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I don't love him anymore
The man who was my hero
He who I held above all else
Is nothing to me now

He broke me down
Made me question who I was
Shattered my sense of pride
Destroyed my sense of worth

Tears I shed over him
As nothing more than a ritual
I can't control them
Even though he is lost to me

I don't remember how it used to feel
When I cared for him as a miracle
For all I have is an ache
that never stops hurting.
Emotions are my prison guards
Caging me in a spiral of suffocation
Enraging me with their limitless torture
Forcing me to feel and hurt over and over

Endless it seems in its sadism
Starving me of the ability to love and care
Numbing my heart and shutting my brain
Desensitizing my soul, till I'm an empty vessel once again.
I hate my ability to feel soo much
Papa just let me rest

Put my mind at ease
For the shards you use
To tear through my skin
Make me bleed

Oh it hurts so much papa

When your bullets plunder my heart
It beats feverently; an ill tuned symphony
Trying to mend itself again
A picture of flimsy patchwork

Papa clear the ground in front of me

The shards and thorns are making me weak
My feet can't take in your piercing anymore
They've gone from tan to scarlet
A fresh coat to paint over the marks I'm too ashamed to see

I beseech you one last time papa

Make the voices go away
The ones gnawing at my head
Telling me I'm not who you want me to be
Before I give myself to the demons who love me
The ones who claim to be the closest to you end up being the ones responsible for your destruction
Ghosts flicker behind her eyelids
Like dust falling upon grass
A faint buzzing; an irritant ever persistent
In the shadowed blink of her eyes

Phantoms mist past her lips
Like Air curling in step to waltz
An echo of broken promises; reckonings foretold
In the upturned tilt of her smile

Spirits swim through her fingers
Like water sprinting rapids down mountains
A mocking tale of trickery and revenge bound
In the feverish flight of her palm.

Apparitions dance through her hair
Like fire twisting embers to the sky
A vision to escape; hope burning for freedom
In the wild tresses of her chestnut mane
It seeps into my body
Icy tendrils licking at my soul
Shivering their way to my heart
A frozen carcass

A three syllable word
Consisting of 8 letters
Four vowels
And four constenants

Represents everything that wounds me
A swift jagged knife to the heart
With every twisted command
Being forced down my throat

Tears remain stagnant in my eyes
For I know, it would have been beautiful
If not for the scars embedded into my soul
From the audacious misery it's put me through

A single syllable word
Consisting of six letters
Three vowels
And three constenants

A match made in heaven
Its prayer; a constant companion to my lips
The Hope that pollutes my mind; constricts my throat
Keeping me sane within this oppressive cage
I'm held captive in
This is just my own experiences. It's a tragedy of mine to never have experienced the joys of faith through kinder eyes.
A step is all it takes
To brush past the winds obstructing your path
Igniting the spark that fuels their rye and cries
Pressure holds, suffocating as tears steam past
Shaky breaths collide in grit and defiance
Aching to be set free, an ache numbed in wait

Ears turned deaf to the ever persistent screams
Eyes glazed past the blood and sweat;agony
Brain broken down in collateral to forget
Begging release, hands turned in unison to hope
For a reason, a chance, a promise
Chained to the stake; a fool's dance was all it was.
Pessimistic to the core I know
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