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Taylor Dec 2014
And I am so sorry,
Because no matter how much I love you,
I will probably always feel distant.

I could love you more than anything in the world, but at the end of the day, I'll still feel a million miles away.

And it doesn't mean I love you any less,
When I drift away.

I just don't know what else to do,
I'm weak and I can't help it.

I'm sorry.
Taylor Jun 2014
i still can't believe you had the audacity to come back.
Taylor Jun 2014
And you know what's insane? Our method of beating time was setting the broken clock in my room to the time he got there, closing my black curtains tight, and then sitting in my bed, pretending everything had stopped. Pretending like the sun wasn't going down outside, like the world wasn't still moving around us. Acting like every clock in the world didn't exist, because my room was suddenly the only world in existence and there was nothing else. Because that moment is saved forever, in both our memories and the book of the universe, and that clock won't tick until he's back for me. That moment is going on forever in my room, time stopped until his return, and I want nothing else.
Taylor Aug 2014
I feel musings and poetry on my tongue, in the back of my throat, on the tips of my fingers. Letters never written or never sent are inked across my brain and words unsaid are branded beneath my skin. I am composed of writing now, my greatest love. It will be okay.
Taylor May 2014
remember when you asked me to marry you?
Taylor Apr 2014
my tears have finally managed to fall.
Taylor Dec 2014
You leave the smell of *** and cigarettes behind on my skin and it's hurting me, it's stinging my nose and choking me everytime I breathe and my head hurts, my heart hurts because your eyes are so beautiful but you're ******, you kept whispering that you loved me but it hurt and my parents hate you and all my friends hate you but I don't hate you, I want to keep you.
Taylor May 2014
i can't stop shaking...
Taylor Oct 2014
So there's this ghost I know. It's of the you that's gone. He sneaks into my bed at night and slips beneath the covers and holds my hand with his icy, not-quite-real hand and I can almost feel him next to me. It's like he's almost real, strumming his guitar and brushing my hair back, and in the pitch black of night, he could be a physical being. Except he isn't, I'm not sure if he's a ghost or a manifestation my mind made up because I can't accept the person I loved so wildly has become someone I don't understand, someone whom I can't even hold a conversation with anymore. I don't mind that he exists in my bed in the dark now, except in my half-awake half-dream state, I can almost smell him, almost feel him.

But he's not truly there. I am alone with something my mind made up, or maybe I share my bed with a ghost, a part of a person's soul who loved me so deeply it split from the rest of him so he could be by my side forever. I don't know. I don't care.
Taylor May 2014
it's been 34 days and i've forgotten the feel of your lips on mine, as well as bits of our very last conversation.

*and i'm really not sure if that's a relief or a tragedy.
Taylor Apr 2014
my tears refuse to fall again.
My feelings crush me but refuse release
Taylor Apr 2014
incapable of breathing once again.
Taylor Apr 2014
and my veins are singing to be freed from my skin.
Taylor Apr 2014
you are way too beautiful and alive to fall for a girl like me, babydoll. save yourself while you can.
Taylor Apr 2014
the anger is starting to burn through.
Taylor Apr 2014
i'm fighting but i still want to die...
Taylor May 2014
fingers locked together, but something feels different. looking over and thinking, "oh."

*because the hand connected to mine isn't yours anymore.
Taylor Apr 2014
nobody even knows your last name
i'm sorry.
Taylor Apr 2014
i am wondering if this is what a panic attack feels like
I cant breathe
Taylor May 2014
where are you?
Taylor Apr 2014
the more pain i'm in, the worse i become.
Please forgive me someday
Taylor Apr 2014
i am relapsing.
Taylor Apr 2014
i feel like an addict going through withdrawal.
Taylor Jun 2014
why aren't you in my arms?
Taylor Aug 2014
You didn't call and the oxygen in my lungs is poison.
Taylor May 2014
and my smile has come leaping back.
Taylor Aug 2015
My friends say I'm building a bridge back to hell by getting back in touch with you, but that's okay.

If hell is where you're waiting for me, hell is where I'll go.

*Chasing something that died a long time ago.
Taylor Jul 2014
the sound of the gunshot will be the final scream i could never release.
Taylor Jun 2014
you've got a galaxy in your eyes, *but it isn't mine..
Taylor Apr 2014
i have seen what believing has done and i am no longer sure i want any part of it.
Taylor Apr 2014
the way i'm spiralling out now, i am in no position to make promises.
Taylor Jun 2014
i wish i were holding her hand for a reason other than to hurt you.
I dont love her
Taylor May 2014
i have yet to learn my lesson about playing with fire.
Taylor Jun 2014
remembering your long lashes and wide eyes-brilliant, with the stars shining in them-makes my heart stop...
Taylor Jun 2014
and right now, i just want to hold you so tightly that you fill the spaces between my ribs. i long for you to become the blood in my veins and the air that i breath, because i want all of you...even the parts invisible to me.
Taylor Apr 2014
and i find that i have been thinking about death a lot as of late.
Taylor May 2014
two things that are never meant to be.

*don't pretend you're sorry.
Taylor May 2014
my heart is not an instrument you can just play.
Taylor Jun 2014
and i want to apologize for not loving you like i should have, but for the record *you don't love me either.
I need to keep my lips off of her.
Taylor Jun 2014
you looked like a young god in black.
Taylor Apr 2014
it's almost midnight and your memory is slowly killing me.
Taylor Apr 2014
as the night sets in, my demons begin to eat me alive.
But I can't seem to fall asleep....I'm like a spectator watching a car crash, unable to look away, but I'm in the front seat...
Taylor Apr 2014
i want to float beneath the waves until all is forgotten.
I just want to sleep
Taylor Aug 2014
Finally forgetting you.
Taylor May 2014
and if i were ruled by something other than my heart, i swear, i wouldn't be doing this.
Taylor Apr 2014
numbness sinks into my bones.
Taylor May 2014
i am afraid of the jealous, wild person my broken heart has made me.
Taylor May 2014
trying to remind myself that i don't need you.
it wouldn't matter either way.
Taylor Apr 2014
i hope you're happy without everything we could have been.*

[p.s. *i'm lying
I do not want your happiness I want your regret.
Taylor Jun 2014
you are what makes me want to die, and what i live for at the same time.
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