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TheGirl Mar 2010
My luck is running thin.
I hope my secrets are kept safe
sitting on fire escapes
smoking benson and hedges

you have always been my favorite, after all.

im continually trying to enter broken gates

i promise i never meant to fall
off of this fire escape
where shall i escape to?
to a dream-like state?

people are always talking of dreams and what they mean.

i hope your red room stays red
pommegranite tea always warmed me.

never did i think i would be here with you
making out in the weight room of a desolate hotel
i hope you never tell
of our fire escape escapades

never did i think i would be dreaming with you
TheGirl Mar 2010
I'm torn into two different directions.
what to do
with a love
that really hates?

im so unhappy.

can't you be the answer to why?

explain to me.
i'm directionless.
but i am here.
TheGirl Mar 2010
and with the ocean, it brings dark things
from the past
and you should know, that these things
that they, never last
you think you want the storm,
but always there are the consequences
don't forget
to bring your
TheGirl Mar 2010
and when the world will eventually come down all around us
can't live a day without thinking about the ground shaking
and the sun slowly baking
me slowly
but as long as i have you..
the end doesn't seem quite as near
TheGirl Mar 2010
the darkness envelopes me like the night sky
the candles in this room are twinkling like stars that i have never seen
there is a vibe of something dark and sinister
it worries me more than i can truly comprehend.
a feeling of uselessness overwhelms me

but with a phone call from a friend,
and aimless driving
cigarettes and tokes
and i feel alright.

— The End —