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TheGirl Mar 2010
i could feel the tension all along
but i didnt realize it

it was almost like a song
carrying along in the wind

i could feel it, i just couldnt see it.

but everything eventually breaks surface
and it came about like an earthquake

knocking me off my feet
leaving me on the ground

i felt so unsettled after recieving that bomb
and it hurt me more than i ever let on

i could feel it,
the pain

rushing through my veins
reaching my fingertips, my legs

it took over me, your misery
that you left for me

you left me with zero energy

i loved you with all of my heart
you were me.
my family.
my other half.
my best friend.
and now you are no one.

you left me all alone
with pain boiling in my veins

misery is all i see
unable to move for lack of energy

copyright AS2009
TheGirl Mar 2010
a little bit of sparkle
a little dab of something
a scent to match your every mood

unable to remain motionless
fiddling with a sense of helplessness

to correct past past mistakes would be like re-writing a book
but theres no regret, only moving forward

nights full of possibilty
full of adventure
intrigue at every corner
i know that look, i get it

there is a need for me to move forward with you
but my feet keep dragging
and secretly,
ever so secretly
your heart rips the more you move forward
almost in half

it shall be lost soon
then you will be truly stuck.

envy on both sides
respect comes with comfort
this secret understanding
not so secret since we are both in it

some secrets are meant to remain secrets
some supressed memories are meant to be shared
but only between us
only us.
copyright AS2009
TheGirl Mar 2010
What words can describe the feelings he felt
when he met the girl so full of dreams and hope.
A girl who wanted to fix the world
and when she asked him those questions
his answer always was,
i will follow you anywhere.

He fell in love with a tree hugger
he loved her ways and her mother
but when she asked him the important questions
all he could say was that he would follow her anywhere.

she fascinated him with her power
how she wanted to find shangri-la
and discover things yet to be discovered
she would always tell him that the earth was such a strange and beautiful place
such a strange and beautiful place
that was being slowly wasted away
and all he said was i will follow you anywhere

she wore jeans and plaid shirts
and she wanted to protect the rainforests
she loved kids and all of their questions
but she needed more than he could give.

not all the faith in love in the world
could quench her ambiton
when her ambition
was bigger
than she was
copyright AS 2009
TheGirl Mar 2010
I can no longer let it seem
like i am a ghost underneath.
and i can't let them know
that i was born to the sea.

and the secrets of the waves
will always be mine to keep.
But they won't let me be
left alone with the whispers of the sea

and i think,
it will be
this way, endlessly
this tangle, this web

of lies
lies that i've kept.
and they haunt my dreams as i sleep.
as i sleep, as i sleep

endlessly, endlessly
these secrets keep me awake at night
endlessly, endlessly
this ghost takes and takes away my life.

all i have left is a lonely beach full of pebbles
and i throw and i throw them
into the sea
but they keep, and they keep
coming back to me

and eventually, i am sure
these secrets, these lies
will take everything i was
everything i am

and return me, return me
back to the sea.
where i used to belong.
copyright AS 2009
TheGirl Mar 2010
Danger is as danger does.
They told me i was trouble.
I never believe their words.
I never wanted to be this way.

From the depths of hell
came a way to escape.
In the form of an angel
he brought me this fate.

His golden hair
tricked my eyes.
i swore i saw a halo,
underneath his lies.

He took me on a trip.
We flew past the trees,
felt as high as the sky
wind whipped my face raw

on the back of his motorcycle
i held onto him so tight
the faster he went.
everything was a blur that night.

My angel from hell
your danger has changed my life
they told me i was trouble
i never believed them until now.
TheGirl Mar 2010
once i feared the rain.
wet and cold.
afraid of hair and clothes.
now, i rejoice in it
running free through meadows
shelter beneath trees
wearing nothing but gumboots
annd a flowery dress
i feel like a gypsy of times past
free as a bird that flys through my dreams
i feel words
i want beauty
TheGirl Mar 2010
my thoughts were perverted

but somehow it became reality

blue jeans and gumboots

your kissing my *******

playing with my shell necklace

whispering memories of the past

we're laying on a cold tile floor

in an empty room

in an empty hotel

in the middle of nowhere

this can't be real...
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