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 Oct 2013 Tessa F
SE Reimer
a dear friend asked just yesterday
how does your marriage last
thirty years and counting, friend 
would have to challenge even the best
two words said i
that's all it takes
“making love” a marriage makes
but please consider my definition
before you reach the wrong conclusion

they call it making love
but when synonymous with
one night stand
a party grand…

inflicts only a world of hurt
a soul bruised and burnt
call it what you want
but for certainty
love making it is not

you may disagree with me
but you’ll not disagree with this
the objectification of
our dear and fairer gender
never built a civilization
a community
or a family
only a heartache

love making then is work
love making begins
by dating those we love
not just for the win
but for life

more parts are we
than only one
love making it cannot be
until all three
a body undressed
a soul vulnerable
a spirit transparent
are undone completely

love making
the complete package
the whole enchilada
it’s a full meal deal
and inseparable from
sending cards
holding hands
tender whispers
kissing softly
hugging gently
need i go on?

because when done right
amazing are the nights
but oh, even so much more
are the days,
the months
and the years!


**go make love!
a couple of words added, and credited to a man with Soul!

Post Script:

to any naysayers...
please know that i know this is an opinion rendered by this writer
it does not reflect the views of the sponsors, advertisers or management of this station
furthermore, while i may feel sad for those who believe otherwise,
i neither judge nor hate anyone who calls it something different.
i merely hope to challenge those beliefs and suggest
that a less painful path lies just over yonder hillside
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
The missing
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
The black tide of Nothing swells
deep and cold, inside.


This tenuous filament we grasp and flail for,
this meager connection,
it is a smokey spiderweb,
an eyelash falling.


I am not the same person I was
when I began this sentence;
you have never existed
anywhere but in my blood.


The nothing of us,
this chasm, abysmal
and familiar.

My dearest, my darkest.

*My only
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
Awkward tastes like that glass of red wine you offered,
My name falling out of your mouth like a word you'd forgotten;
Awkward feels like your arms around me
and me trying to remember if you used to rub my back in a hug;
Awkward looks like not making any eye contact
but instead taking turns watching eachother;
The room was full of your family and latina music,
I hadn't been that happy since September
And all the while I could feel my heart choking
On the silence between you and I
And that big lump of "What now?"
That currently defines us.
Just a weird situation.
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
(c) Brooke Otto
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
No matter how long I stood under that hot water
It could not beat the defeated feeling from me
If anything it only bruised me more
I stared at white porcelain and products that
No matter how long I scrubbed
Left me feeling just as clean as that grimy shower curtain
I was coming to the conclusion that this wound was more than skin deep
And I had know that before, but I wore denial as a blindfold
Because in the darkness I couldn't see that all the makeup that I pretended wasn't very much
Was doing nothing to hide the puffy red and purple eyes
Evidence of tears, too many to allow for sleep
I'm too much of an open book for makeup and clothes to make any difference
I know, they know, you know
I'm tired of the look
The look of pity that has morphed into one of exhaustion, because they are all getting bored
With my mundane heartbreaks
I don't blame them
But this isn't sadness anymore
I'm lost
I feel defeated, by myself mainly, because I can't even pretend I'm mad
I'm just lonely, and I'm tired of not knowing what to do, or how to feel
I want to let it all go and have the "fun time" they're all living
But I don't like their fun, it's too much
I'm too fragile, always so fragile
I don't want to believe it's done and the all the best things break
I don't want to forget you, the way you looked at me, acted around me,
held me close in that same shower
I'm preventing my own healing
I'm fighting myself, still
And I'm just really
Really tired
You were warned.
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
When we kissed, I fell
into the grave you dug.

I loved you so dearly,
I forgot to love me.

You said, "goodbye, for now."
I said, "stay, for awhile."
3x 10 word poem
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
Here and now,
deep in nights cool arms,
I close my eyes
and see you.
I see a grey day blooming languid,
the only sound, your steady, sleeping breath.
This space between us, nothing.
This bond of ours, timeless.
My lips burn through the dying night, seeking the pale dawn of your neck.

Breathe deep and feel me now.
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
Into the Grey
 Oct 2013 Tessa F
Beautiful faces
Call to me

Whisper in my ear
Little soft nothings
Beautiful empty promises
Cotton candy street lamps
And crystalized rooftops

Comforting waves of
Soft, sweet, sleepy
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