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 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
my life was over or at least i felt like that
the only person i called a friend had betrayed me

mom made me help at that camp to get over my loss

and that's where i met the 3 boys who would change my life forever

you made me forget what i had lost
made me happy once more

i ended up dating one and he ended up being my first kiss
he is now my best friend no matter how much his mom hates be we will still always be best friends

another end up being like my older brother
we may not talk much be still he there for me i could be in tears and he'll say with me as long as he can to help me when i'm down

the last was one who has made the biggest impact
once i though of him as my older brother but he never really was he was more as a best friend it was after 2 years did i found out he liked me and liked him and now where dating

these 3 have made the biggest impact on my life and i'm glad i met them
these 3 boys where there when i was down we met at a summer camp were i was helping out they were to we have made this little group the 4 of us we have stayed in contact for 2 years now and i'm glad there not one thing i would give up the change the moment we met be it was perfect as it is i love them all i really do
 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
i'm weird
i'm hyper
i'm crazy

yet you all love me

your my best friends
your my wife's
your my sisters and brothers

you never treated me different
you took me in when i was new and showed me the ropes
after i learn i showed the other new people the ropes

i love you all for you are my good friends
 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
I can't wait till your here
But you will be here one day

I want to hold you in my arms
And so does Chris

You will be are little girl
We love you already as if you were here

I can't wait for the day you come

You are perfect to use
We can't wait to see you, hold you, and love you

You are, are little girl

Bell we love you
Me and my boyfriend plan to have a little girl she will be here one day and we can not wait for are perfect little girl
 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
how can you keep playing

you sit there acting all lovely on me
and yet you don't fell bad when you have a girlfriend

its bad when non of your  girlfriends can trust you
because you play them along like every other girl

but when i catch you in a lie
all you do is shrug and don't give a care

i don't know about you but at least i know what loyalty is

because down the road you just going to stay the same way never change and ill be the one married and have loving kids

but i guess you just don't know what love is
i have to deal with this on a ex who i have no idea what i saw in him it just makes me mad the he plays me along and tells me non of his girlfriends have ever trust him because he plays so much
I just wanted to say Thank you to every one who was at my side last night.
I really appreciate it.
I'm fine and doing better, I'm at school and getting through it.
Thank you so much! I love all of you and I mean that with all my heart.
Even the people that I don't really talk to or really know, Thank you with for your support.
It was a moment of serious insanity and a horrible mistake.
I promise I will never do it again.
I really love you guys! Thank you so much for the support and I promise I will never do it again, I will talk about my problem instead trying to end something so important.
 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
i know what hold for me now
but i don't know what hold's later

my life can change within a matter of moments
my life could come crashing down

my life was some in ruins

but yet you were there to make me smile and happy
to pick me up when im down

its happened once it will happen again
but yet you stay

im glad we met and im glad where together
 Dec 2014 the helper
lotus lord
 Dec 2014 the helper
lotus lord
The day I turn 18
Is the day you will be free

The plan I have made is to work and save money
Have a house where you can stay

You will finally be free of your chains

You'll finally have a place to go
A place you can call home
One you don't have to fake or be afraid

A place of peace with me

Sister/best friends forever
 Dec 2014 the helper
lotus lord
You want to help but all you can do is feel weak
Knowing your best friend is in pain

You want to help but can

Know the pain they have to go though everyday
The fake smile they put on for everyone else
Seeing the tear they hold back

All you can do is watch with tears in your eyes knowing you want to help do all you can but you can't
 Dec 2014 the helper
lotus lord
You brake my heart once same on you
You lost a worderful girl

You brake my heart twice same on me
I thought I could trust you again but it turns out I can't

If it was meant to be then they'll come back but don't force it
I want to tie her down and slit her throat,
Then when I do it watch her scream and cry for help
all while trying to stop the blood.

"Your not gonna make it. So you might as well take what came."
She looks t me and shoots me the bird she has managed to keep a towel around the cut applying pressure.
"Sorry, you may be my step-mom but that can still be considered ******."
I have the look of destruction, tasting and smelling blood, then my Vision goes red and I'm gone.

I walk up to her slowly and with a psychotic grin.
I lean down close and whisper in her hear,
"Is ****** an option?" then cut the towel and slice her throat once more, this time cutting the artery hard and deep.

I guess ****** was an option.
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