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Theresa Grace Oct 2012
Today I feel... Lonely?
I think.
Drops of rain
hit the windshield of my parked car.
Tall groomed, green, and golden grass
line the parking lot.
Rain is coming in
through my windows.
I don’t wanna roll them up.
Let them come.
Let the drops hit
or miss
A feeling of being trapped
chained in a cave.
Watching shadows dance on the wall.
I'm thinking of you now.
Yes, You.
The people I will read this too.
I wonder why I feel the need
to share this moment
with so many strangers.
Could it be that feeling?
What did I call it again?
Was it loneliness?
Doesn’t make any sense
cuz I've felt that before
and it was never as calm as this.
Perhaps it's a feeling subdued.
One that is being repressed.
Today I feel...
Today I feel...
Nothing I guess.
Or maybe that I'm dreaming.
Perhaps it's boredom I feel
and a longing for things to be curiouser.
Nelly Fertado pops into my head.
That song,
“I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away”
I guess I am.
Though most peg me for a cat.
Perhaps due to the grin.
That must be it.
Theresa Grace Oct 2012
Sometimes I feel ancient.
As if I have witnessed the birth
of our galaxy.
Sometimes I feel as if
I'm playing Hide and Seek
with myself.
The present me
hides from my ancient self.
Because when my ancient self
finds me
and turns her wise eye
in the direction of humanity
she is saddened by the state of herself.
How did we get so disillusioned?
How did we become so selfish and
When did we appoint ourselves Kings and Queens
of the Earth
which cries beneath our feet?
I remember a time
when I moved freely with my fellow man.
When we knew that We were the gift
Given to the Earth.
The gardeners.
The caretakers.
Only taking what we need and nothing more.
Freeing up our time
in order to truly expand our minds.
Our evolution has been stunted.
And I feel ancient.
I found you.
And I must say,
I'm a little disappointed.
Thank you Allan Watts.
Theresa Grace Oct 2012
Nine wheel karma controller
Compact sleeveless button case
Oil deltoid combo
Metal magnet scrunchie spray
Bootleg leaf fret
Wick hunger limit
Tedious lantern bucket
Psychokinetic apple bubble
Intergalactic time space fraction
Anything immortal lost
Sleepless anxious toss
Divine magic water bodies
Healing wild birds
Extraterrestrial swimming fish
Fleeting nighttime children
Delightful new age beauty
Deep elemental menstrual cycles
Strong sight protection
Given soul story lessons
Clear Global God
Request practiced peace
Garden random physical reason
Humorous overwhelmed solution
Earth discovered on turtle
Used miraculous fact
Command locked paradise
Key kept love thirsty
Closely counsel deceased Master
Reaching for things not seen
Endless chaotic writing paper
Creating cool frog bog
Washed pilot sitting clean
Reaching things unseen
Wonder what all this means
Reaching unseen things
Feeling presence of other beings
Reaching for things unseen
Sleep walking in a dream
Reaching things unseen
Piecing together chaotic strings
Reaching unseen things
Hearing angels sing
While reaching for things not seen.
This was an exercise in creative writing. I picked Allot of random words then pieced them together into this tasty little gem. Towards the end I took it over with my own words but it was still fun and a good form of practice.
Theresa Grace Oct 2012
Listen to someone play the cello
In between the notes
As their fingers move up or down the cords
It sounds like the instrument
Takes a breath.
Theresa Grace Oct 2012
Soon these grounds will be covered in snow.
The world will begin to breath a bit more Heavy.
The crow will be crowned King once more.
It was his rightful place from the beginning.
People will hunch their shoulders over,
guarding against the cold,
holding the weight of their heavy minds.
Complaining, among other things,
about a neck ache.
People will mourn for the loss of warmth and sound.
Crumble under the weight
of the light and silent snow.
Only the King breaks through.
Laughing and cackling at our funny behavior.

— The End —