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 Dec 2014 TeenieM
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Some say fear holds you back.
That it shouldn't rule your life.

Some say they laugh in the face of fear.
But fear is a powerful thing.

Some say once you face your fears,
There's nothing that can stop you.

I say fear has saved me bloodshed.
It's kept me out of the hospital and the morgue.

I say fear keeps me in check.
Fear keeps me sane.

Fear keeps me from ******* up my wrists so bad that I pass out on the ground.
I bring that knife to my neck and that little, tiny voice says HELL NO!

So I don't laugh at fear.
And I definitely will let fear hold me back.
Because fear gives me something to shine through.
**** Everything And Run
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Who knew that something as small as a word, could cause so many problems.
Haven't you heard?
It seems like nothing, no one was hurt.
Intact on the outside, but inside was worse.

Words can cause pain and long, sleepless nights.
Words can cause broken hearts, damaging fights.
Words are more powerful than they may seem.
Once something is said there's no way to redeem.

Be careful of words, they pierce like a knife.
You just might impact somebody's life.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Looks like happiness ,everything right.
Smiles and jokes all day, but later at night.
Take off the cloak, what lies beneath?
Covered by a thick, bulletproof sheath.
Sadness, worries, imperfections.
Distorted images and reflections.
Trying to hide all that is wrong.
Blending in, playing along.
Drowning in emotions, getting no sleep.
Buried far underground, getting too deep.
When the light comes, put on your disguise.
Wipe off the tears, and muffle the cries.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Don't you agree, everyone talks too much?
Can't we listen, not talk, just hush.
I think you'd be surprised at all the things you'd hear.
Maybe the silence would draw more people near.
No more hurt feelings, or losing those you love.
Just hush and listen for guidance from above.
You're so busy talking, you can't hear what He says.
Although He's the only reason you're being blessed.
So here is some advice to those who won't shut up.
When you listen, you will learn.
And that should be enough.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Everyone should have a place in this world.
Whether you're goth, nerdy, or a preppy girl.
But where do you go when you don't belong.
Everyone and everywhere you turn is wrong.
Why can't we be accepting, to all human beings?
We're really not all that different, even though that's how it seems.
So don't leave out the kid with glasses and braces.
Don't shun the teens with acne covered faces.
There is so much damage little words can cause.
Just stop pointing out everyone's flaws.
I don't feel like i fit in anywhere. I'm too dumb for the nerds, too shy for the crazies, too lame for the cool kids, and too awkward for the older kids. This is the one place i can find people like me.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Hearing the murmurs from the hall, it's just grown up talk, nothing at all.

Peeking at notes looking through bills, lots of appointments, gives me the chills.

Deciphering stares, perplexed over whispers.
Raised suspicions, go to bed with shivers.

Desperate hugs, lots of tears.
The mood of the house has become quite clear.

Panic sets in, something is really wrong.

They both come in, wiping their eyes.
The words that come next are the worst surprise.

The doctor had confirmed everyone's greatest fear.
Sure, cancer happened, but never here.

It was devastating, but i would not cry.
Things would get rough, but i had to try.

There was so much to prepare to do.
It would take years to fully get through.

So then it was time, we just prayed.
The surgery took hours, but nothing was delayed.

Three days later, out of the ICU.
Tubes and machines, lights flashing red and blue.

But it was successful; came out alive.
Cancer took it's toll but it was beaten and we all survived.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Why do we as people, suppress the inevitable?
It's called intuition, we all have have it; incredible.
God planted it within us, long before.
But it's so amazing, why would you ignore?
Just look all around you, the beauty of this land.
The sun, the trees, the grass, the sparkling waters and white sand.
God created all of this just for me and you.
The least we could do is appreciate it.
Don't you think so too?
Instead of moaning about your wifi or '****** 3G'.
Be thankful for the simple things.
That's how God intended it to be.
When we were created, God put intuition in our hearts. We were designed to need something to worship. All of us know deep down that there is a God. Some of us just don't want to accept it because that's when we see all of our flaws and sin.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Do you know a three letter word?
The simplest thing you ever heard.
Can always turn your day around. Doesn't even involve a sound.
This gesture is stronger than any word.
You may think it's just absurd.
But these tiny letters h-u-g.
Have always had a big affect on me.
I really like hugs. They're a really small gesture, but they always raised my spirits and gave me the strength to carry on. <3
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Two arms to keep me safe and warm.
They help to shelter me from the storm.
And through all the pain and all fears,
I know those two arms will always be near.

Two hands that lock me in so tight.
I can sit there and cry when there's no more fight.
And through all the sorrow and the tears.
I can count on those hands to always be near.

Two legs so lightly wrapped around mine.
Slowly but surely they begin to entwine.
As it begins to feel just right.
I slowly drift off into the night.
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
 Dec 2014 TeenieM
Surrounded by the ones you love but no one's really there.
Voices and darkness always fill the air.
You sit in silence, with your head hanging down.
People don't get you, though they're all around.
Deep inside, the dam's about to break.
This time, none of what comes out will be fake.
Just bare, raw feelings; words you'd never say.
Be very careful, i might scare you away.
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