For years, I imagined what you must look like
Images would flash on the back of my eyelids
in the time it took me to blink
And as time wore on, they adopted the detail
of a perfect figure
Line and curve, in and out
Contrasting colors in all the right places
And I became distracted by these images
Still time wore on
And I added flaws to focus
I pictured looseness and softened edges
So that I could continue to function
So that my heart would stop skipping a beat
So my breath would not be drawn so ragged
every time I thought of you without trying
And last night, I finally saw you
In all your glory
Not in my mind, but in a room with violet lighting
And you and I shared the same air
And everything was perfect
The flaws I had superimposed
Turned out to be as imaginary
as I thought the moment when I would find out had to be
And I felt your skin
Smooth and distracting
Nothing out of place
Line and curve exactly as they should be
And now, whenever I blink
That image of you appears in my mind
For an instant, and my heart skips a beat
Not because I imagine, but because I know
And the electricity flows from your hands into my bones
And I shudder at the memory of something so sweet
The moment we shared, so in tune
Everything followed the fantasy in my mind
And I can never imagine you with flaws
And for the rest of my days I will know how perfect your are
in only your skin