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The Darkness Aug 2012
I cut my thigh, to fill my well,
and moistened my pen,
so I could flow again.
I'm writing this
just to let you know,
that you can't hide from me.

Wherever you go,
I'll find you.
Whoever you become,
I'll see you.
Whenever you wonder
whether I still love you,
read this bloodletter,
and remember,
I will always love you...
until I hold your still beating heart,
in my palm,
and crush it in my fist.
The Darkness Jul 2012
On HP it's when you wait until they write a hate poem
before you respond to their love poem...
I'm ****** in the head,
but you already knew that.
The Darkness Jul 2012
When the little girl inside your head
is a better man than you

That is when you know
that it's definitely
not the time to quit!
Only after you have achieved your dream, should you even consider quitting. Never before.
The Darkness Jul 2012
Ted Bundy received communications,
on average,
from 200 female admirers a day.

John Wayne Gacey's second wife,
met him while he was in prison,
serving a sentence
for ****** a young man.

More than 100 British women,
are currently engaged to men
on death row.

What's my point...

Men are crazy,
but women are ******* nuts!
The Darkness Jul 2012
I'll bite
right through your windpipe,
while you drive the icepick into my brain.
can we at least **** first, baby?
My old lady is crazy, but I ******* love her too.
The Darkness Jul 2012
If I lose
my phone charger
one more time
I am
going to adopt a baby...
just so I have something to punch!
When are these jokers going to make a universal jack for these stupid things?
The Darkness Jul 2012
Don't get me wrong, I love this site, but we could be pushing the paradigm.
So here's the suggestion: I have posted five links to songs I enjoy listening to.
If you like my earlier work, you probably will like the songs too.
So, just pick one, and post a poem as a comment at the bottom of the page.
I will post a response poem, and anyone who wants to post a response after that can.
No comments, just response poems.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in,
well then listen, and write and post.

Hopefully we can turn this page into a deranged adventure.
Thank you for reading.





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