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Taylor Evans Apr 2013
So small, so fragile.
he's finally here.
The sweet baby boy I always knew I'd have.
He is perfect.
Ten fingers
ten toes
Two eyes
One smile
What else could a mother ask for?
he will be great as he grows
he will grow strong and tall
He will lead our nation
I have carried his soul inside of mine my whole life
His being inside mine for just over 9months
I know he will be extraordinary
holding my extraordinary boy in my arms,
He begins to wheeze;
The nurse quickly rips him from my embrace
She rushes him out of the room.
my baby boy
my warrior
Was I wrong?
is he not,
Written through my sister's eyes.  2011
Taylor Evans Apr 2013
I am from band-aids
    From scraped knees and Neosporin.
I am from the gravel
    That seperated my feet from the hard ground.
    (Covered with the color of gray,
    But felt red hot under the sun's rays)
I am from the backyard,
    From the lilac bush,
    Whose roots are still buried deep
    in the earth.

I am from the Hundred Acre Woods,
    From Pooh Bear and Christopher Robin.
I am from knock-knock jokes,
    And non-stop giggles,
    From water colors, markers, and cayons.
I am from Cherios
    With sugar,
    And early fall mornings.

I am from my grandmother's embrace,
    With watered down coffee
    And the Sunday newspaper.
I am from my mother's eyes,
    Who's deep brown pigment matches mine.

At 6512 Orbit Way, you will find a house,
a home. A capsule of memories,
Laughs and giggles,
moments of peace and heated debates.
I am from that capsule.
Where I'm from is woven into
every thread and fiber that is me.
Written in 2009 as a high school freshman assignment. Using the structure of the well know "where I'm from" peom. Who by? I cant remember. Sorry
Taylor Evans Apr 2013
They tell us hundreds of "don't"s
But few "Do"s
They tell us all
They tell me
They tell you
"Do as I say, not as I do."

When it comes to their actions
That's where they fall short
They don't comply
So tell me
Why should I?

Don't smoke
Whether it be tobacco or herb
Do they fallow the siermen they preach?
No. That would simply be absurd

Don't drink alcohol
Steer clear of the *****
You will never gain a thing from drinking
you will only loose
Especially if you drink and drive
if you're lucky enough to survive

It is great advice
For if you drink and drive
You could end up paying the ultimate price
But who gets more DUIs?
Is it the "all knowing responble adults"?
who are "mature" enough to drink
Or is it us "reckless irresponsible teens"?
Take a guess. Which do you think?

"I'm the adult, I know what I'm doing."
Do they? Do they really?
Should there be this double standard?

If you ask me, that's a question with an answer worth pursuing.
Piece written in 2010 as a high school assignment.
Taylor Evans Apr 2013
Relaxing in the front yard
Peering up at the sky
Mesmerized by the sound of the leaves dancing in the breeze
Watching the clouds sashay by
The shapes they made entertained my cerebellum.
The warm summer sun bakes the smell of lilac into the air
My best friend relaxes beside me, mimicking my every move.
living in our minds
Not a single care
This was ours
Our moment
Our time
The grass was frigid and plush beneath our backs
The sweet breeze kissed our faces
This was one of my favorite places.
An assignment for my high school creative writing class. 2011

— The End —