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876 · Sep 2013
Psalm 4
Lead my hands to worship oh Lord.
May my praise bring You gladness.
Lead my heart to worship oh God.
That my song may be suitable for Your courts.
Lead my soul to worship oh Lord.
May my sound be joyful and pure.
Lead my mind to worship oh God.
May it dwell on You, in Your peace.
Lord may the music of my hands, and the song of my lips rise to You in Your throne room.
Let them be not for mortal men, but for You, the Immortal God.
You are Peace, You are Love, You are Joy.
761 · Oct 2013
Psalm 9
Lord! Hasten to me!
My Strength! Where have You gone?
In my hour of distress
I call to You.
In my moment of fear
I will invoke Your name.
Remember Your promises oh God!
Your word speaks of Your faithfulness!
In the darkness of my pain
You are near.
In the cold of my loneliness
You call me child.
You are near to the broken hearted.
To the weak in spirit You are well known.
Hasten to Your child oh God!
610 · Sep 2013
Psalm 6
My arms are weary with battle oh God.
Our enemy assaults me constantly.
Those I love share in my battle.
Strengthen my soul oh Lord!
Empower me against the evil one!
Give him no stronghold in my life!
Drive him from those around me!
On my own I am helpless, but You have made me a Conqueror.

594 · Sep 2013
Psalm 5
My heart leaps with the joy You have given me!
My days are filled with laughter!
You are the origin of all good things, and I will praise You for Your goodness!
Though the world lie dark and shadowed, I take heart in Your love oh God.
Though trial and trouble persist against me, Your faithfulness will be my shield.
577 · Sep 2013
Psalm 7
Lord, the Enemy has come against Your servant.
He walls me in on every side.
My strength fails me, but You will be faithful.
My courage has left me, but Your goodness never departs.
All the armies of man cower before You.
Like sheep they run to the hills.
Send me Your legions oh God!
Let not the Evil One prevail.
You are good, You are mighty, You are God
544 · Sep 2013
God! My God! Why do You despise me?
What have I done to bring this wrath upon me?
Those I called friend have turned against me.
Those I called love have betrayed me.
Am I to suffer forever?
God show mercy to Your child!
My heart weeps, my soul wails in agony!
Why is Your hand against me oh Lord?
How long must I endure this?
How long until You restore me?
The pain is to much my God!
You have been faithful to Your child in the past.
Now I cry out to You, but You are slow to my rescue.
Answer me swiftly oh Lord! How long will I suffer?
526 · Oct 2013
Psalm 10
Lord, You are near to Your servant.
You have emptied me, so that I may be filled with You, my Redeemer.
I am wholly surrendered to Your great name.
You have made me Your child through Your amazing love.
Because of Your mercy You have called me to be heir to Your throne.
Through Your grace You call me kin.
Give Him praise in the night, sing songs of joy in the daytime, for the Lord our God is faithful.
He will never fail.
Sing His name to the Earth!
Amen and Amen!
500 · Feb 2014
Psalm 12
Lord I call to You,
Deliver us from the enemy!
Fill us with Your presence,
So the Deceiver can find no purchase.

Lord the evil one assails Your child!
He comes against the ones I love!
He attacks them by the night!
Hasten to Your child's aid!
Stand guard over us!
490 · Sep 2013
Psalm 3
Lord, give me strength, as today I face many challenges and trials.
Lord steel my heart against our common enemy.
Lord fill me with Your spirit that I may be a blessing to those around me, as You have blessed me.

488 · Nov 2013
Psalm 11
Oh Lord fill me with Your joy,
Fill my soul with peace,
I need Your presence near to me Oh God.

You are good,
You are truth,
You are God.

479 · Sep 2013
Psalm 8
The Lord does not abandon!
The Father will not forsake!
Teach your children oh mothers and fathers!
Teach them of His great love!
Teach them to call on Him in times of trouble!
Teach them not to turn from Him in the struggle!
For of our own might we are powerless.
But You oh God are the origin of all.
Your dominion is all.
I will not turn my face from You.

451 · Sep 2013
Psalm 2
The Lord will be faithful in His own time.
For He knows at what time all things must end.
He is the architect of space, the origin of time.
Praise God, for His glory.
Praise Him in all His might.
I will sing a song of praise to my King.
I will worship Him all of my days.
425 · Jan 2015
Psalm 15
This I proclaim
In the name of The Lord
I am cleansed
I am loved
I am holy
I am worthy
I am redeemed
I am never alone
I am sacred
I will proclaim these truths
To the furthest reaches of the globe
In every village of every nation
I will proclaim the good news
His voice cannot be silenced
Let every man woman and child
Be His mouthpiece
Until the very end of the age!
Amen! Amen! And Amen!
347 · Nov 2014
Psalm 14
Lord You are the immortal God.
There is no moment that You did not create in eternity.
Nothing takes You by surprise Oh Lord.
Your plan for me is good and for that I will worship You.
No evil can befall me that You do not see.
No shadow can hide the wicked from Your sight.

Lord I praise Your name.
You are Healer
You are Deliverance
You are Eternal
You are Power
You are Justice
You are Beauty
You are Love
You are Holiness
You are Majesty
You are Glory
You are Strength
You are Comforter
You are Defender
You are Good
You are All That Is And Was And Will Be

305 · Nov 2014
Psalm 13
Will You turn from me Your face forever oh Lord?
Will You take from me Your favor?
My struggle consumes me
I am drawn into the grave
Lord will You not rescue me?
Will You not fly to my aid?
I am weary and broken down
My very being is detestable in my eyes
Lord, will You not comfort me?

Yet I know the Lord is faithful
He remembers His child in the dark
He saves His sons from peril
And His daughters from despair

Lord my soul cries for You!
My spirit screams and wails through the night!
My heart weeps for Your mercy!
My God! My God! My Savior!
Be  swift in Your deliverance!
Be merciful to this unfaithful servant!
You are just oh Lord
You have purchased my life with blood
And with it I am cleansed


— The End —