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Apr 2017 · 217
The Tin Can
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
the tin can. there it is.... stalking the ditch at the side of the road.
the truck is broke down. but you haven't forgotten how to fly
and the open sky awaits the violence of your wings
beating against the curvature of space
cutting a hole in the up above
then descending like static charge
making waves that collapse at the heart of the Labyrinth.
staring at a tin can, lodged in the ***** of a ditch
at the side of the road.

and really getting into it.
Apr 2017 · 240
The Peptides Of Our Ivory
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
all a'swoon in the peptides of our ivory
like mastodons marching delicate
or mountains of mayhem as a virtue.
an undesigned design
etched into the sphere of heaven
at the base of your skull
where the jewels to be found there
yammer the light fantastic
like sheets of chrome foam
through a funnel made of mint mist
and delusions of -

we mark the cave with our cellphone ping
and reap the things in the dark
that could brighten any room.
we have a knack for the impossible
but seldom sell glass beads to mermaids
we live in the kingdom of bent.
so therefore, the fork in the road is inevitable
and your utter lack of choice
a most universal thing.

songs will be sung about how we lived -
on the head of a pin... mending the fabric
of our isolation, and stitching the seams
of our bold stripes... where the whip cracked
and seared it's angry tongue across the back
of our forward thinking.
too engrossed are we, in the journey itself
to ever regain conscience.
we boil at room temperature. and we buy things -
that eat souls,
and have no word for snow -
that can also mean " cherry blossoms commit suicide"
and we sleep in the barn.

where haystacks bed down with stars
and you can still pick a lock
with a paper clip.
where all applause from the void-
visit like rain, all thunderous and good China
tilting on a blade of hope
in the very wheat fields of our daily bread
in the meadows of our irony.
where we salt the earth and continue to crop stones
in the spirit of our palace
wrought from years in exile
stacked to the roof of God's Mouth.
so He stutters your name
as clear as a bell.

and we shan't be consumed by surprise.

we will beguile.
Apr 2017 · 404
Of Our Last Hope
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
Enter the Hell of the Fact,
and the Lie is Heaven.
But the Demon of your Love


in every case, the Sun is undone over Time.
but the night, assured as a loose tooth -
is a destiny.
but the Light endures regardless.
ever so wane in the flesh
as we wither without Answer....
and Question
without Knowing.


our prayers are paper cranes
lodged in the wind myth
of our tight spot.
a blind thing, that has no mother
but the moonlit crevasse
of our last

though we hope
Apr 2017 · 356
Deep Candy Remover
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
with our elbows clutched
we grasp at the bleachers
of all our stars
worn by Time...
slip the knife
into the Palace of all Flesh
where the integers number themselves
among the Zeroes
of our God's Laugh-matics
as we practice the wind
in a spoon.

we are in Love.
but not in the

we are more in the deep
than the candy....
and thrice removed.
more like a Circus Intent
folding in a roustabout's
plucky croon -
that hammers the long toil
of every day
into the locket
of our dream


i have seen the middle
and gone mad.

but near the end
i have seen
the rest.

and returned.
more than
Apr 2017 · 270
Pearl Of Deadly Wishes
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
at the very bottom of the sun
there lies a cold flame
marching up a babies arm
to reach a newborn face
wailing in the wheel
with cherry cheeks
and the bones
of a brittle bit of Bourbon
on the milk tooth
of an older son
than the Waste
of Time.

Life redeems the thief
and the comet on his tale....
we are just a pinch of unrelenting
Birth.... and any god among Us
must grovel at the feet of our
Oysters... where the pearls
of deadly wishes are born
tongue-tied to the frozen spike
of our glorious
we barrel down the track
of as many stars as there are moons
to blind them.
and have no station
in oblivion, that has No purpose.
We arrive in the speck
of our ascension.... Meant to Be !
And Love is the Word
that invented our peril
from a grain of
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
Keep your foot on the gas
Your heart on the brake.

return your map
to it's original destination...

the mad rhino
of your naivete, churning -
that remove
the mundane
in the vault of
all choirs;
tongue kissing the Pegasus
of polyamorous
glints from god's

flanking the herd
of Gnostic Ferraris,
chewing the soft shoots of bonsai prairie
roaming the banquet
of aimless,
refreshing the lady's goblet
of godsmack
as naturally a termite
loathes a Queen that can't remember
your name
because she hates
your father...

miles and miles of

accumulate the misfits of your jigsaw.
gaining on the horizon
of your blindspot
feels like an Ecstasy of Selfishness
baptized in chrysanthemums
of compassion.
whose pollen makes a black honey
that fills the gap
between the smell of a baseball glove
and  third degree burns
from your heart's

you are pilgrim charmed, out in the open heart of serene surgery, on an errand, poppies fed to destiny
on pillows of rice and grey Callings...
you are tapping the apocalypse of previous Edens
witness to the birth of a vague distinction
between your honest mistakes and god's love in the 23rd row,  catching the school play
you wrote in the margins of your error.
a fruit bat with scurvy on picture day... fanning a Polaroid of Duration
in kabuki.

your car, a Chinese beetle hugging the asphalt Rhine of a Blue Melon
tilting on the axis
of an early spring...
your windshield, yielding
with honor
to savage blows
from sunsets
that milk

   mecca, entangled in your dead sea sonnets
is the hole in your shoe
where moons clog
and first steps shave
their heads, smooth

hiking on four wheels , approaching the true form of an open question
head out the window across from mirage with spin in it's teeth.
facing the jasmine of bittersweet typhoons
inking henna tattoos
on both arms
of stopped clocks...

like kudzu, in a difference engine, coiled around a spark

like a widow 'round a foggy recollection of her true love
39 pixels
of a better half
that made you
Apr 2017 · 217
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
Too familiar to be close.
Just dead enough inside
to be my ghost
and you haunt me.
But you don't live like a jellyfish
in my throat...  but your tendrils
have a purpose
and they glow in the dark
when i choke
when you taunt me.

it's the real thing baby
now that we're broke.
now that the ocean prays for rain
and the scorpion sings
while the scarecrow
smokes the red sparrows
and all the long day siege
like an anvil
crushing the lost things mostly
but you forget how to breathe
on a Wednesday
because your Tuesday
was all she wrote
then I lost me.

now I haunt Me.
Apr 2017 · 216
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
tonight has no moon and yet the moon is the sun my star has bled for. the very thing all things are bred for.
the elusive wonderment of a moment
to die for. to live so fiercely, that the night is daylight
and all joy is a nail in a palm frond.
And every ghost a friend
pruning your figs
before the sharks come
to pluck your jelly from the heavy vines
your April wrought
in the September of your too many

like chasing oceans to quench a stone. Life is a perfect imperfection. It does the thing that loves you most as you hate and undoes the whimsy of your desires
to satisfy an unknowable beauty
that knew your name
before flowers knew bees
were not
Apr 2017 · 2.0k
The Atom Of A Pun
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
bathing in pools of soft earth
there ain't no poem you can choose
to forgive birth, you re-live first
the anthems of our ruse.
we begin to lose... then win a cloud
of pensive and twice removed

the sun is an enfant.
and the moon is the other-
Apr 2017 · 488
Rats Without Bulls
Third Eye Candy Apr 2017
a star is born in a petri dish, and a speck of dun earth
is dislodged from the nova... the old men weep
for their lost kites. as their knees creak and their windmills
collude to disillusion.
And there be angels farming knots -
of Rust and Myth... they sing the tune that dies laughing
in the face of Life.
As the void dispels the rumor of the center that cannot hold.
and the center consumes the void
with a Point.

like rats without bulls  
or comets without gospels.
perhaps rabbits without April
or Now, without seldom... the fog joins the choir
invisible. Joins the clutch
of our quatraine, to meter the miseries
of our adulations. like tears without worlds.
we are struck in the nerve
of our god's left eye
and are left to seek our ventures
where they best
Mar 2017 · 556
Lost Hope Bin
Third Eye Candy Mar 2017
this is how the world ends. it begins.
At the root, lightning gathers moss
and the surge
deepens the horizon's applause.
we die for the cause; bewildered as we choose
to arise, or lift off -
the unearthed
to one
worse -
than the one
we're from.

a loose grain of rice
in the chamber of our starvation,
plump from the tears of our elation
that someday
will be the
Last Day...
and that will be,
an ironic

Because Night will follow.
Mar 2017 · 438
In The Kitchen With Desire
Third Eye Candy Mar 2017
Slicing avocado with a grain of rice
I add a pinch of salt to the flesh
And the pulp of an Urchin, thumbed -
From the Sea, with a frozen teardrop
shaped like a hook.
I mistook your Virginity for Indolence.
You smote my ardor, with apathy
and Grace.

Carving the pumpkin with a blade of grass
I save the seeds to roast over blarney stones.
As i blacken the plantains with shards
Of Ash Wednesday and night sugar _
You broaden your scope to match the vistas
Of my Accusation... You false my Hope
with a True Face.

As i groom my submission.
Feb 2017 · 333
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
Hello, little pins in my paw.
How is all my Life, the rain ?
She's apart from me.
But letting go, is not a part
of Me.
And that is

my darling one.
if you can hear me...
slack the rope.
I don't know how
these miracles work.
but i know how
to work
for nothing.

and that is
At least I hope
Feb 2017 · 524
It's No Easy Mission
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
It's no easy mission;  finding a trace of a hint of a speck.
It has no reason, save the wanting... and will never raise you from a grave suspicion.
It may only coil around the sun you have in your glove -
Like the Love in your Heart
Is a stranger
in a

a rock in -

Is a Rock
Feb 2017 · 424
Punching Roses In The Gut
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
Clip my stride and I'll be at you like a tidal wave.
I'll strum the wings off an angel, to gain a quill -
to pick a lock. But You will not. And that's ok.
Some of us will a punch a rose in the gut
to get the honey. And the rest will fall.
They'll see where it is that a darkness walks
and spot my footprints ascending
from any hell
they wrought.
Feb 2017 · 302
Loss And What Else You Lose
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
I can't go where you go and be there at the same time.
I can only ***** for Angels that cannot sing
and even then, I must tell them lies
to keep them from my sin,

the fox and the hound go merrily to their graves.
but the hunt continues...
the sun bloats the blue like an untamed thing
and all I got is a worry stone
to pitch at you.


long gone are the days of easy peace and rapture.
but the love in my veins is no cancer... more like a smooth raven
pricking my thumbs as I try to grasp
your haven. chiding my spiral into dementia
as my eggs break from my efforts
to save them.

you nest in my always, like forever in my ' not now'.

I can't overcome what I cannot refuse.
you're my heart's loss... and something else
I have to lose.

And I will always lose it

Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
when you spoke too me, I was one of those Pluto people
looking for my glasses without glasses, and the world was smaller than
the sound of your voice, telling me to listen
and the sky was blue, but nothing.
I had to run to the hills of my giants and scrape paint off the cave walls
to find what was underneath the peach fuzz of our upset

I never questioned how I got there. I only craved abandon and the morsels bestowed lost men. They are meager things...
I crushed the butterflies your lips resurrected -
and had no peace in my dreams save the waking from them -
for the haunting was complete, and I was lost and you
were suddenly gone.

Too bad for me. We can all agree that the world is false
and the god's cruel... but you don't.
I remember now... You said " Life is like a Spool of Dread -
if you let it knit your eyelids shut..."
I slept through everything about you
and regret so
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
Let's not trouble You with Me.
Let us squat on the lawn of disremembered things
and picnic the day away, cavorting in the sumptuous.
Deployed like balloons from another world-
More made of Grace than the grit
of our actual lives.
And be on
our way.

Weak in the knees, with solid steel prayers
I'll anchor my full disclosure to the Moon and a gnat.
I'll comb the halls of our misadventures
to find you blithering in the gorgeous
of your wonderful Self.
My love is like an unspoken jewel
that murmurs after your esteem.
You are the ring that binds the soil of my retrospection,
And the very thing that amplifies
the joy of my shipwreck
at Thee.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
How to live
is how not to live alone.
To conquer the troll
beneath the bridges you are burning
on the funeral pyre
of your abject hope. To float -
amid the midges and day-flies
of a meadow, most sane.
So, to live -
is to embark on a errand of light
and return home, with dragon's teeth
in your knickers
and a ball of string for a fallen star
to stitch the world with.
To suture the oblivions
where they gape
and applaud the angels
that sent you there
to heal yourself
with nothing more
than a tongue in your head
and a heart on your

and no map.
Feb 2017 · 378
The Exile Of Being
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
Like the saying goes... " We have no words for this, so silence will have to die with a pillow over it's face, horrified by the damp dreams, sunk - in; ******* on the fumes of deferred desires, until the whole of the world can hear you scream... but cannot find you. "
We are born into grief with wailing. Then we laugh at our mother's chin.
Groping at the matted hair of her fertile youth.
Smacking our gums in class.
The hard lesson, shimmering in the distance
Like hard candy on a heap
of abandoned houses.

Too stunning is the thing that becomes the vision of our blank stare
into the abyss; as we ignore the essential, to favor a blockade of easy pleasures in the face of hard clocks. Our ghosts are driven out of spite and the hours march depleted of our joy, as we entangle our quaint miseries in dark trees, like kites.
We tug and resume the defeat of our careful sabotage
to glorify the random hell, that nullifies
the pointed quip of a wise man's
emphatic sigh.

we trip on the whip of our masters, and call it a day.
a day for running blind in the tunnels of our entropy
like an inchworm in a blender.
or a seed in a vacuum... damning the soil of the void
and the sunshine that mocks it.
the box is a lost blip of atoms in the Attic,... and not at all -
on the list.
You can have your Birth-Day, but you can't have both.
Your birth is a fluke, after all... And a Day -
Becomes the Night.... like an inside -
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
Surrender Dorothy,

your Socrates
from a lost
sock...or a

with two
loose buttons
for eyes
and two loose eyes
for nothin'.

and with
a chipped tooth
in the broad smile of a worm...
as your glorious
prize !

threading a hook
in the grey impossible
like a dull




Let us cling to the market place of shallow ideas.
there, we can march to the county fair
and display our swollen feet
to the clergy of the


Let's glow like ants in a cave... that glow.
For the Cave is dark and full of errors
that correct our course napkins
to the crease of our mouths
as we swallow
the limit.


Do be the one that saves me from
the myriad angels that love me
Be the wanton Mercy at my bed, come -
from a dire hope to a better


Be the last thing I see as a threat to my anguish
and the first thing I believe in
to claim
Feb 2017 · 351
The Brick And The Butterfly
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
A bridge in Vermont
is not a bridge too Vermont.
It's a postcard
with heart-red snow
and the white knuckles
of an orphaned babe...
twitching in a manger...
but singing.

All glory to the smoke
and the iron sun; too blunt.
It's a porcelain shard
of hard-dread luck
and a dark hustle to the bottom
of the sea... in waves -
wishing even stranger...
but undreaming.

yet amazed.


We are the brick and the butterfly.

You migrate
as i nest in a shambles.
As i launch -
into stuck.
You go from shore to shore
above me.
As I plunge into -
stealth at rest.


We are the thing that ponders -
the other thing that wanders off....
And we know the color
of our grief.

It is Ironically blue
and rueful.
But it smiles inside -
Like a dairy cow
with idiot teats.

We are unfit to miss the Other; Forever.
But our astrology is fickle as a lamb
at a crucifixion.
We have our gods, but cannot barter
for a Lesser One than Love.

So we're condemned to our devotion
like a locomotive heart
to a groove in
a chasm
at last.

And just enough.
Feb 2017 · 301
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
nothing rapturous but the weight
her life affords me, as i lift it
without effort, to a place above
the dormant and the gifted.

nothing wholesome as the tongue
she proffers sweetly to my lips
that find her luminous aplomb
ignites a wriggle of my hips

nothing dangerous but the shapes
her limber form unfolds and frees
a team effort to escape
the dullard limits of our knees

nothing as intimate as the truth
her words wring deftly, warm and young
and we vanish into slumber
with all love done
Feb 2017 · 712
A Masterpiece Of Blink
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
in the hour of our frozen gleam
the minute of our fire.
in the year of our immortal toil
the day of our desire.
in the crease of our unyielding
lies surrender to the void.
to the matador, the bull
and from the horn, aplenty -
nothing good.


a masterpiece of blink, the love
that seldom loves the monument -
that stands before the world, a surge
of effortless bewonderment.
a shattering renewal
of a timeless thing to ponder with.
that carries every angel
far above the dread of human steps.
a sovereign note to fugue
is Love that covets
what it's never met
and nothing can consume it all
too ill equipped to join
with it.


summer past your face
is how the spring resolves
how winter sleeps.
the dead are long, but life
evolves to swell upon the earth's
descent... to buttress the oblivion
that howls amid the heaviness.
the weight of our conniption
fits the coma, mostly
now and then.


pearls are made of glass men
that shill.

and the willing dark
contains it all.

and It

the dream
we fathom with.

and All

the pearl
we can't
Feb 2017 · 272
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
You come from two places
and nothing broods...
You swell like a tide on my eyelids
and I succumb the
to moon.
Feb 2017 · 266
The Black Honey Diaries
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
your ******* are like the sea
if the sea were made of islands
of lost ****... or mice that heave dead clocks
that beat back the passage of time
as a prison... but put forth
skin as a reason to be confined.
your thighs bark humid lips
whoms bite is worse than the absent kiss.
But the kiss is too the bone...
and too tight.

when the wet hunch is fixed.

your eyes are like the warm numb
of a dread quake.
a slinking barrage of absolute sleep
stitched to the heel of a dogstar ,
coming from nowhere -
like anyone that might draw the rain
from the lip of a bee
to appease the queen of Self doubt.

Thine is the kingdom
of the less joy... even as you quake
the pavilions of my hive mind
to better slaughter my lust
with your Unkindness.

I beat wings against the heart
of You.

I walk away with the goddess
that gravity
told me

And that be You.
Feb 2017 · 292
By The Dawn's Burning Spite
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
So the grey that you see
By the dawn's burning spite
Fraught so loudly with gale
where such calm
had been dreaming,
Soon marauds Night's bright
Through the garrulous plight.
O'er sham sparks, we're caught -
where the malice has meaning.
As the Thoughtless still glare -
At the Hope chest laid bare.
God, mute in the Light
Shouting " Why Do I Care ?! "
So Sagebrush and Amber
are all left amazed...
That the Man who would Be Free
built his own gilded
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
The radio beats it's wings against the damp air of twilight
and the mauve maneuvers of the jagged stars, clutching the velveteen enigma of the heavens.... sprawling glorious and pin *****
above the glum slumber of our myriad eyes... go brightly.
a dazzling display of power that has no mind. The divine agenda
of the unknowable engines of grace.

From the porch, I spy the worlds
tumbling from their Ether to my Zodiac. I smoke a blunt tool
to hammer back the incessant noise of the mundane...
And a wave carries me to a rich oblivion
fecund with Life's sumptuous joy... and the very different perfume
of brain dead angels, spreading my ashes over -
unkempt lawns.

I retire to my room, where the canvasses tick unanointed
like white bombs and nothing can dissuade me from the truth of them.
Painting your face is like scratching a balloon.
It will burst. And I will weep.
And Time will not stop.
For the Lack of You.

But the brush will never leave my hand.

And that will have to do.
Feb 2017 · 250
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
When you can't go to Mars.... you die a little.
At least that's what my September mind has conjured.
And I have every right to believe it. I am Earthbound, after all -
And anything further from the Truth -
Has been deported from my Hemisphere, so only Life's little secrets
Remain... And clouds are made of glass.
But Love is a snail on a heap of burning orchids.
And I rarely sleep without my pills.

Knowing you're still alive is like knowing you're dead.
Summer is a beach where whales rest and the night sky feeds
on their souls. But nothing kills gently. Just habitually.
And the rivers run beside you, because underneath you -
are too many bones.  And Winter is the flame you left unattended.
Like Mars.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
the happy sea of heartbreak is no happy sea at all.
but yes...  it's well content to be broken
as wave after wave blooms in your palm
and something is a canyon where your trailer home
is not where your heart remembers you.
but condemns your love.

This is what we do when we do nothing.
let me tell you. but let me love you too.
I am gone where stench clings. And i can't be me
And You are no one,
save the ridicule
that lust cannot fathom
and the beauty of you
as I usually do
is undone.

This is what we do when we do nothing.
We flip houses like coins,
we go nowhere at light speed
and I love you much
as you let me go.

and I go where my want
is not wanted.
Feb 2017 · 414
Forks And Knives
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
You **** me
like you want


we cannot sing the songs
in our blood. unless -
they Have blood
on them.
or a song, in


tonight, i have gone nowhere
and my adventure bleeds out
like a stuck pig
in a slipstream... a unusual ghost fork
in a thin dream.
too vast to be a wisp
of my unguarded heart...
but too Human to be
a reflection of my wishful

It is deep like the knives
descend and sink, into the brevity
of our get along.
it trolls the wound of our endless
and dooms the sweet spark
of our forgiving

Because it's all wrong.
Feb 2017 · 295
About To Be Done
Third Eye Candy Feb 2017
I'm about to be done

swirling down the drain.

And I'll march

to a Harpy's tune

to better fetch

the limits of my ungrateful



I am dust driven and water mad

but you are the ghost

with most sad.

The thunder in a snowflake

bleeding the landscape

for a farthing.

A pound for a pound

in an ounce of grief. Now That is the Curse.

The worst word in the ear

of a deaf mute

at the Opera

of your

Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
I go where all my going -
goes. And seldom
circle back.


I feel like Black, tastes like the Moon -
Tastes like the heel of my bread
Tastes like my hands...
Thrown up in the

I have no love, save the prerequisite doom
that your lips prove
a less dangerous

And from this height
I might regard you
As a Goddess
to dispel.

But nothing goads  -
a comet, from it's entropy
like a private

or a public distortion
Of the Truth...

we tell.
Jan 2017 · 651
Speck Of Joy
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
it's like a drum that has no voice
that drums... a platonic yes
that has no wisdom
to bleed less about the world
but yet, bleats like a lamb
to quell the gristle
of an unspoken bone
in the air,

a speck of joy
is the space we love in....

and yet we die
for less than the sum
of a heartbeat.
we troll the fathoms
of our derelict
to arrive at nothing more
than a place
to cry...
and nothing is always
more than a place
to cry-

for joy.

or for
Jan 2017 · 789
Driftwood Chapel
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
Engulfed in the peace like a dime between a thumb
and drop of blood... a forlorn noose, 'round the neck
of a Christmas goose.... and a pantheon of dull sparks
barking at the nails in my palm.
How quiet it all seems
now that our rivals, love our rivalry.
How the bridges burn.
As the Netherworld chums
the  River Styx
for a shark's
black pearl.

Let us come to a sharp place
on a flatline. Arrive adjacent to the waters
of our turbulent pond.
There, we must go, where the withering
is more vast
and the hours sour
the bloom
of our dignity... to better capture
the wave of our undone
tired light... lurching through the trauma
of our vigorous demise.
Jan 2017 · 507
Prelude To Writer's Block
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
I shake the box
and you can hear
the clunk of cheap erasers
and loose change.
the weight shifts
like a topside crew
on a troubled barge.

I flick the ash
and where it lay
a thousand eyes
bleed for nothing.
and in passing
I may have crushed
a bead of sweat...
truant from
my brow.

it's the little things
that loom large
in the awkward heart
and so very slowly
the usual bloom
on the rose
is dismantled.

by a larger display
in a palm.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
down the stairs, where the creak-feet of descent
will silence a cricket in the room; there with couch
and the bookstand, oak and glass....
sedate features; the odd bust of an Inuit matriarch-
staring at your blouse like it were forged
in blasphemies and trade winds.
down there, where we keep the cat riveted to the headlights
of our armored car.

in the seam

the coffee table is strewn, right down the middle
with old magazines and straw placemats.
a stain that never fades,
stands in the garden of cigarette butts and dog-eared -
post-it notes
to a glass scarecrow.
a mound of bric-a-brac
and fingerprints.

it's sticky
where two people
made the love
that made the mess...

but it's hollow where they never met.
and you can see the carpet through the permafrost.
our lens
immune to domain.
free to see the whimsy
in a spot of bother
about a broken

down where the television skin is the thickest. our ironic muse.
just a spritz of cultured sabotage,
and the good sense to go mad
without disturbing the peace....
the same peace that almost -
cost us the war.

at the very least.
Jan 2017 · 449
A Kiss Is Debris
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
the hush of snowfall resounds
and morning comes on a plinth of cream fire
over white shoals of winter's aspen
and a platoon of black oak, heavy laden
with pillows of opal dust,
the crisp air dangles from your breath
as you come upon a raven's ink plumage
resting atop the crystalline wave
frozen in swell; more akin to the sea
than to the earth bound diorama
more of a ripple than a discrete patch
of sugar at your feet.
holding a black wing
to a promise.

and a kiss is debris,
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
as if the flowers were all asleep and knitting mud *****
and perfect spheres. the universe cajoled the Ambassador to Sorrow
to come forth with a horse's wing and a heavy breath.
a true lover that is sworn to sunshine
and a unicorn eating the meat of a diamond.
all this must be. or the world;- flounder on a picket fence -
of a lost mind... and a long stretch of reach
in a stunted growth of real

the rain wept because the cosmos was full of Lies
with a capital ' L '.
deflated by default, but willing to take One
for the team of wild horses; that carried the thunder-
to your precious Dawn; to outwit the Heresies
of a mild misadventure
to a higher plane.

of course the plane eats a mountain side  
just sitting on the cat.

and you're gonna look at me.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
what abounds like love in it's infancy ?
a revival of Spring from an infinite well.
as such; love is the Sun. sundering ordinary doubt
as blind-spots boggle from the lightning fell...
what rainbows do when they shout. and all -
the music
that sustains you, blessed; from a realm
as cloudless as a newborn babe. there are stars.
and all the splendor of an ****** life
thrumming the lost chord, to the last song !
a host of ecstasies, tumbling in a waterfall of loose shackles
and open doors. love then, is the mark of a genius design
embedded in the viscera of Eternity. bristling with Time -
and all the majesty of the Flesh. it barks at the moon
and enthralls the latent flames that lay dormant in your soul.
how the world is new, but not innocent
concerns you not in the least.  

and Love is

Jan 2017 · 666
Tilt Your Head
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
let the mice tinker
with the tall clock
the crystal face
and line up the shots
of brandy and crisp air. harried by gnats
and periwinkles.
click your heels
then stroll the damage parlors
of your savage days.
and mark the night
a blessed pandemonium
that features an appearance
of a meaning to it all
with all the candor of an imaginary sage
and a vow of silence.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
you punch above your weight
but you dangle like tinsel from the lash of an evergreen eye.
you're smart enough to rough it
in the brambles of your entropy. but your saving grace, a lie -
it permeates an absolute that never bargains
as you scale the wall of coordinates to a distant shore
where a far cry counts for something; but the irony
is lethal.

you're jumping the broomstick with a ghost
and that will haunt you; when you lose the ring.
and that will be the day that the rain wept for thee
but strangely enough, not for what
you think.
Jan 2017 · 336
How The Comets Laughed
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
with all the symphonies drained from the pool
it was high time to embark on a pointless quest
and be good at it. a trickster god hiding a strip of meat
from your impotent beak. you in your white vest
stark where the sun has bleached your horrors
as the new star startles the dark omens of your open pores
and more's the pity... the void has come to it's senses
to forfeit you in a game of pawns
thrashing about in infinite malaise... conjuring misfortune
till the dams burst and the siege begins.
it was high noon when the hollow yawned at your purpose
and your wings scorned the sky,

you miss how the comets laughed,
but can't seem to remember why.
Jan 2017 · 501
Epiphany In D minor
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
again and again, the world renews the spike in the palm
and north winds bear down upon the inky black
where dead stars illuminate the zodiac of our inner defeat.
an upturned display of seedless fruit against a backdrop
of discrete harm... and the south wind scratching at the twinkle
of a last act. a mirage of poppies and golden wheat
from which the bread of our maker is baked into the glamor
of so much solitude in a galaxy
in your house.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
your whale oil sings to a teaspoon
and the rabbits run fumbling
through the daisy junk
of your yellow sun.
you are blue like green is amber
and the night has lost a thumb
on a scale.
your phantoms pall at your bedside.
they watch you dream and weep
heaving hazy dust
unplugged from a drum.
it used to lay upon the skin
of a tight snare... but now the rhythms
breach and all worlds
are none.

what is gone from you, we cannot say.
but it heralds the coming of a gone thought
on a spool of twine... the weight of moonshine
and utter loss.
it fogs the goggle of pine fresh eyes
and looms false.
but the tethers of your sweet heart
are upon me.

Jan 2017 · 446
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
Loose pebbles grit the wheel.
i hear the grind spit
and the earth kneel. i march -
and grovel, as i bark
and hound -
the very fox what stole my stride
and left me feet below
the ground.
Jan 2017 · 293
Bone Ship Cometh
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
from the dirge, the strange love is capsized
and many leagues burgeoning with hordes
of faint bliss, lull in the twilight surge
of rogue waves.

i am encumbered by the seagull's joy
at the wreck of my starboard hearth
and the embers of my crow's nest, faint..
as i glean the remote symmetries
of my abandoned map
the bone ship cometh
from anon.

i am long in the tooth of it.
a shambles and a youth.
the world is burning as my sails launch
my futile heart.
i disembark and return swollen.
i come undone
to refuse
to end

and then some.
Jan 2017 · 3.0k
A Noise In A Sound
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
i struggle with the tomb.
i come from the moon to alight upon an earthen vase
to pause upon the lip and swoon.
i am no ghost. but through walls, i come.
lugging a throne of tears and thimbles
of blood... my fire, more dark than the hunter's motive.
my life more spark than the sun's design.

complete me, and i will endure the wane hours
and shun all harm... like the one stroke of lightning
in a cup, swollen with angry bees
affixed to a white sheet of ice... I'll descend into You,
like a lodestone on a chain,
to be hoisted up from the fathoms of Loss
to drown in our madness, just because -
like a noise

in a sound.
Jan 2017 · 265
Feast Of Burden
Third Eye Candy Jan 2017
How the red
got in
the red blood
in the first place;
I cannot say.
But how it feels
to behold,
but never holding
is like a stone
all day.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2016
For Thee I have sworn to render from the sovereign sun
a soul's worth; burnished by oblivion's tongue
and stars uncursed ... a bounty of beloved life; once spun
then unmade, and cunningly reversed. a song sung.
a belle play. a bell

For Thee, I measure the Night's dark, by hand - and
Love by mouth... I come
to heap sweetness upon the waters -
of your thighs, and glide bidden to the hilt of your Delta
like the mighty Mississippi to a blind oyster... for there; I cloister -
in the Secret Gardens of your Restlessness like an untamed

with an ordained
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