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The New Kestrel Sep 2013
It seems like everything is perfect.
I am excited to wake up in the morning.
I want to leave the house.
I want to shop for pretty dresses to impress you.

And my heart jumps and my stomach drops
Every time you look at me.

You're right next door, but it doesn't matter.
I still wish you were here.
Because of you,
I have something to smile for.
The New Kestrel Sep 2013
It's just a piece of cloth,
A sweat shirt you wore today.
You handed it to me because I was cold,
And your scent lingers.

It warmed me immediately

But when I tried to give it back, you didn't take it.
And I just held it to my face, breathing you in.

Now I am lying in bed, wearing nothing but that and a pair of shorts.
I know I will dream of you tonight.
The New Kestrel Sep 2013
Reading words
Written painfully
And accurately.
Histories revealed
And futures
Being dreamed.
And it
All conspires
To destroy
And demolish
Your mind.
The New Kestrel Sep 2013
I've tried so hard not to breakdown this past week,
Not around my peers, my friends, my love.
But I failed.

I broke because my math teacher asked how I was doing.
She meant the assignment, but the words still got to me.
I really need someone to hold me and tell me it'll be okay.
The New Kestrel Sep 2013
Now I know.
I am as safe as a secret.

Some will spread me like jam and eat me alive,

Some will savor the sweetness, taste here and there, and love me.

But who is who?
The New Kestrel Sep 2013
Technology is taking over.
It is making me and
The natural world sick.

Please help.
The New Kestrel Sep 2013
I am not good at using metaphorical statements.
The creative part of my mind is a brick wall,
Blocking everything behind it and keeping it from shining
Through this fog.
The words I say seem to be blank stares, waiting for a response, but not begging.
But of course they rejoice and hang banners and ribbons.
I am still not okay with being a porcelain doll.
Or a marionette,
Or a mannequin.
And I am still not good with metaphors.
But I can still show my soul,
Even if it is only a half finished painting.
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