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 Sep 2013 Taylor
It hurts to think
About how much I make you feel
Like you're standing too close to lightning.
How much you can't help
But ******* want me and
My whiskey flavored lips,
And how close you let me get
When I know you're just another meaningless
 Sep 2013 Taylor
 Sep 2013 Taylor
You're the smell of rain
And the taste of
Electric death.
Blister me
With your mouth
on my neck.
 Apr 2013 Taylor
vena cava
 Apr 2013 Taylor
half way through my run i forgot how to breathe
i also forgot how to forget,
about you
its been beading-
across my body's threshold, drenching
morning with whirls of
c a r d i o
spasms and poetic flux-
inhaling something new,
while exhaling
*the particles of memory
 Feb 2013 Taylor
Ashlee Cline
Silent winds break through my hair,
I watch you walk away through blurred eyes.
If only everything had been different then maybe.
I feel my body start to shake,
The weight resting upon my shoulders.
I hear your words repeating in my ears,
“I still love you, but it’s your choice.”

It was my choice,  
That’s why you’re walking away.
I can’t be hurt anymore;
I don’t want to know you for only the pain.
I can live with the memories, I can handle the separation,
I can’t know the future, what will become of this all.

To you I may look small and weak,
Desperate to pretend it never happened,
Wanting nothing more than to accept.
I can’t accept your choice, I didn’t make it, you did.
Wishing will only bring thoughts of loss and loneliness,
The “what if’s” will rise anger from within me,
Looking you in the eye and telling you just how I feel,
Brings terror to my heart and bones just at the thought.

The road in front of me is steep,
The choices I make will determine my path,
I carry a heavy load that I cannot bare,
I need strength to guide me,
A light for my feet and a peace to my fear.
I’ve always known of one but have never trusted,
Now is the time to fall into the unknown,
Put my faith into the unseen and just know,
Know that my strength comes from the One who gives life.

It was my choice, it still is.
Yours was made but more can still be made.
I choose to heal, to live and not dwell on the pain,
To love without retreating back to fear of what might come.
Scared of loss and distrust but also I hope for love,
Love can be healing and precious.
You will not skew my view of life,
I will move on. That is my choice.
 Dec 2012 Taylor
As I Watch
 Dec 2012 Taylor
Laying in the grass
With his eyes closed
I'm watching him
But he doesn't know
As his chest heaves up
I watch him sleep
I see him dream
But he doesn't know
The leafy green tree
Shades the sun from above
I sense the cool breeze he feels
But he doesn't know
Laying in the grass
With his eyes closed
I'm watching him
But he doesn't know
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