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Jun 2013 · 15.4k
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
The Buddha slept under the night sky on His back
eyes open; fearless love looked up. humbling the majesty
of the Void's gift.

eyes fixed... both peerless.
first among equals.
but transcendent.

The Buddha,
wearing grass-stained robes
chose a blank spot
for a blank stare

" Nowhere Girls are EveryWHERE "

He thought, astonished.

a moment after
where once He stood
there Was No


on the X-ray zen splints were clearly spidered webs in ghost bone... how should I feel that my sensei saw the X-ray first?
life is where the answer to this question is a real thing draped in ominous clarity like a town fool, the beggar foreclosing
on your house of cards, the winged swine and some guy named Patrick having a smoke in your face; the mailman, who
always looks so serious about your trivia in a blue hat... who always trips over your precious dying very potted plants!
yes, all that, or maybe not. saute some fresh green kale in olive oil with fresh garlic
[ give it to me ] and i'll tell you that was very thoughtful, and right then;
it would also be

for a minute there... you and i were typing you reading this part.
these are the diamonds.

my exposure to the radiation is everlasting in the middle of it's brief long duration
my ghost bones wear new flesh like iPod headphones, don't hate the player
[ better yet ]
make a macaroni necklace. go wild. be reckless.
it'll cost you an ounce of real kimchi
from the motherland
with the ugly

i wouldn't put it pass you. cause that would be clairvoyance, and you already know!
a loose tooth entrenched in candy apple can't taste your stupidity but has bad dreams!

some people will always look at you the wrong way and appreciate
how you sat perfectly still for hours; you only took a break to suggest
a better room with southern exposure to eastern thought.

when you threw in a Tripod, they knew you were somekinda somethin'.
and they knew it all along
but juuust wasn't

and kumquats are quantumly eaten.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
your soul is
what tumbles
from your old youth;
toothless, mute -
and beautiful.
it disputes the diluted musical
that unfolds you...
proof-less, your lute
is full.

your soul is
where you twist rocks and fell from -
a great height, below your skin suit, dull.
it drew you
with resolute ink, with a needle
and spoon...
etched on the cuticle,
a portrait
of your

you're every
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
the crude graffito bites
and my mind's eye ;
to bonsai the Venus trap -
becomes the fly
on the gall... where cinder blocks
crop my stroll with an odd
and i stare at the industrial
pittance of delinquent scrawl
punk spittal blistering
the bland strip mall.
i ponder the grit
and the feral **** of the blue nymph
with no bra. her two left hands
harassing her cannon *****.
a can of spray
where paint had been
now at my feet
faint and spent. just seen
as i stepped back...
i verify it's emptiness
by the tenor
of it's

i walk away
savoring the irony
of just
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
You at least went.
so that meant the party could finally be awkward.
that's homeroom
at your personal Harvard
your low self esteem was the head dean
[ claimed you had promise ]
then promptly vomits
but you promised to maim
your lollipops with hot topic's
most goth  night-shade of hemlock
iron-on, henna tattoos
for your thin lips.
like two gates
to a birdcage
where you keep
pecking the tip of your tongue
where your brave words die
for lack of oxygen... pecking
the flesh off the skeleton key
to the heart of your insightful
comment,... stymied -
a black raven
savors the succulent eyes
of your hurricanes, so
braille maps for blind rage
fly off the shelves... fly like
led zeppelins to
fresh hell.
you lose your window seat
on the wing of a prayer
to Charles Bukowski.
now you're scowling a gilded smile
at all the Ed Hardlys'...
good thing you brought Jello Biafra Shots
to the shindig... cubes of gelatinous absinthe
each with a sugar box
lodged in supermax insecurity prisms...
fey emeralds.
monochrome rubicons
you pop
when cross.

like wainscoting the panic room
that came with a deejay
who thinks you're
a boy who got
Jun 2013 · 2.2k
Cranberry Noose
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
spoon fed my keepsakes as nothing blots the sun so much
you teach me how to cringe in spun sugar. the nape of your
gleefully, we usurp the thicket of our mild dementia. sullen
joy equipped. a sumptuous dirge curdles the myth, your fins
as troubadours, we malinger in the pith of our blunt fruit. crust
removed from our daily bread. our basket of basilisks, bathe
in stone.
duel wielding our gazebos... we bivouac in our ambivalence, by
turns we move. you tip toadstools as i milk maidens for their
our palominos run. we do
violence to timpani and click mice.
drifting in the cyberwocky. we transit the binary auto-bond
and paste

blue thumbs thread cranberry noose. our ***** nods off. fronds
of juniper and cannabis slap the window pane. throughwhich
a *** mouse pounced on frond’s sway.
startled, we move the furniture of our eastern proclivities.
for thine is the kingdom
of our discontent !
swing-shift lap-dogs, trundle west of the east village. smell
of ****** and nag champa. idiots sting.
idiots braid zodiacs with greasy fingers. [ indeed ]
preach from your gut...
( your left breast     marvelous with taint) and saltwater taffy.
laugh again-
at things     we have
and now
harbor ghosts
where the rain
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have
should have

this is the new
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
your gloom rubies roam the miracle, miraculous; lasting orange in the parlor of our most red wednesday... your mood blooms in the parlor of our most red Wednesday
in convolution, bathing everywhere in discrete voluptuous, nocturnal by day and dawn purged. a complete confusion of unique bliss and utter distraction,
masking the perfect lonesome of lost buttons.
to magnify the utter not so !
and not so
at all !

Mab is the Queen.

you float on black goats. fallen. small feet in fleece of midnight. star lit.
your imminence faire beyond pondering. Literally.
you are dreamt intensely.
you leave me as empty as a horn of plenty [ enigma ]
where you. And you alone; have spread
your feast.

you float on white lichen and baby's breath,
churning the waters of auguries
too lovelorn to be well met, but yet, they sustain life
at just that pitch
that forks
the road
there ! you glow in the mirk of my desire. gilded in shadows
far too fierce for the sun's darkside
there !
you abide in

your heart, Fey
and indolent.
and your

cats !
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
that hemlock i cracked in two days
was one of your best
the tumblers finessed the probe. your mode of disconnect
was exquisite pathos. and lesions.
we drank from dead wells to alleviate the tedium of sober springs.
we rigged the landscape
to provide clockwork wolves to whet their fangs to the marrow
of our Diaspora devoid of Momentum.
that devious fracture in your mind has surrendered to my advances.
i glean your glamour-tross.
cellos are coursing through my veins
as your ***** grinds my prime mate into scrap
and  daguerreotype
Jun 2013 · 838
Yes Andra, I Dare
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
We met when our lives were breadfruit chimes
and squandered our lust for True Life before Swine
and our Bejeweled Youth...
prodigies of fire and stall. We nurtured the Other by being Ourselves.
Mercurial and murky with our tender bright fierce
and our soft on crime...
we held hands.
We will always Love Us.
So I Love You. Best -

So I am.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Third Eye Candy Jun 2013
this dream has no other dream
it lingers in the fair Between
and seldom in the inkling think the slightest thing
less interesting
than an overture, an ode to Odin
or a stillborn child's


in a box of halos  you will find petroglyphs in the hollow of bright yellow sugar-cube skulls  with red dots
you will spread the virus. or hire lemmings to do your bidding in your war
on angels with too many arms. on those little plastic shakers, with the little holes: filled with glitter.
your annex of Poland, last june, and your Easter revolution... i could go on. no less bitter.
but many harms have visited your dullard nova
you could spit in god's hand
and fix your cowlick with your reflection.
Third Eye Candy May 2013

your nightmares had their petrol and fondled the dead pools of your eyes.
they troubled the next world you just got use too
but then; you had that thing with your eyes.
you bit the moon in some kind of
bite the moon why ? not frenzy.
you kept your cell clean
but bartered for mice
that harbored a cat's

you sleep with jewish nuns from the planet Stop.
you shared dreams with neanderthals of ponderous love.
you had Novocaine to talk too.
the brilliant sleep of Houdini and Passion.
you had your demons sweep the floor of your cave
and you ain't been seen
since you got
that way.

gone are the things you had before the having was all ready false.
you might slip into a giant's maw and cling to the uvula of " now what ? "
i remember your scars like broken promises in a prom dress.
you had your soul varnished by madness and black cotton...
soft tufts of rough judgement and lightning
and bad blood. a conglomerate of was.
you're impossible if you might be you.
i dream you
a wrinkle
in a Paradise

for all the right Reasons

for you.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
learn your questions.
discern the myriad as One, and console your misery with service.
pour your fumes into the heart of mars; press pause when your gods
make you nervous.  and when they don't exist, you whistle while you hurt...
as if
the Master Plan
had jokes.

but know this.
your cathedrals have killed people, and your faith was crushed -
whenever sincere. so i
bid you peace. a peace with
tranquil thoughts and night lemmings;
right over the Cliffnotes to Oblivion, in vapid terror and happy herds.
their little parachutes; cumbersome, with snapped threads to a forum, that unpack, once filled
with air and
parents .
you inherit
the edge of your vague notions.... that expand
upon dissent .
heretic tick

then make love, all day Wednesday

learn your questions. gain the gist
of your out-risible ignorance and invent the humor of  "precise submission"
as humility will boast , enthroned above the kingdom of desire
aching hermetic in a mob. but knobs -
that turn,  despite severed hands
turn Truth's *****.

learn your throat.
hold only the notes to your music
to a golden standard !
Brandish your exile, like a rogue -
from it's sheath of Turin
[ and flash! ]   it's blade of grasp
in Walt Whitman's
Verile Phase...

face your loved ones, but only
with the face
that got away.
return unbridled and
unkempt. more windswept
than lost and found  

and remember

eat whatever
you **** well please
" **** Dr. Phil, Really ? "
Have you ever  seen an anorexic
Buddha ?

and bought that one ?

if you have...
you might be
Third Eye Candy May 2013
we are not apart. and we are not we.
there is only love suffering from the lack.
i am more than your friend
but you are less than my woman.
but I'm your man.

i hate this.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
genius is snapping at my dragons. feel free to ask them. they’ll barter hard tongues
and won't apologize for mad hatters. but this. This matters.
it ungathers. It unravels and the sunscape chafes on the void's tatters.
but it rathers you know me now,
than meet me at crossroads.
it's your call.

from your unexamined life
and be sitting with your eyes
like two mouths.
they will speak when spoken two;
when i give you all...
and you want me

hello. my name is unsung. and That's the song.
don't get me wrong; but right your vessel -
this ocean will float your devils
with your nephelim. with your unbridled elan.
be sweet. keep your feet unplanted, but be enchanted by the road you're on.
find me in the thicket of unbearable seeing.
you will be me -
for the moment you release
' things '
and imprison Nothing.
of course
you'll need a cauldron
to rehearse your heresies
as often.

may i suggest
a new
guess ?

a question that suits you
better than " what the **** ? "

and has feathers ?

can we do that
and love each
other ?
May 2013 · 1.0k
Third Eye Candy May 2013
love is how this is.
the kind of visceral missive from a heat-seeking missile
to a wet spot temple. a rogue thumb
on the throttlesome pink of an eager peak
in the drowning boat. where the Man, whistles...

there are No Thistles

but Yes ****.
May 2013 · 543
are you ?
Third Eye Candy May 2013
are you ?

that's when the wind changed, when i asked. it dropped the last last of a  thousand afters -
and wrapped the tinsel laughing in the foyer of our discotheque.
that's when the elder proof took root in the cognizant. bore fruit and  [ clasped  rafter. ]
and perhaps a winsome blasting... though annoying, it's our affect.
but are you ? yet ?

and who's left to true ?
disaster ?
Third Eye Candy May 2013
people ****, but.... nevermindpeoplesuck
theycluckruckus in the wonderment. they can't trust trust.
they bleak speak. they last week a year from now, but somehow -
know how they don't remember. but they suspect.
and that's a cloud.
bold suns fumble the opaque  hail of our hardy Undone.
it shines the less.
we are mammals in the heaven of our ignorance.
but not god's fun.
May 2013 · 716
you can't save my skin
Third Eye Candy May 2013
wherever you get You from
I saw you first. i wore your worst demise.
a shrewd disguise, the likes of toadstools in a ring of fire.
you're ablaze in my Right Now. you have no future
that a wet kiss can not remedy.
you are in-between
the angles of our descent.
from wherever you're whence... From Whence You Came.
we are strange people.

from the Brillo pads in the sky
toward the garrulous mundane.
the glorious vice.  wherever you get
You From...

I saw saw saw saw saw  your Thirst.
i adored the rapturous night night. nightly!
i knew you were wise to your decline, but you lingered...
for Infinity had no End for you, but
your Sanity. And That was forfeit.
when i saw it

gone gone.

and made you less a lasting than a watched ' no more '

you can't save my skin
Third Eye Candy May 2013
In the half wind, the full sail stoked the waves of our damage parlor
bouncing the ball of fire so high into the void
the faint of it's whisper belies the clarity of it's 'absolute amnesia...
you gloat over the swollen suns.... you eat pepperoni pizza  !
you have your way around the circle that you square with your habits.
you chasten sunrise.... " How Dare You bring the yellow to my tumult and swagger elastic or'e the tundra
of my everlasting lack of Faith ! "
how dare you is all the daring
i dare for you
and i'm there
for you,
May 2013 · 1.0k
" my dearest, my darkest..."
Third Eye Candy May 2013
we are not clean in the way that clouds pound lightning down on golf carts. we are circumspectral.
we soil by way of true love tossing cankers and spleen-balloons by strobe-light.
we have ginger eyes that scheme the tombs of our docile rictus
and the barbed lush of our offending reconcile.
we are not clean where the filth is excellent, but where the pollution is exquisitely the least meaning.
full of some Life in the Death.

my dearest, my darkest... yes we have no sphere without the cubicle and useless timepiece.
we have no light. save the dapple from a distant blur, upon the surface of a placid lake
of chill fire. a remote scope of reason on the fringe of a boundary
we had no faith in, but a religion to hate with.
we came from the sacred and bled
for the fake **** that drove us

I'd Fade Into You.
and be some kind of real.
and you'd have to be.
May 2013 · 1.1k
instead of dem crocodiles
Third Eye Candy May 2013
my blue bones are wit
and it means less to keep things
and nothing is quiet.
we rely on knit springs and
we're prone to the oath
of our fears
suckling the dent in our collective breast.
nursing the suffering
of our sharp pillows
and the terrors of our happiness, windswept.
we cherish the swamp-sweat
of outlines...
chalking the missing

instead of dem crocodiles, we have golden calf-fish
slaughtered on the lawn
of our untarnished rush...
prospecting -
and jumping the claim
to our gummi

we tumble in tandem,
and massively mismanage our enchantments.
my bones are blue
and it means less
to have at

we jab Stats and lack Data, but clap atoms
to a mad hatter.
we raid the pantry of our miffed ladder
against the side of
a barn
leaning in the twilight of
our genuine

surly pixies in the black sugar, kinking the last nerve of our entropy.

dem crocodiles, grinning rigid menace
in the murk... instead of dem -
let us first disperse
where the hurt, hurts; and be first
to do less worse than
a farcry
or an up-close

a tad mean. lets collapse things
that expand, burning all this,
instead of dem
un-ghouling the riddle of our dead wait
in the infinite room next to the room
with the last view
of a naked

where the world is this world. and we're on it.
May 2013 · 1.2k
Mamet, till we Stoppard
Third Eye Candy May 2013
i had to discard, but that brought the butterflies and the angler-fish.
it kept the genies and the shrink-wrap in stainless-steel steel traps... in the permanent traps.
we drag our baskets haphazard. beneath the undulation of the Under.
below the Was.

i slept on thin gems and dust mites.

i built a clock from the errant gears of your heart and charmed nowhere out of harm's way on time.
i bought you a Man O' War jellyfish and stone kisses from a derelict wish.
we gag the drastic Mamet, till we Stoppard.

Just Because.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
in the whisker mists of Avalon and the burnt toast
the golden spool of your precious and the lingering annihilation
of so dangerous an absolute.... the mad flute in a gale. an unassailable loon !
i suppose now         the autumn in our wires and the fox too foxy.
we will never gather serpents
in the sweet
bye and bye.
like two jewels on a wednesday
my usual nemesis has struck again and the harbinger of our nexus has just missed.
and the wine in the thimble has never known how quiet
you can get... just rumors .
the couch is worn where we sit. it dips where we recline
in the ludicrous.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
oh i don't know so much as i don't know.
you can never tell... even if you say so.
you can always repeal.
silently though.
i have no idea.
we both get
no vote.

we're just moving the furniture
i call you Mildred -  
the walls plastered with snow and garters
we shuffle through

The Aperture
of Unseemly
May 2013 · 588
it must be lonely
Third Eye Candy May 2013
to hear it sing is to hear it sting where the sun shines
how it's never so real        till it bleeds
through the sundial
like a red fog under
adorable prisons.
it Is what It isn't...  it has needs, you hear it wing through fallow stars on the edge
where there's never been Spring.
to hear it means
to be undone beside the tide pool... in the twinkling of two minds
how it's never so real       till it dreams
mute and  undefiled
like a red god under
house arrest for no reason.
it Is what It isn't... it must be lonely. you're very near it, and it's apples and sacrilege
where there's ever been Holy
such sins have beauty.

it must be lonely...

( my )                                                                 darling

and some thing after

[ It ]

Third Eye Candy May 2013
my turtle doves are pondering the broth of my head space.
they gibberish the nest and lay eggs of dragons that still believe in dragons.
they wish for thick lightning in the lustrous void. they beak the shell of no made thing.
the Eternal Hum.
the one Always that had Never Begun.
Only Ever, Ever Been.
and That's  It's

my turtle doves are robbing the bog of it's undead wyrms. they swoop in the morning.

down down down
to the gamma ray golf course lawns
of our suburban necrophilia. the one with the empty dreams in their peanut butter stars.
the one
with the eggshell Camary Toyotas and the delinquent epiphanies.
n' more ice cream than Ben n' Gerry's ******* of Selling
More ******* ice cream
than You
can Imagine.
Plus One.

my turtle doves are holding me hostage. in the dizzy breach. of god's contract.
a damp shade of misspent youth. the Old Way.
seasoned by the Eons
and the swollen Love of the First Love.
engorged in the Kingdom of Desire
like a fat mosquito. Sated on  Cyclopian  forearms.
and the shoulders of Giants
on a small blue world
in your mouth.

just sayin'.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
" i always wondered if fish drooled ? "  she said... and left it there like a cartoon tumbleweed, caked in glitter and sprite phlegm. she stood across an ocean on an island of outlandish abandonment, where all the mirrors crack.  her passing quakes the stain off her daily betrothal
to a toothless bigot in the land of freedom's end in the hovel of her heart's fall from appointed grace. a place of a thousand cuts and no car. waaaay out in the country of her diminished affections, her eyes could be seen wandering the burnt out villa of her lost love, where she recalls the fairy rings piercing her lips and the trembling of her youth, finding a slow hand to explore the wet *** without peril, soaring with her palm, plastered to a feathered bed in a guest room, in a time-share.
grampa sleep. and bird's nest pitch black.

" i always wondered if fish drooled ? " she said... she slept through it... on to the next disconnect  to get intimate with. she left me there, like a chocolate mint resting on a pillow made of shards of habitual flagellation by candle light and instinct; resting on a bed of nails rusting
in the flood plain of her fondest wish.
she left me there
to conspire with her better demons, to witness - the benign desperation of her frenzied exploration
of actual actualization... to watch her ****** from the jaws of a dire wolf,
her bleeding heart and her ransom.
with her bare teeth and a naked

you should have seen her face.

i tattooed her secrets on the iris of a blind ghost, i swore it " abide in her broken heart like an open door with a cool breeze slinking through the fetid air of her self defeat and stale bread bumble bees.
and to abide by her rules
when she finds them... then to ghostly fall
upon his ghost sword by midnight
with a smile that tells hell it cannot claim what rises.
a smile that spat at the devil and pitied his children.
a ghost smile that stole a book from a museum
and never told his other
books why.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Sunshine Barnacles
Third Eye Candy May 2013
i threw the stone and it went however far
and my arm grew tired; puckered at the rotary cuff
like a cannon ball in a poached egg of oak sap...
i threw the stone and saw my breath thread
through the placid brilliance of immovable calm.
i watched how the aphids were gone
and kept a journal in braille and short-hand
in Kubla Khan's Garden.
i longed for the valleys i had never swept away
by descending from such heights
as i pondered the yonder god
of a misplaced
dream. so exhausted,
i stood in the damp muck
legs apart, straddling -
odd rocks and thin grass.
i wavered in the stillness
of ceased motion
and tarried in the Calliope
of throbbing in the Sun.
a fawn in the furnace
of a loving
May 2013 · 735
Collide And Be Thankful
Third Eye Candy May 2013
behind the hen pecked red paint on the barn door with the squeal; that rests,
not right upon the rail -
but wails and groans whenever opened
in September
when the finch are wheezing in the crystalline
solitude of early morn. and wet eyes parch the dew lips of autumn
with the pale dawn
and a ruby medallion. stuck to the horizon -
like a haunted man made of red haunting.

it jogs the memory;
to tip over the lamp
and just miss it. for no lack of Wanting.
your hands outstretched to a disaster...
and the Light

in your Hands.

May 2013 · 7.9k
implosions are for starfish
Third Eye Candy May 2013
implosions are for starfish and our mission is clear. we have nowhere to be from
and that's half the battle. we are seldom unbridled in the chastity of our carnal bluff...
and our cages are breathing. we are finally designing our most daring Inertia.
both mum on the details in the devil's flotsam. we jot some of the names of the nameless...
on the outside of Dixie cups. like mint julep promise to a tangerine honest.

again and again, we ache through the breeze of our soothing traumas. we court the verity of a sham.
we blast through the congregation of our adversary, snipping varmints from a stale camp
in the southernmost of our due south,; where they fear the bonfire until a vagrant maps
the flaming tongues to a long kiss.... and we crash upon the shore
of Never Asked.

but regret This.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
In the midweek of twelves months I torched blunts and choked on wet smoke and chamomile tea.
Fretting the niggling giblets of a queasy disrememberance of a sober stroll through your tossed hair salad.
I managed to mangle  the marvelous gross lust of our impending
delirium. i farmed bok choy to annoy our local siege. our muskets were polished with misdeeds.
our demons barked, all coy and ravenous in the sweet diffuse of our useless aplomb.
ginger rockets in our thespian numb. you Dis-Oriental surrogate Mom.
You.... flame folding cranes, like a Japanese cancer
with opposable thumbs.
Unstoppable in the dead wink
of an awkward eye
upon your heaving *******.

You burn regardless.
May 2013 · 729
yes. glow and be more so...
Third Eye Candy May 2013
yes. glow and be more so... be this sweet and this sour.
be alive more than your casual death.
rise from the chamber of your stars
and never leave me where
your ghost
has kissed me
the least.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
Polaris in the eastern sky, intertwined with the gallop of gargantuan and the heathenous whimsy of untired daily life...
the gross note of our chorus, rushed through the tube of time in long haste of a brief reply.
ten feet from each of the deadly sins, we ride. the callous pompadour of our fashionable hate
and the rake in the face gag, with all the right people
to betray you.

an asterisk in the tween of your teeth, with the casserole lights and the marvelous crushtones of your raving denial.
the most goon of your impunity, lewdly. the fresh ruin of your mind in the wrong place for the least why.
ten feet from each of the deadly sins, we ignite ! but yet the breadth of our complete meaning bewilders late
into the hour
of our

by the minute.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
the klaxon carols of your grief belie the golden pipes of your madness.
the cherubs embedded in your lost happiness
slip through cracks in your voice. James Joycean.
the fugue, your discord dims, seeps through the gauze
of your field dress. your wound holds the root note
oozing Rorschach ~ Rachmaninoff
jungian etudes allude
to a deep you at the bitter end
gnawing on sweet bones to marrow sip
from the holy grail and -
a humble pagan ***. i greet you at the airport, barefooted.
found you
talking to a cloud
in your blue sky *****. it was shaped
like an anvil cloud in your iris
watched as you forged
lightning bolts -
fit to hinge

we had the same flight at two different altitudes.

and i loved you more.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
in the basement
where we keep our little gravities-
apparently the earth gave way
and hell announced a cavity.
allow for strange attractors
to collapse before they're intimate.
and never take the stairs
until you've locked the room beneath it.
according to the rule
there may be echoes from the chamber
a misery of wraiths
or a raven in the manger.
or a hackle of contempt
the very air, a shrike of drone.
an epistle from a hornet's nest-
at the back of our throats.
in the very, very quiet
where we keep our little maladies-
apparently the basement is as good a place as enmity.
allow for cain and abel
and perhaps you have the half of it,
swinging from a hook in every room we've heard it laughing in.
according to the rule
there may be black so black it's blackening
and everywhere the hoards of wane
dispel the moon
May 2013 · 489
You Are Extremely Not You
Third Eye Candy May 2013
my splinters are not happy with this Lion.
don't you think that's sad ? don't you want  to kiss me where it hurts for real ?
you are extremely Not you.
you are the burden of choice
and the swing-shift maven of our plausible joy !
are you really there and
does it make you Present ?
i will conjure the Universe to quell the anchor of our ship
on Death's Ocean.
Don't be Nowhere.... Be with me.
May 2013 · 548
14 minutes ago
Third Eye Candy May 2013
14 minutes ago
i used you to get  sleep
and the worry of our tundra
is more cry than a sorrow
is a nothing now.

you bleat and trill in the smoke of an endless night.

i saw you  yearn for the ' right now '
and never had so much You
as I do right now

like a sunburn in my " what the hell  ? "
Third Eye Candy May 2013
this is love and i'm not less.
i'm more alive
when you give me the  sky and leave me glitter in the careless -
you are not the one.
you are the one that matters
to me.
May 2013 · 648
Cold Rice
Third Eye Candy May 2013
against the grain no other love but mine, it seems
all anguish will march into Nothing and suffer the fools that love it.
give me the unbearable conclusion to an Endless.
give me Mars.
give me. me
and the stale bread of our broken Promise.
May 2013 · 551
don't sleep there.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
don't sleep there.

are the jam rooks of simple.
there, slings a bovine and a lamp. a frozen yodel.
might might be the next angel
but you're not awake.

don't be quiet yet. you have more mouths than you can feed Oblivion.

and you hate me a little.

they say.

as I recall.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
in the pure drizzle of an afternoon, we loved each other.
how beautiful.

how miraculous the lush and the whimsy wrinkles of our smile.
the blunt yes of submission
to a Master and
the Long Yes.

with no hell.
May 2013 · 1.2k
it was not today
Third Eye Candy May 2013
it was not today, when it happened.
strawberries drenched in snow... the variable longitude of our hapless maps
and the whole thing strapped to an invalid,
the regional Apocalypse
of our near kiss. The gun in the hand.
The cool spark of Bibles
and the wrath
of all pygmies.

it was not today, when it happened.
but the choir sang
and worlds between worlds
twirled in the underneath.
and a blanket of Sunshine darkened our pedigree.
but you ate peaches
to dream another

and came from Nowhere...

after me.
May 2013 · 807
The Nine Kingdoms
Third Eye Candy May 2013
In the First Kingdom, you find the following... a wave and a cataract for swallowing
and shabby hats.
In the Second Kingdom, Jules Verne hates broccoli and the moon is made of lost keys.
In the Third Kingdom, God knows why you keep breathing while He holds His Breath.
In the Fourth Kingdom, there's nothing There.
In the Fifth Kingdom, Nothing comes after Four.
In the Sixth Kingdom, your hands have a score to settle with the Architect, but you have no hands.
In the Seventh Kingdom,you're naked all the time and every one makes love to you.
In the Eighth Kingdom, the Devil is a Nancy Lad with no agenda
and a distorted corona. And Applebee's are Orange-hornets, thank you very much.
And this poem haunts your spleen.
In the Ninth, you were there
but then
we lost
you at

and that was sweet.
May 2013 · 1.6k
Carmen Is A Detour
Third Eye Candy May 2013
we took the long way
to Hadley and MacFadden, goin' about twenty-five in twenty-six ways...
twelve sheets to the wind at a cosmic chili banquet. we wove through the tambourines and headlights -
cruising through the pinch in the grid, on the Eastside. where Margret hustles feathers from very still pigeons, and Mosley, that little runt Mosley conquered Connie Haskel's Willow Tree in the backyard.
we were coming up on something special in our Hometown
but we were low on gas, and had just bought Beer.

this scenario was on repeat. night after night in the sultry debauch of a languid stroll in a couch rocket.
glaring at the skirts on Perkins and 5th, that eat seaweed and cough drops.
they're so hot you just wanna drive a better car.
we used to park -
at Todd's Mom's and walk to the Slaughtered Hog and order a rack O' ribs and drink moonshine, smokin' that **** and sitting next to ****** jockeys in jogging suits and headbands that say " i sweat profusely, when I want too. "
And Carmen What'sHerName? used to get our table 'cause i figured out the location of her section.
she would smile and bring pecan pie
and flash those eyes that said " i'm off in an hour " . we sang to Muzak - and
left our To-Go Boxes at the table; stumbling through the lot
fumbling for the keys to the TARDIS.

and thinking about Carmen.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
no gloom in the garden of death my son, just a hole in the sea
a late night snack on the sponge cake of transcendence.
a pristine oblivion. shackled to the jawbone of a golden ogre of rapture.
and the garden; a tip coin in a filthy hat.

on a corner with no street lamp.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
it would never be this if it weren't for it really really is,
and you have no idea. and That keeps you sane where the truly mad are guessing the number of tad poles in the belly of a supernova. mumbling in the dark.
you have No idea.

now that we have established that you know what i mean by you have ideas
that are of little consequence
to your inertia..... ( pregnant pause )

could i *** a smoke ?
a ' *** ' if you're from some kinda
London, England ?

could this be the Apocalypse ?

could This ?
Third Eye Candy May 2013
won't get you the sky
as much as not sinking
will never happen
to a boat

tipping the scales at three hundred pounds and a guilt complex
an invisible lump in your throat.
on a happening wave. in a storm season
of unreasonable
an amusement for sick angels

Did You Know ?

On Jupiter !
the accordions sound like crap
so noooooobody plays accordions
and everybody's so very very Happy
all the Time.

they look crazy.

Did You
That ?
May 2013 · 929
Third Eye Candy May 2013
keep me
in your pocket
where you keep your steam
and hemlock engines burning
piston ******
keep me wickedly
kiss you
preach me      pink things  
winking in avalanche harmonies
sink me
get more           my deepening       deep think
pitch fork my blunt tongue
wet  and glistening
keep me whistling peaches

let me slave into you
like magma petunias teething
on hips and thighs
let me do
but you
do me      

all night  be day break mending the moon beams running through buildings
tearing down the sky by blotting out  the sunlight
threading beads of sweat into a rainbow in the ****
preying  on lips and valleys of
lollipop oysters
let me jolly your

i'm supposed ta !
May 2013 · 4.1k
Third Eye Candy May 2013
don't understand me. this is not for you. It's for you.
my Gemini shin splints are pirates. hopeless Romans, romantically dismantling
the things you Undo. the things you You.
I Doctor in your Seuss canal.
with a frontal lobe, more Job
than a postage stamp -
in this Day and Age.
It's grey and rage -
with the tooth torn
out !

through the probable snout
of the next mummified god-king
of our interlocking rot...
our chamber pots
spotting the oft begot good
of our evil

we are crepes' rue; yet we roulette best
in Typhoons
from murk

with 2.8 kids

and damp

we are
struck in a gale
of flaccid

dumb as a Belle of the Ball
that Squares
a Rube

with an Ism.... from Ix.

Third Eye Candy May 2013
hurling sherpa into the Sun on a rainy day can open your mind
and your children will wander off from your womb... into the next room.
it's the little things that **** you. and the invisible that redeems.
peeling papayas in a prison is still fruit of the doomed.
if you wish to be free -
i suggest you leave
The Pit.

watch out for Mangoes.
Third Eye Candy May 2013
trading coins on the mezzanine,
with it's torrid meticulous beads and florets of glass and fired stones,
a mosaic of our true currency in the spirit-realm of our blintz on sugar pillories,
our divine spark sharpens
the dark wheel....
a sphere with the skin of a prehistoric  shark.
where the open heart is a misery of roses
making love with more abandon
than hell.

making true love.
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