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 Dec 2015 Raven Hart
Mike Essig
It is usually best to avoid
crushing hopelessness, to swerve
and defer disaster, but even so
the world is well and truly ****** up.

Seek solutions to this conundrum.

Try to avoid curiosity, a pernicious
strain of insanity that conjures up
irrational fears of orangutangs
with meat cleavers, lethally ascetic
Tibetan monks, bathroom carpets
of abandoned razors or Big Macs
rife with E. Coli.

Avoid metaphysical musings that lead
to questions of coleslaw, vegan
water parks, the Team Quadraplegic
Gymnastics squad and the horrors
of the Hilary Clinton Naked Network.

Seek refuge in the present tense to
escape the interrogation of mirrors,
the crafted answer, dacryphilia,
remedial rage, landslides of therapy
and memorizing each month's horoscope.

Consider that mercy is on back order from God.
Remember the best lines of an unread book.
Nap on a battlefield; haggle over imaginary debts.
Set fire to the umbrellas of passing strangers.
Stop to watch the loudness and burn the recovered dead.

Call up new magic for a dying world.
Find beauty in the irradiated glow of burning cities.
Try not to bounce existential checks or notice
the crumbling of distant walls, ruined outhouses,
and the immense bleakness of forever and ever.

Take up training small rodents and lighting holy fires.
Ignore the broken stars, long dead and beyond grief.
Discover the pleasure in erasure, enjoy the biology
of strangeness. Walk many miles without a map
beneath innumerable ladders carefully detouring
around immense flocks of rabid cassowaries.
Throttle the recalcitrant blue sky's silent throat.

Listen to the melody of car wrecks and smashed guitars.
Abandon assumed corpses to dreams of endless cold.
Appreciate futures you cannot believe in but never visit them.
Learn to diagram sentences in Esperanto then speak with toads.
Ignore the slot machine odds against your deepest desires.
Hide beneath the ravenous trees from time's famished maw.
Seek sanctuary in toothy optimism and complete amnesia.

Follow these impossible instructions to the letter
and you will become non-valent, invisible, immune
and no longer notice the world is ****** up
beyond redemption. Go on, give it a try.


(Being An Early Christmas Poem For Jan)

She laughs
like water

pours herself
into my embrace

takes whatever shape
(cuddle hug Indian ******
statue Kamasutra)    

within these

I kiss her
with a love

that cannot
harm her

me the container
of who I am

holding her love
like water's laughter.
A gift from my Grandmother,
given when I was only twelve.
Just a plain spiral notebook,
and inscribed on the inside cover
in her own delicate hand...

"Look every day for one happy thing...
write it down here.
This is not a diary, no sad thoughts allowed.
No fanciful wandering, no dark dreary doubts.
When it happens, (and it shall),
you find nothing to write...
That's OK,
just look again the next day...
and the next day...
and the next..."

Well... I tried
but my life was so dark,
miserable and all alone.
After two months,
only three entries were shown.

The book was put on my shelf and soon forgotten.

Six years later...
my first fate filled night.
Friends tried in vain to fill me with hope,
but I knew...and I was certain!
The battle was over, could NEVER be won;
better life be undone.

New razors sharp, shiny glow
bathtub filled to let my blood flow.
Just one final thing,
the note pointing blame.

So I went to my shelf
for something to write.
Still there, covered with dust,
that blasted book.

Supreme irony to write a suicide note
from the pages of this cursed thing.
Happy memories
numbered as only three.

A mistake I made
or perhaps my salvation.
I read the first entry
penciled in lead already fading.

"Wendy R. came to my table at lunch today.
I showed her my limerick about the ant
squished by an ele-phant.
She laughed, said it was funny.
She touched my hand softly
and I think she wanted to kiss me.
It made me feel good, so I'm writing it here."

Tears flowed, anger flooded away.
Just one joyful memory simple and pure.
Razors were tossed, bathtub water drained
I survived just one more day
then one more again,
and the next...
and the next ...

So much joy in life I might have missed.

Many years later...
Such simple pleasure from life
I might never have known.

My lover had been taken... unjust!
Not just any but, "That One Lover," the only one.
That half of my soul, the spoils of my joy
won by the sharing of tears and of years.

With one simple wave, a mere gesture of his hand
God ripped her from me with taunting words of grace.
He laughed at my stupidity, my simple blind faith
as he flipped me "The Holy Bird," and spat in my face.

By now, in my wizened older years,
I was hardened to pain.
This time it was ANGER,
virulent ****-filled Rage!

Knowing no relief
till vengeance's own fury is released
and again I was SURE,
of death... absolutely no FEAR!

As the headlights rushed toward
me it seemed so **** clear
I needed to see God directly,
to laugh at his cursed embrace.

And though the cost be eternal damnation,
I'd gladly pay it thrice
for that one simple chance
to spit back at his self-righteous face.

I know it was not real but I swear,
in that split second of time
in the blur of the lights,
my Grandmother, framed by the haze

one hand a shaking finger
of mirthful admonishment
the other holding
that blessed ****** book!

Brakes slammed...
Tires screech...
Car spins...

Semi-truck's horn receding
from my lost soul.
I had survived yet again
but still all alone

I returned slowly home.

I was afraid to open it
for I knew what it held.
Most of it memories of Bonnie,
the times of us.

Joys turned to haunting memories
Nightmares of dreams un-won, forever lost.

But Grandma knew just what I would need
on the cold winter nights that my heart would bleed.
So I took a deep breath and I opened it first
to a dog eared page visited often, my favorite verse.

Just a couple of lines written with a quick, jerky script.

"Today I first held my son,
such joy...such wonder-
My own simple words cannot express
What I am feeling this moment,
But I knew I had to try -
I'm attempting to write it now."

And at the bottom
of the otherwise barren page
two small fading stains.
The salt of tears shed
on that one exquisite night.
And to those two, were now added more.

I cried...
And I cried...
A flood of tortured relief
and slowly new life dawned, I began to see.

The pain of love's leaving
would always remain,
but with pause, with passing,
would fade to quiet refrain.

Time soothes all wounds in such sublime divine ways.
But my memories of her... the "Best of the Best."
All written right here in this very precious book.
With incredible consummate detail.

The first time she touched me,
the tender tingle it caused.
She first said, "I Love You,"
beneath our special tree.
Our first kiss, the passion it arose.

Our first night together...
a beginning to melding desires,
our bodies first cloaked as lovers-
ahhh four fully filled pages there.

All the intimate telling,
the touching games.
We giggled, we played
we roared with rapture's blessings
till dawn found us exhausted,
fulfilled at last,
still embraced as lovers do,
peacefully fast asleep.

All recorded right here,
safe from the ravages of time.
Why should I so terribly fear;
memory's taunting lull?

I fell right there to the floor on my knees.
I thanked my lover
for being there, though still far away.
I thanked my Grandmother,
her foresight of when I would bleed.
And I thanked God!
Begged his forgiveness, blessedly received.
I survived yet another day.
And the next day yet.
The next... And the next.

Till I find myself here today
reflecting on his simple plan,
a new book before me,
design so simple yet grand.

Hard-bound leather,
acid free pages of yet ****** paper,
intended to stand firmly
against times wrenching torment.

And on the inside cover with indelible ink
in my own passionate, hand guided script.
Those same simple instructions faded from time
yet engraved clearly, and firmly in my mind.

"Look every day for one happy thing;
write it down here.
This is not a diary, no sad thoughts allowed.
No fanciful wandering, no dark dreary doubts.
When it happens, (and it shall),
you find nothing to write...
that's OK.
just look again the next day...
and the next day...
and the next..."

I close the cover,
I lean back, warm and content.
Jimmy is coming at three,
he is so much like me.

Shy, turned inward,
unsure, yet so full of light.
This "Book of Happy Memories,"
yet to be, is for he.

Today he turned twelve.

It's for the dark lonely nights,
his shorn young heart bleeds,
as my Grandson's soul
cries out...

For it's own healing need.

©  S.Loeding All Rights Reserved
Written for a very dear friend dealing with difficult issues.
The present time cannot possibly foresee accurately, a future time.
Ending life denies all possibility.
 Dec 2015 Raven Hart
Who am I
 Dec 2015 Raven Hart
Who am I
but the broken pieces
Of who I used to be

Who am I
but a silhouette of the bright future
I had always dreamed

Who am I
but the fading cry inside my heart ;
"I'm still here. I am. I am."

Who am I
But what's left of everything
That broke me

Who am I
But another racer
Who does not know where he is going

Who am I
But a love
that is never loved back

Who am I
But a mixture of feelings
That have already been felt

Are my thoughts original?
Or are they echoes
Of every things they have witnessed
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