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May 2014 · 207
8:24 pm
Taylor May 2014
and now I go from this content, docile girl to a savage within moments.
May 2014 · 287
5:21 pm
Taylor May 2014
please understand.

it isn't that i don't trust you.

it's just, i've been hurt so much and i hold so many things inside my chest, things that i have no idea how to let out of my shut throat.

and i am so very, very afraid sometimes, so very, achingly lonely inside of myself.

please show me how to open up.
for everyone that I have pushed away, and flinched back from in terror. For the friend who reached his hand out to touch my head and I flinched backwards so hard I almost fell and shook.
May 2014 · 236
6:48 pm
Taylor May 2014
you don't taste like heartbreak.
i swear i heard him screaming my name.
May 2014 · 181
6:57 pm
Taylor May 2014
and someone else has come and painted happiness on the land you had **scorched.
May 2014 · 200
7:26 pm
Taylor May 2014
you make me as happy as cats.
May 2014 · 189
12:57 pm
Taylor May 2014
you are my smile.
May 2014 · 187
12:31 am
Taylor May 2014
i am afraid of the jealous, wild person my broken heart has made me.
May 2014 · 175
11:14 pm
Taylor May 2014
and my smile has come leaping back.
May 2014 · 361
3:11 pm
Taylor May 2014
and i'm afraid that soon, *there will be no one left that i love..
May 2014 · 164
10:40 am
Taylor May 2014
where are you?
May 2014 · 165
9:51 pm
Taylor May 2014
my throat is tight and aching with every word i never said.
May 2014 · 150
Taylor May 2014
why don't you realize that it doesn't matter to me how much light is in this world? it doesn't matter that stars dance in the sky or that the sun shines down or that there are a million different colors here. it doesn't matter that the moon reflects off the water, rippling along the surface and softening everything. none of it matters because you are not here to share it with me. it doesn't matter what all the world has in it if you aren't here to hold my hand and walk with me.
May 2014 · 186
9:36 pm
Taylor May 2014
i.  am. not. strong.* i am paper-thin skin, ripped and torn, floating in the ocean with salt scorching the wounds. red ink pours into the water, and i am trapped in a circle of great whites, smelling the innocent blood and ready to feast.

i'm not strong. i'm scared.
May 2014 · 102
Taylor May 2014
someone make me whole again.
May 2014 · 139
3:27 pm
Taylor May 2014
baby, come hold me. *i need the way you rush my senses, let me float into you.
sweetheart, i need the happiness you bring
May 2014 · 279
3:02 pm (infectious)
Taylor May 2014
the slices down my ribcage are infected, just as you infected my heart.
May 2014 · 956
Taylor May 2014
dancing in the dark, a mass of bodies becoming one.

*nobody knows me and i have never felt so close with strangers before.
let me forget myself.
May 2014 · 420
Taylor May 2014
and they call me spectrum, like the colors flashing through the crowded room and the different spectrum of souls found inside.
a rave.
May 2014 · 129
7:25 am
Taylor May 2014
thank you for showing me how easy it is to lie about love.
it's nice to know loving me is a game, C.
May 2014 · 114
2:58 pm
Taylor May 2014
How can i be okay? When every time i see you....*i want to burn myself alive.
May 2014 · 243
6:20 pm
Taylor May 2014
everything we made together kept breaking, and now i think it was a sign.
you made a box with a love note and the moment it touched my hands the door broke.
May 2014 · 211
6:18 pm
Taylor May 2014
He doesn't even kiss like you.
May 2014 · 233
11:33 am
Taylor May 2014
my heart is not an instrument you can just play.
May 2014 · 139
7:49 pm
Taylor May 2014
and i am finally starting to be *okay.
May 2014 · 131
how do i put this nicely
Taylor May 2014
i do not like the way you look at my boyfriend.
May 2014 · 166
7:53 pm
Taylor May 2014
i'm tallying up your broken promises on my flesh, darling.
May 2014 · 218
i've lost me
Taylor May 2014
now, i have lost sight of myself completely.

*i no longer remember the days past as anything but blurs of pain and kissing the unfamiliar.
May 2014 · 137
Taylor May 2014
life and death have ceased to **matter to me.
all i care about is getting away from you.
May 2014 · 132
Taylor May 2014
Talk to me when you know how it feels to stop caring about rather or not you live or *die.
May 2014 · 240
2:59 pm
Taylor May 2014
ripping the flesh from my palms because your ***** won't leave me alone..
May 2014 · 168
12:31 pm
Taylor May 2014
trying to remind myself that i don't need you.
it wouldn't matter either way.
May 2014 · 202
11:32 am
Taylor May 2014
two things that are never meant to be.

*don't pretend you're sorry.
May 2014 · 140
Taylor May 2014
and if i stay the night with you, will it fix me?
May 2014 · 202
10:21 am
Taylor May 2014
i can't stop shaking...
May 2014 · 318
please understand
Taylor May 2014
that this violent person is not me, and you have turned me into a beast.
now i must stay away for whatever is left of my sanity.
Taylor May 2014
you made the near-constant chatter in my head stop, but now you are gone and all i hear is *screaming.
your arms put me at ease and now i have been replaced and i want to break them.
May 2014 · 168
Taylor May 2014
and now, she is trying to eat whatever small bits of happiness i have left.
May 2014 · 141
6:16 pm
Taylor May 2014
if i can't accept myself, *who will?
Taylor May 2014
it feels as though my heart is being ripped apart while it is still inside my chest.

*please, just rip it out already.
May 2014 · 157
4:04 pm
Taylor May 2014
you are not the boy i fell in love with.

*you are just a stranger wearing his face.
May 2014 · 197
i can't even scream
Taylor May 2014
i open my mouth to scream, but not a sound comes out.

*my only way to shout is through poetry.
May 2014 · 207
nobody wants the truth
Taylor May 2014
everyone asks what's wrong, but *what do you say when the answer is nearly everything?
May 2014 · 110
Taylor May 2014
please just rip my heart out already.
May 2014 · 156
10:14 pm
Taylor May 2014
remember when you asked me to marry you?
May 2014 · 155
9:53 am
Taylor May 2014
i am just another dead thing beneath your boot.
May 2014 · 191
i am lost
Taylor May 2014
i am not strong.*

i smell like strange girls and strange places
and a strange boys lips brand my cut thighs.

i know not who i am, and i have lost all control.
May 2014 · 200
9:49 am
Taylor May 2014
spending each day on the verge of tears takes its toll.
May 2014 · 416
9:26 am
Taylor May 2014
wishing i tasted of something other than cherries and sin.
May 2014 · 140
9:01 am
Taylor May 2014
if i had wings, you broke them.
like you broke me.
May 2014 · 164
7:25 pm
Taylor May 2014
i'm just another dead butterfly at your feet.
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