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TheGirl May 2013
Your kisses fade so fast
The explosion of energies
Disappears into the dead air of our nights
Into this sparkling city
Escapes into our starless sky

These mountains are so different here
I search for home but it feels so far away

There are oceans and deserts
Mountain ranges.
TheGirl May 2013
I feel the love before the fate

Most steps I pretend to take

I danced around in the moves I faked

My shoes tripped up by invisible lace

I failed to wake after I fell to my fate

I learned nothing from the lines I traced

These are the connections I've made.
TheGirl May 2013
You left those conversations
Behind, as if they never happened.

You lived to find yourself in moments
Captured forever by others.

How kind these words make me
The end of words.
TheGirl Apr 2013
The leathered devils,
Who you treated as gods
Were unrelenting.
Gave us shots of whiskey out of rusted glasses.
They took you as they did i,
On their stainless chariots
To the darkest reaches
Places only they could find.
It's a wonder we ever came out alive.
Those deviled prospects pushed their words
Through us, and through us
Onto you.
You, never deserved their twisted fates.
TheGirl Oct 2010
The smell of old spice
and expensive merlot
follows you
everywhere you’ve been
every place you go.

Can’t connect to the time or place
when you became a mystery to me.
You were always busy
a plane and a train away.

I knit together things to ask you
begging you to be familiar again.
The paper full of questions
crumpled in my hand
on your return.
Now is never a good time...

When alone,
I crawled through your life.
All stuffed in boxes,
Polaroid’s and negatives.
My eyes like hummingbirds
anxious and darting.
Found photos of you
of your past, unknown to me.

Someone I did not recognise living
inside those snapshots.
Long sandy blonde hair, wild eyes
riding motorcycles
boiling with life.

So serious now
a difficult man, who has witnessed hard things.
Who sips rare scotch, with two ice cubes
and talks of politics
and good hosts.

Mystery man,
Who shares my my hazel green eyes
And the color of my hair
Yours now short and grey.

With tears of dew in my eyelashes
I wait for you at our home,
To speak of your travels
and trivial matters.
My unanswered questions
painfully shovelled from my mind.
TheGirl Oct 2010
Your fingers calloused
Thick, from steel strings
Six, if strummed lightly
Reverberate, echo
Through my heavy head
I daydream silently
Listening to your twisted insides
Listening to you sing
“jealousy is a strange disease”
Im always at your side
Secretly wishing to be sewn to you
You picked me.
I daydream our secret memories
To when we realized what was real
When we sprinted, undetected
Chasing eachother
Through trees and quiet streets
All you could hear was the thudding
Of our bare feet
From the dazzling night
Into the misty, unearthly dawn
Back to reality
We never grew tired
When spirits pumped through our veins
Laughter caught in our throats
When you said
“you are always on my mind..”
Time was so rare, then
And now it has run dry
I really see you, now
Your puppy eyes
Seeing through me softly
And mine, open wide
Piercing yours, in silence
Stolen moments
Are now only
Secret memories
And now,
When I hear you sing that song
See your fingers slide, heavily
When your eyes flick to mine
Im no longer a believer,
In fate.
TheGirl Oct 2010
This town is no the same without you.
A haze has fallen
Upon our tiny town
filling the air we breathe
They say it comes
From burning trees

As I walk down
all these familiar roads
sometimes with my eyes closed
i no longer feel at home

I hold fast
To memories of our past
Gallivanting down these streets
Owning the night
Like it was only our right

The streets were once our home
The surrounding trees our shelter
The hot pavement our bed
The stars our light

Back then,
We felt as if we were on fire
Back then,
We felt as high as the sky
The world was ours
And we kept our eyes wide open

I keep searching
For familiar faces
For familiar places
For a feeling I felt once
But now it is all extinct
Like the dinosaurs
Now it is all a memory
I’m desperate to grasp

I stroll down these streets
My eyes are stressed
In want of a sight I’ve seen

I think I search in vain.
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