besides...
who really needs that much
salt ?
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
you can't
catch a ttypo,
with a btterfly

that's y
we hve
Apr 2013 · 538
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
these are gems
your tongue kissed in a fit of pink.
your luminous dark, weaving sharp cotton to photons as swiftly as first love.
you are remarkable. so mark.
these are the feathers of dead wings, staring at the sun through the ashes of Icarus

a blindfold of petulance between the deep and the blue

this is the air that we breathe, you and i
the construct, struck dumb by the fierce knowing of a soul
the ponderous gaiety of lithe thoughts
that shimmer-*****
in the bleak fears
just cause.

an Earthless
poised in random

but now
Apr 2013 · 953
Simpleton In Your Complex
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
are you one of those people who love things
and Oh My God you're pregnant
with a pause ?

i am your poet drinking skin
dreaming how you wrote nothing
so that i may

blue gems scowl in your footnotes  " To Self "
i pin miracles to your pout....
a fetish for a simpleton

in your complex.
Apr 2013 · 975
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
delicious and petite
beneath the flannel of our planet bed.
at least another world as sweet
as candy-apple
morning head.
Apr 2013 · 771
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
You are my split-apart. A sliver of me that twinks
in the chill dark
of your absinthe, absent.
A corrosive mender
of fences
That I drink
and drink

A jab
and a flick
of a kiss
that I long

A short
court and spark
that i'm always up
So sorry 'bout the mess
but the next thing
to conquer
is shame
without naming
the game
we wake up

god knows nothing
but sharp sticks
and halos

but i know

you love

Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
the mange of our fuzzy logic is squandered on the imbecile.
and genius is the gene splice of twelve comedies.
a rogue moon in a hooligan.
it jumps the fence and can't jump back. lacking the tool
that undoes the beauty of the obvious.
that quaintly dismisses the Oh ! My ! God !
we cringe in the ether of our ignorance, spooning the villain.  
the Mind is the Common Sense Killer....
it dives and triumphs in the acetone conundrum
of our proximity to dissipation.
the bold features of our doldrums
are the perfect ugly perfection
of our flaws.
our love is the rigid agenda of a massacre.
we the people, are the juvenile, sprained wrist of a boggart !
a Fae dreary.
we have our business in the withers of dead horses.
we are well versed
in the tundra tongue of our flat humor.
we assume the rumors are true.
and the tyranny that freed you
is the misery you
love with
and your beautiful

a Thing.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
i didn't know what i was gonna do,
but the bells were the bells and the ringing too.
i was the sky and
the paralysis. the perfect
the pit and the speculum.
all the better to see you with -
your own life. i pry and dispense with the drivel
of our marketing plan and wage peace.
i keep thunder under my super vision.
i realign the timpani of my discord
in dismay. i didn't know what i was gonna do,
but the bells were bells and the ringing, new.
again came the verse that first had no thought
but ought,
but somehow got caught
in my nimbus, too.
the first blink of a marble statue.
how that feels. and what that means.
and something

and the

back at you.
Mar 2013 · 11.4k
Barbarians At The Bill Gates
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
Barbarians At The Bill Gates

Kings in a Nutshell of Plots,
Machiavellian; made Lords Of Infinite Beige.
a Workspace now a  Dead-Space in The Heart of an Artist... Scaling, Mount Dew, at a snail's pace.
Behemoth Logarithms,
Jammed in a hot box. with cigarette soot blocking die-cut vents
The cousin with the soft-spot.
Hair, Nobly Re-Disheveled  by Hit and Miss ads, like
crow's feet dancing on insomniac spines, in and around, the Yawning Cathode D-Rez
Of all Villages, M. Night. Ramadan, forged, into Code Soldiers
With No Code to reverse Schrodinger's Black Cat, Back in The Bag...
The Genie, from a corner apartment in Manhattan, to a bedroom in a Bottle of Lightning.
Only Reactive Jazz
Cosmonauts, embedding feathers in " White Hats "
A Moral Avatar.

Hack Lads in The Boonies of Way Ahead of The Curve.
An Unsound lack of Judgment, echoing by Proxy, like Mr. Hyde;
Passing for a binary Schizophrenic. Swallowing Blackberries, Seeds of Anarchy and All.
Crowd-Sourcing the wisdom of Crowds of People
With cup-holders, the Elite call CD-Rom
A Quest For Firewire. A billion portals,, huddled in chaos.
In the lens of  The Camera-Obscura, hidden in the USB Port
In the Fuzzy Logic of Our Narcissism.
SQL that Ends Well \ with a Backlash To Pi Charts
Of Privileged  Information,
Cooling, only in The Windows, Facing a Social Network
Resting, on a sill of Approval by Market Share and -
Ad *******

An eye of  a needle, peeling onions in a brave new world, weeping for the pure, post-ironic
Joy, Of Threading a Nano-Camel
Through The Eye of a Needles' Parable.  To Aesop the gravy of grave doubt
and reasonable suspicions off
Teutonic Plates

To an Atheist. The Heavyside Layer of Bricked Phones
and Dissonance,
May Find a Contract, 'Comes with Astroglide.
And a toaster.

Floppy Disc-Figurements of Our Right To Privacy.  
Resurfaced By The Naivete
Of a Target Audience, With a Heads-up Display,
A 4D Hologram  
Of Steve Jobs,  
Exported over dark fiber optics;  
Silicons of Prosaic non-Existence
Overclocking the Swatch
On  a wrist

Banning Calligraphy

Ward of the State
Of the Economy
With a Cult

A Hologram of Steve Jobs
To sharpen the bleeding edge
with a moon rock from The OtherSide of Billions of Dollars.
The After-Accolades with the Spanish moss From Taiwan
Where Dragons Of  Technology
Shed limits, that metastasize rapid growth
Of Personal Stock by -
adding a Touch Screen Feature to an App For Clout.
To Out-Monopoly with a Walled-Garden
Designed by Stanley Kubrick's 2001 [ Available Space Odyssey  ]
A Terabyte
leaving Half a Worm
In your Apple.

A Difference Engine, differently Desired

On a Corner in
Your Circle
Of Confirmed

rocking XP like an OG on Food Stamps and The Fringe.
Centered Better And Re-Posted.
Mar 2013 · 800
FaceBook Status
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
Saturn's Rings are made of Left-Handed Sugar. Makes your Oatmeal taste like Grapefruit and Diesel had a Baby in your Oatmeal. Your tongue will hate you forever and ever; and you can forget about complete sentences for the rest of your natural Life. Don't put that **** in your oatmeal is what i'm gettin' at here. Space Sugar is very unpleasant.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Clean Dirt
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
deep in the clean loamy. in the dark froth of top soil and odd moss - deep
in the tendrils of microscopic cosmologies; fecund and rampant with life -
the long reed holding the wind's note in it's throat
in the failing light, beneath the canopies...
you're gasping. you gasp
at the habit of
love's heart  
and the little things, teeming
in the underneath.
where gnashing teeth are dead leaves.
and yellow is origami
in the dappling
of the sun.

and the peace.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
along the red marble hall in the east wing
on either side, hung from the talons of granite stones
resting on their brother's shoulders in the bitter load baring
framed in golden oak and cherry wood, gilded arcane; several paintings
in the style of the Old Masters. And a long rug from foreign fjords
like a flat dune of spice, the length of a mile. pinched to a vantage point
in a spider's web. and a draft.
a draft through the twelve senses. your song un-gongs the gamelan
and the bells remain. pecked by crows of a different summer.
beads of honey making war
on paraplegic bees. we keep these in styrofoam cups to just enough; seal our wounds.
we encounter the lost rooms with the odd keys
on either side, the full length of the east hall. stout, brawny portals to discord and fable.
perhaps even windows of a different winter.
perhaps we know.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
The Bones Of Fireflies
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
Old ghosts teem amid the fireflies and dim time

stumbles through the variegated dusk, with

glowing plums, how they burden in the dark

those limbs in twisted slumber, threading the

canopy of shadows that embrace the sharp

features of failing day, the oblivious regions of

the end of games that every fate has known

since birth, since breath drew the tongue-

a meaningful word

from meaningless

Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
When the hounds are too weak
to pursue a foolish lover
the gates of Hell unfurl
And black swans
swarm in the sulfurous plume
A fugue of her memories blotting out the sun
like a mad flock of black swans
throwing shadows that stick to your breath
so every word has the shape of your agony
a foolish lover is beset with storms
that gather on the tongue like a French kiss
and the swell of her ******* are now the dim fruits
that blight your lips with longing

this love is the mark of a beast

a beast that picks up around the house
before she drops by...

to break it's heart.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
You have a Wednesday stuck to your over-sized, hand-me-down, turtle-neck sweater.
The one with a hole in the elbow of your right sleeve.
It was hand stitched by a real machine, but not in Ireland.
You have a Wednesday snagged. Perhaps a loose thread became entangled, midweek ?
And now you have Wednesday, everywhere you go....
I only mention, because I noticed...
And it totally goes with that Monday
In your eyes.

Is that your Existential Crisis; parked right outside ?
I hope you fed the meter.
I can see where you spent your spiritual currency.
From every angle, simplicity of design !
Just a chasm and no plot. Elegant lines -
That wind up vanishing from the ' Unspeakable Frame '
Beyond the Border of What You Dare Think...

I have one just like that !
But mine has a concrete hunch about the whole thing.
A suspicion engine
So nothingness can't seem to live without me. But -
I see you have that thing you just hope isn't the truth
And I used to have that -
But now I just have a Headache.

I'm crushing on your Ayn Rand funeral parties
And that outrageous, bobble-head Doubting Thomas on your dashed hope.
Let's sit at that table by the window
And stare at each other as long as the window has nothing in it.
That should give us aeons to get to know each other.
There's no Law that says " I'm sorry for being such a stupid Law "
So without pause, we should defy our Separateness.
I'll ask for a clean fork in the road
And we'll see what that get's me....
Ah-ha !
I finally got a laugh
That didn't come from inside my skull.
A laugh that had good taste in men, and no idea where it came from -
But remembers how the couch made the carpet work.
The Abyss goes with everything, but you left it in the closet...
You know -Why unpack ?
That laugh was naked.
It gave me those Goosebumps
That can beat up Other Goosebumps.

Would you like to have some chai ?
Mar 2013 · 854
Mad Gardens
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
[ as the knot finds the noose, the night ]

full of dead Aprils and lilac fumes, marjoram rhinestones and the ****** cinders of delight
over charmed by lightning, nocturnal passions of a dire hope suspended in hopeless plight

ornate cups as fragile as a poisonous thought made of human love
sworn enemies sipping tea from intangible ceramics, their black silk gloves
gleaming in the twilight apocalypse of surrender, at war with wisdom
in mad gardens of eden,
two dragons horde stars enough to confound astronomy
and arguments
that hold for every possible lie, sustaining the hypotheses of heaven
in orbit of a void
a lush velvet, gaping maw at the center of faith
and our kites, tethered to the follicle of our I

[ as the knot finds the noose, the night ]

surrounding the red apples of forbidden things, clinging to a fork, branching off from the center
of non local truth... a tremor in the force that sings the Universe into question,
but never into being

our magnificence, savoring sweet Life, smitten by meaningless miracles, as befit a fools indifference
to Reality... our long wings on specks of dust
amuse the blizzard of unknown laws, and yet we persist in beauty and susurrus

the rustle of angels on fishhooks
as we reel in the big
One.       [ Divided ]
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
you are the light at the end of a tendril. a spindle of dread, woven in caustic guile of argyle
parallelograms...phantom realms of solid waste. you are the pin in the subject. gating satan through a thimble
of crocodile tears, the new symbol.
the rude glyph in black bibles and strong drink, en-kindling the dead. rodents ponzi the scheme
of hell’s maze, with lies...your lies...
you have  eyes that  lead aside from your heart’s plot
you are saboteur. banal.
unrestrained waste. you are the fin in the barracuda puppet, grazing the wrist of Dim Henson
huffing crystal gorillas in the congo of your foyer
you are
the black chandelier.

teach me your cheap trick
striking off ‘ iron-on’  pinkie swears
your praline heresies... your  ‘ no remorse’    code
lay bare to me.

better my better angels,  to fathom the loathsome ****
of your actual mind. keep me abreast of your wretched games...
apply the rod of your wrong  love, above all.... you must betray.
you must know in your fetid rot
of a third eye... the phlegm genius of **** blindness.... teach me the rictus of
cold hearted.  a false god in my lotus !

spare me the chaste suzette
flip me the ***** that spits fables.
learn me the savage puns
to pummel you         sustaining your worst done.
grant me the lethal beans for my sacred cow
trade me the idylls of your forked heart
for your crushed null
and crossed
Mar 2013 · 964
The War I Loved You With
Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
this plane will dive.
we are less alive with no stroke. with no bleed in the cerebellum.
you could laugh through the apocalypse and not tell 'em. you could leave but stay put
in vellum.
in airtight jive. we are less alive with no joke.
with no need in the antebellum
of the one good war
i loved you
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